Corporate Finance MSc
Part of: Economics and Finance
- Comprehensive training in finance
- Special focus on valuation of firms and investment projects as well as on optimal capital structure
- Compare with other MSc courses in SEF
This programme is based in the School of Economics and Finance (SEF) on Queen Mary’s Mile End campus.
School of Economics and Finance
- Around 1,000 master’s students from all over the world
Core modules taught by research-active academics
Elective modules taught by finance-industry professionals and professional economists with much practical experience
- Ranked
- 4th in the UK for research output in economics and econometrics in the Research Excellence Framework in 2021
- 50th in the Shanghai Global Ranking for Economics in 2024
- In top 100 in the Shanghai Global Ranking for Finance in 2024
- 84th in the QS World University Rankings for Economics & Econometrics in 2023
- Competitively relative to Russell Group (group of top research universities in UK) based on PTES (leading survey of postgraduate programmes in UK)
- Wide range of elective modules as well as professional development modules on programming languages, trading platforms such as Bloomberg, etc. (see Programme structure)
- Student investment fund (QUMMIF) provides practical skills in financial analysis and trading as well as opportunities to network with fellow students, academics, and city professionals
- Possible to complete the Bloomberg Market Concepts Certificate (Bloomberg terminals available)

Campus and Facilities
- Close to London’s financial districts (the City of London and Canary Wharf)
- Postgraduate accommodation (find out more regarding eligibility, and application deadlines).
- State-of-the-art building
- The latest computer labs with mathematical and trading software (e.g. Reuters and Bloomberg)

Master Journey Webinars
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Register nowProgramme structure
Optional pre-semester modules in maths and statistics.
A choice between:
- 6 compulsory modules + 5 elective modules + research project (2,500 words)
- 6 compulsory modules + 3 elective modules + dissertation (7,000 words)
- 6 compulsory modules + 3 elective modules + Further Topics in Valuation + applied project in valuation (4,000 words)
Academic year timeline (with semester dates, etc.) are available here.
Information about assessment is available here.
Compulsory modules and dissertation/research project
Applied Corporate Finance
In this module we are going to explore how firms finance their activities and the resulting capital structure. We will consider the circumstances where the choice of the source of funding is irrelevant and those in which the choice of capital structure can affect the firm value, due to tax considerations or informational frictions, for example. We will then explore how the global environment affects firms¿ financial policies. In the final part of the module we will talk about the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the value of the corporations involved.
You will study a topic in depth and write up your analysis. In general, the topic can be either an empirical one (in which case it involves the analysis of data using econometric techniques) or a valuation one (in which case it involves the rigorous valuation of a company or companies). A list of suggested topics will be provided, but you can also propose your own topic (as long as it aligns with the research interests of the school's academic staff). You will be assigned a supervisor who can provide you with some guidance, but you will largely work independently.
Financial Modelling in Excel
The ability to build flexible and robust financial models, is a key skill in the financial sector. During the financial modelling module, students will receive intensive instruction on how to use best practice to construct a professional model. During this course, the class will work in Excel continuously. Techniques and tools will be introduced to ensure all models built are robust in their structure, easy to use, adaptable and transparent.
Practical Valuation
Valuation is at the heart of many areas of finance such as valuebased investing, mergers and acquisitions and initial public offerings. This course introduces students to company valuation and gives the background to all the tools used in the Excel modelling course (ECOM116) such as free cash flows and present discounted value. It will introduce a range of valuation tools such as use of multiples and real options. The course strongly emphasizes practical applications of these valuation tools.
Primary Markets and Securities
This course aims at developing key concepts in investment theory from the perspective of an investment banker, rather than a portfolio manager or individual investor. The goal of this class is to provide you with a structure for thinking about investment theory and show you how to address investment problems in a systematic manner. Special consideration is given to debt and equity capital markets, how firms use these securities, how they are priced and structured, and how they are issued. As well as introducing the operation of primary markets, this module also gives students an introduction to the key properties of the securities that are traded in financial markets.
