Dr Rhodri Hayward

Reader in Medical History
Email: r.hayward@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 2863
Room Number: ArtsTwo 2.32
I studied history at Lancaster University before going on to Edinburgh to take an MSc in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.
I returned to Lancaster for my doctoral research on the relationship between psychology and religion in Edwardian Britain.
I am a founder member of the Centre for the History of the Emotions and the Centre for the Studies of the Home.
Before coming to QMUL I held posts at Exeter, East Anglia, Lancaster and University College London.
Research Interests:
Recent grants
- 2018 Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship: Grant No. 212863 co=applicant with Jen Wallis. Laura Blair ‘‘Library as Laboratory’: Moral Treatment, Patient Libraries and Reading in Nineteenth-Century British Asylums’ £91,55
- 2016 Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Doctoral Studentship Grant No. 203457 Dave Saunders "Epilepsy Research, Neuroscience, and Subjectivity in Post-War Britain’ £88,530
- 2015 Wellcome Trust Grant No. 108127 Co-applicant with Thomas Dixon and Elena Carrera. Collaborative Investigator Award: Living with Feeling £1,615,699 (2015-2020)
- 2015 AHRC CDA Studentship. Co-applicant with Geffrye Museum and Suzanne Hobson (School of English) c. £60,528 (2015-18)
- 2015 AHRC and Imperial War Museums Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships Studentship. Co-applicant with Mark Honigsbaum c. £60, 528 (2015-18)
- 2014 Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Research Fellowship. Grant No. 103203. Sponsor for Dr Bonnie Evans Neuroscience, Psychology and Education: Autism in the UK 1959-2014. £174,518 (2015-18)
- 2014 Wellcome Trust Prize Studentship Grant No. 104988 Prize Studentship: Jen Adlem (£84,616 (2014-2017)
- 2013 Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Research Fellowship. Grant No. 101454. Sponsor for Dr Chris Millard Illness and the Social Setting: Munchausen Syndromes and Modern Medicine (1951-Present) £150,422 (2013-16)
- 2013 Leverhulme Artist in Residence Award for working with Mr Lloyd Newson (2013-14) Grant AIR-2013-012 (£14,037)
- 2013 Wellcome Trust Grant Prize Studentship: Grant No. 101909 Ryan Ross £90,440 (2013-16).
- 2013 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship Sponsor for Dr Katherine Angel (2013-16) What is Western Psychiatry? Challenging Standard Accounts (£84,660)
- 2012 Wellcome Trust Prize Studentship No: 099362: Prize Studentship: Sarah Crook £83,912 (2012-15)).
- The Transformation of the Psyche in British Primary Care, (London: Bloomsbury, 2014): ISBN: 9781780937267. Paperback, 2015.
- Psychiatry in Modern Britain (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2013).
- Resisting History: Popular Religion and the Origins of the Unconscious [Encounters Series] (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007): ISBN: 978-0-7190-7414.
- ‘Darwin’s Changing Expression and the Making of the Modern State’ in Angelique Richardson (ed.), Darwin and the Emotions, (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2013), pp. 237-261.
- ‘Psychology and the Pursuit of Serenity in Post War Britain’ in Barbara Taylor and Sally Alexander (eds) Clio’s Dream: Psychoanalysis and History [Global Intellectual Histories Series] (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2013), ch. 14 (pp. 283-304).
- Sadness in Camberwell: Imagining Stress and Constructing History in Post-War Britain in David Cantor and Edmund Ramsden (eds), Stress, Trauma and Adaptation in the Twentieth Century (Rochester, NY: Rochester University Press, forthcoming 2012).
- ‘The invention of the psychosocial: An introduction’ History of the Human Sciences 25.5 (2012): 3-12.
- ‘Medicine and Mind’, in Mark Jackson (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the History of Medicine, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), pp. 524-42.
- ‘Making Psychiatry English: The Maudsley Hospital and the Munich Model’, in Volker Roelcke, Paul J. Weindling, Louise Westwood (eds.), International Relations in Psychiatry: Britain, Germany, and the United States through World War II. (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2010), ch. 4.
- ‘Enduring Emotions: James Halliday and the Invention of the Psychosocial’, Isis: A Journal of the History of Science 100 [Special Issue on Emotional Economies of Science] (2009): 827-838.
- ‘Desperate Housewives and Model Amoebae: the invention of suburban neurosis in inter-war Britain’ in M. Jackson (ed.), Health and the Modern Home (London: Routledge, 2007): 42-62.
- ‘Recovering R. D. Laing’ Metascience 16 (2007): 525-29.
- ‘From Clever Hans to Michael Balint: Emotion, Influence and the Unconscious in British Medical Practice’ in Fay Bound-Alberti (ed.), Medicine, Emotion and Disease, 1700-1950 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006): 144-68.
- ‘Mental Illness and Asylums’ in Jay Winter and John Merriman (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Europe, 1914-2004, (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006).
- ‘Grey Walter: Die erotische Neurowissenschaft und die Kybernetik des Gehilfenproblems’, in Cornelius Borck and Armin Schaffer (eds.), Psychographien: Medientechnologie und de Wissenschaften vom Leben (Frankfurt: Diaphanes, 2006): 61-86
- ‘“Much Exaggerated”: The End of the History of Medicine’, [essay review] Journal of Contemporary History 40 (2005): 167-78
- ‘Neurology and the Resurgence of Demonology in Edwardian Britain’ Bulletin of the History of Medicine 78.1 (2004): 37-58. Revised translation to appear as 'Daemonlehre, Neurologie und Medizin in Grossbritannien um 1900' in Nils Freytag & Diethard Sawicki (eds.) Wunderwelten: Religiöse Ekstase und Magie in der Moderne (Goettingen: Vandenhoek and Ruprecht, 2005): 163-80.
- ‘Emmanuel Mendes da Costa: A Case Study in Scientific Reputation’ in Ana Simões, Ana Carneiro, Maria Paula Diogo (eds.), Scientific and Technological Journeys. The viewpoint of the European peripheries, [Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science] (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2003): pp. 101-14
- ‘The Tortoise and the Love-Machine: Grey Walter and the Politics of Electro-encephalography’ Science in Context [Special Issue: ‘Mindful Practices: On the Neurosciences in the Twentieth Century] 14. 4 (Winter 2001): 615-641
- ‘Our Friends Electric’: Mechanical Models of Mind in post-war Britain’, in G. Bunn, A. D. Lovie and G. Richards, eds., Psychology in Britain: Historical Essays and Personal Reflections, (Leicester: British Psychological Society, 2001): 290-308
- ‘The Biopolitics of Arthur Keith and Morley Roberts’ in Anna-K. Mayer and Chris Lawrence (eds.) Regenerating England: Science, Medicine and Culture in Inter-War Britain, [Clio Medica 60], (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000): 251-75
- ‘Policing Dreams: History and the Moral Uses of the Unconscious’, History Workshop Journal 49 (Spring 2000): 143-60. Revised version in D. Pick and L. Roper (eds.) Dreams and History (London: Brunner-Routledge, 2004): 159-77
- ‘From the Millennial Future to the Unconscious Past: Prophecy and Psychology in the Welsh Religious Revival, 1904-5’ in Bertrand Taithe (ed.), The Power of Prophecy (Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1997): 161-80
Editorial Positions
- Editorial Board, History of the Human Sciences (link is external)
- Editor, Bloomsbury Course Companions in the Medical Humanities
- Editorial Board, Clio Medica Perspectives in the Medical Humanities
I welcome applications from candidates wishing to undertake doctoral research in the following areas:
- History of Psychiatry in 19th and 20th century Britain
- History of the Psychological Sciences in 19th and 20th century Britain
- History of the Emotions and Subjectivity in Modern Britain
- The History of Magic and the Supernatural in Modern Britain
- History of Altered States
I have supervised twenty doctoral students and examined twenty PhDs.
Current PHD Students
- Ryan Ross – Gender, Health and Home in Postwar Britain: A Study of the Role of the Home in the Emotional Health of Men, c. 1945-1970
Public Engagement
I occasionally appear on TV and radio: highlights include an upsetting episode of ITV's Secrets of the Asylum with Christopher Biggins and a documentary on the history of the flicker effect with Iggy Pop (link is external) I enjoy working with artists and have sponsored Lloyd Newson's (DV8) Leverhulme Artist in Residence Award and worked with Nye Thompson on her broad investigation into emotions, surveillance and artificial intelligence. In 2020, I worked with the performance artist, Stacy Makishi investigating magic, rituals and the idea of home as part of the QM Conversations Project.