Cases in Corporate Finance
Cases in business finance is an innovative module based on case method teaching. The module aims to foster the ability to write a structured financial analysis of a business within the context of its market(s) of operation. In terms of learning process, the module makes use of real cases, including, for example, Apple and Boeing vs. Airbus.
Research Project
You will study a topic in some depth and write up your analysis. Typically, the research project will consist of a literature review. A list of suggested topics will be provided, but you can also propose your own topic (as long as it aligns with the research interests of the school's academic staff). You will be assigned a supervisor who can provide you with some guidance, but you will largely work independently.
Financial Statement Analysis
The model teaches students how to analyse financial statements. Students learn about the basic structure of and the various items in balance sheets, profit & loss statements, and cash flow statements. Key financial indicators (related to leverage, different notions of profit, etc.) are introduced. The module emphasises the perspective of the user of financial statements rather than that of accountants and auditors.
Applied Project in Valuation
This module provides a practical, hands-on approach to valuation, enabling students to independently apply key valuation techniques to real-world financial data. Focused on employability, it develops essential skills for careers in corporate finance, investment banking, and asset management. Unlike other valuation modules, this project emphasises independent work, allowing students to deepen their analytical abilities and apply theoretical knowledge to industry-relevant valuation tasks.
Elective modules
Financial Derivatives
The purpose of this module is to provide students with an overview of the theory and practice of pricing and hedging derivative securities. These include forward and futures contracts, swaps, and many different types of options. This module covers diverse areas of derivatives, such as equity and index derivatives, foreign currency derivatives and commodity derivatives, as well as interest rate derivatives. This module also addresses the issue of how to incorporate credit risk into the pricing and risk management of derivatives. All the relevant concepts are discussed based on the discrete time binomial model and the continuous time BlackScholes model. The extensions of the BlackScholes model are also discussed.
International Finance
Foreign exchange is not only the most heavily traded of all financial assets, it has the clearest interface between macroeconomics and finance. In this module you'll get an introduction to the main theoretical models used to understand FX markets as well as indepth analysis of how they work in practice. Topics include: understanding global imbalances, models of exchange rate determination, the structure of the FX market and how trades are priced, FX derivatives markets, foreign exchange intervention and reserves, and currency regimes and crises. Each week the key lessons of the lecture are illustrated through an analysis of current economic events such as the problems in the Euroarea, China's foreign exchange rate policy and the role of the dollar as a global reserve currency. We also price and monitor foreign exchange trades suggested by course participants to see how good you are at FX trading!
Behavioural Finance
Behavioural finance studies irrationalities in savings and investment decisions as well as puzzles on financial markets. Some key topics are saving for retirement, insurance, predictability of returns, and bubbles. Knowledge of behavioural finance provides students with a deeper and more realistic understanding of finance than is offered by the mainstream approach alone. Such knowledge will hopefully make students less susceptible to common mistakes when they make financial decisions in their personal or professional lives.
Commercial and Investment Banking
The aim of this module is to develop an understanding of the international financial system and its associated risks given the ever evolving regulatory regime.On successful completion, students should be able to critically understand, evaluate and question the operations of banks and of nonbank financial institutions, the process of deposit creation, the term structure of interest rates, the supply and demand of loanable funds, and the role of Central Banks. More importantly students should be competent in the analysis, interpretation and assessment of all facets and aspects of financial risk and its management.
Risk Management for Banking
The module is designed to give an insight into the risk management process and how capital is allocated. We identify the main sources of risk experienced by financial institutions such as credit, market, liquidity, and operational risks. Methods for quantifying and managing risk are explored in detail with an emphasis on understanding factors affecting Value at Risk (VAR) calculations. Finally, we see how reporting standards, regulation and innovation have transformed the way financial institutions operate and what can we learn from recent risk management failures.
Asset Management
The purpose of this module is to provide students with a practical introduction to modern portfolio theory and asset pricing, including active portfolio management, portfolio performance evaluation, portfolio insurance, and international portfolio diversification. On the successful completion of the module students will know how to implement modern portfolio management strategies and will be familiar with the practical aspects of asset valuation. The course emphasises real world cases and real world investment and hedging strategies.
Bond Market Strategies
Bond markets are a critical part of the global financial system. This module explores global bond markets from a practitioner perspective. The module is designed to help students learn key bond market mathematics, identify value and understand the key risks. The module will explore how bond market strategies can be employed to capture value, create portfolios and meet specific investment objectives. The course also links core material with topical issues in global bond markets, showing students the critical importance of bond markets for the banking system, the wider financial system, the economy and government policymaking.
Applied Wealth Management
The module looks at modern wealth management. Students will study the regulatory framework governing firms and individuals in the wealth management industry. The various asset classes (such as money markets, bonds, equities, property, hedge funds etc) will be examined and how they can be combined in wealth portfolios. The utilisation of pensions and insurance solutions will also be discussed as well as the areas of philanthropy and ethical investing.
Credit Ratings
This module provides an overview of credit ratings, risk and analysis. It explains the role of rating agencies and goes though the rating process; how credit ratings are assigned and monitored. It provides knowledge of both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of credit analysis. It presents credit rating methodologies and an overview of securitisation and structured finance technology. The module puts considerable emphasis on practical applications. It explains how a transaction is put together by an investment bank as an arranger. Then goes through the steps of how it gets rated by the rating agencies and finally distributed in the markets.
Mergers and Acquisitions
This module provides an overview of mergers and acquisitions from the point of view of an industry practitioner who has worked in both M&A advisory (Corporate Finance Advisory) and Merger Arbitrage Trading.
The module explains the role of Corporate Finance practitioners and the modelling tools they use to value companies and advise clients. The module also explains the role in the markets for traders and portfolio managers at hedge funds and other asset management firms who specialise in trading announced merger transactions and other corporate actions.
Systematic Trading Strategies
The use of systems for trading and investing has grown exponentially over the last twenty years, gradually replacing the discretionary judgement of human beings. This course will help students understand why systems have become so important in financial markets, and provide an overview of key concepts needed to understand and develop strategies for systematic trading and investing.
China and Global Financial Markets
China's financial markets and institutions operate in ways that differ significantly from those in other major economies such as the US and Euroarea. Despite the importance of the Chinese economy, these unique features of its financial industry are not covered in standard finance courses thus this module aims to fill that gap. This course is aimed at providing the students with an understanding of i) how financial markets and institutions operate in China, ii) how China interacts with global financial markets.
Real Estate Finance
Residential and commercial real estate is fundamental to bank lending and has become increasingly important as an asset class for investment banks and hedge funds. Its role at the centre of the financial system was highlighted by the 200809 financial crisis where problems in that sector led to the largest global recession since the great depression. This module aims to provide students with concepts and techniques for analysing real estate investment and financing decisions. The module covers mortgages and debt securitisation (secondary mortgages and mortgagebacked securities like CDO's), real estate investment appraisal and risk assessment, financial leverage in real estate, and alternative financing and investment vehicles, such as real estate investment trusts (REITs).
Private Equity and Venture Capital
This practical module will provide a deep insight into the landscape and practices in private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC). The course will combine sound academic theory with practice and will incorporate a PEVC ecosystem analysis, a review of the main fund and deal lifecycle processes, practical exercises in the art and science of valuation, growth strategies in portfolio management, a 360o pitching simulation (both as an investor and investee) and a review of the latest trends and complexities in the world of fund management, start-ups, scale ups, ¿unicorns¿ and PE leveraged buyouts.
Further Topics in Valuation
Private equity is a relevant source of capital for companies. This course explores the private equity cycle: (i) fundraising and structure, (ii) investing and (iii) exit. As valuation plays a crucial role in thie cycle, the course starts with valuation techniques: from traditional methods such as DCF to more recent methodologies as real options. Strong emphasis is given to practical applications: a DCF model for a target company will be developed in-class and a real world of case of Private Equity transaction will be exposed.
The juncture of mobile apps and retail financial services has disrupted the money, personal finance, and financial institutions. The digital identity and digital money are pillars supporting new business models in finance, including open banking, robo-advisors, smart contracts and many others. Fintech technologies, value propositions, best practices and regulation are illustrated by many examples of start-ups to enable practical, critical and creative thinking about business and investment opportunities from perspective of a small investor, a business analyst or an entrepreneur.
Machine Learning for Finance
The aim of this module is to explore commonly used machine learning methods in economics and finance. The majority of methods currently available are inherently statistical and so there is a strong emphasis placed on probability and statistics in terms of foundation. Practical application of methods is undertaken using R, although the course does touch on Python use as well. Students are free to use R, Python or other reputable scientific software for assignments.
Climate Finance
Climate Risk is becoming increasingly important in financial markets not just as a new risk factor but also as an important element of ESG investing and as a source of new financial markets (e.g. emissions trading and green bonds). This course aims to identify they key elements of climate change risk and how it influences finance.
ESG Investing
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) based investment policies have become increasingly important in financial decision making over recent year. ESG implies an entirely different type of investment analysis from traditional finance and raise important questions about fiduciary duty, externalities and disclosures. This module introduces students to ESG investing and the issues it raises.
Blockchain Economics and Financial Market Innovation
Blockchain technologies have triggered a fundamental change to the nature of money, payments, and liquidity, ultimately transforming the core of financial markets. It is one of the most disruptive technologies available at present, designed to simplify the value chains around trading, payment and market infrastructure. If fully adopted, blockchain will create a more efficient, more transparent and more secure marketplace whilst reducing transaction processing costs. Its applications span from banks to logistics to ecommerce, and the pace of change is likely to accelerate even more as new technologies such as AI become more prevalent. The course will couple theoretical lectures with practical coding applications and case studies on emerging topics in DeFi and FinTech with a focus on the impact of Blockchain technology on financial markets, trading, and investments.
Large Language Models and Textual Analysis in Finance
Exploring the intersection of finance and cutting-edge AI, this course delves into Large Language Models (LLMs) and their transformative role in financial analysis and decision-making. Students will engage with the latest advancements in textual analysis, learning to extract and interpret complex insights from vast datasets of unstructured text. Practical applications covered include market sentiment analysis, risk assessment, and automated report generation. This module blends theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, preparing students for innovative careers in finance, where AI meets financial analysis.
Applied Portfolio Construction
This module will looks into the major asset classes and how these are combined to form investment portfolios. The different asset allocation strategies are also examined along with the ways to measure and attribute portfolio performance. Furthermore, portfolio specific issues such as ethical investing and behavioural finance are also studied. The course shows how financial products are used in modern day banking.
Professional Development Modules
Optional, short, non-credit-bearing modules that typically run for a few weeks at various points during the year and focus on practical skills such as programming or working with trading software. More information about Professional Skills Development.
Amplify Trading
Amplify Trading is a professional trading firm based in London. As well as a trading floor in The City, Amplify Trading have developed unique software to develop and assess new traders whilst making decisions within the uncertainty of live financial markets.
Applied Portfolio Management
The aim of this course is to discuss modern investment theory, its central concepts, and practical applications. The purpose is to show the application of finance theory in making portfolio management decisions, with some emphasis on individual portfolio decision-making.
C++ for Finance
Students will learn the fundamentals of C++ with applications from quantitative finance and algorithmic trading. The course does not assume any previous knowledge of C++.
Finance Trading Programme
FTP provides a working theoretical knowledge and a practical understanding of financial markets, trading strategies, risk and money management and trader analytics at the highest level.
MATLAB, a high-level language and interactive environment, is used for numerical computation, visualisation, and programming.
Python for Finance, Investing and Trading
The focus of the course is on working with Python to analyse financial markets. The course begins with an introduction to Python and the general syntax of the language
More details about Python for Finance, Investing and Trading
VBA for Finance
The course will teach students VBA in Excel with applications to finance. The course does not assume any previous knowledge of coding or Excel
Career paths
Wide range of careers in financial sector, especially in companies’ finance departments or in investment banks.
We offer extensive careers support services (one-on-one appointments, practice interviews, careers workshops, etc.) to MSc students during their studies and for 3 years after graduation.
Job placement statistics for graduates from the MSc programmes at the School of Economics and Finance are available here.
Fees and funding
Full-time study
September 2025 | 1 year
- Home: £20,850
- Overseas: £33,500
EU/EEA/Swiss students
Conditional deposit
Home: Not applicable
Overseas: £2000
Information about deposits
Queen Mary alumni can get a £1000, 10% or 20% discount on their fees depending on the programme of study. Find out more about the Alumni Loyalty Award
- Cost-of-living information (including an Example International Monthly Budget excel file)
- Scholarships and bursaries
- Country-specific scholarships for international students
Entry requirements
Degree requirements
A 2:2 or above at undergraduate level in any subject.
Other routes
Candidates that do not currently meet the set entry requirements may also have the option to study the Graduate Diploma in Finance and Economics. Meeting the required grades on completion of this programme will provide a pathway to study MSc Corporate Finance.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Master Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90%; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 80%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 70%; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licence; Diplome de [subject area]; Diplome d'Etudes Superieures; Diplome de Docteur end Pharmacie; or Diplome de Docteur en Medecine from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Grau de Licenciado/a (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 17 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 15 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 13 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo/ Grado de Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 7.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 6.5 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 87 out of 100
UK 2:1 degree: 75 out of 100
UK 2:2 degree: 61 out of 100
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) or Bachelor Honours degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: High Distinction; or First Class with Honours
UK 2:1 degree: Distinction; or Upper Second Class with Honours
UK 2:2 degree: Credit; or Lower Second Class with Honours
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 1.5 out of 5.0
UK 2:1 degree: 2.5 out of 5.0
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out of 5.0
The above relates to grading scale where 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90%; or GPA 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 80%; or GPA 4 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 70%; or GPA 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from the University of West Indies.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours
UK 2:1 degree: Upper Second Class Honours
UK 2:2 degree: Lower Second Class Honours
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or 90 out of 100
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or 80 out of 100
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.3 out of 4.0; or 74 out of 100
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.2 to 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 to 3.3 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.3 to 2.7 out of 4.0
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from. For some institutions/degrees we will ask for different grades to above, so this is only a guide.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from the University of West Indies, Cave Hill or Barbados Community College.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours*; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0**
UK 2:1 degree: Upper Second Class Honours*; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0**
UK 2:2 degree: Lower Second Class Honours*; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0**
*relates to: the University of West Indies, Cave Hill.
**relates to: Barbados Community College.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9 out of 10; or 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 7 out of 10; or 4 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 5 out of 10; or 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 80% or 16/20*; or 78%**
UK 2:1 degree: 70% or 14/20*; or 72%**
UK 2:2 degree: 60% or 12/20*; or 65%**
*Flanders (Dutch-speaking)/ Wallonia (French-speaking)
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from the University of West Indies.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours
UK 2:1 degree: Upper Second Class Honours
UK 2:2 degree: Lower Second Class Honours
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Maitrise or Masters from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Bachiller Universitario or Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 85%* or 80%**
UK 2:1 degree: 75%* or 70%**
UK 2:2 degree: 65%* or 60%**
*relates to: Titulo de Bachiller Universitario
**relates to: Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area]
Bosnia and Herzegovina
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7.5 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 5 years) or Master Degree from the University of Botswana.
UK 1st class degree: 80%
UK 2:1 degree: 70%
UK 2:2 degree: 60%
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Título de Bacharel / Título de [subject area] or Título de Licenciado/a (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 8.25 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 7.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 6.5 out of 10
The above grades assumes that the grading scale has a pass mark of 5.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours
UK 2:1 degree: Upper Second Class Honours
UK 2:2 degree: Lower Second Class Honours
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 5.75 out of 6.0
UK 2:1 degree: 4.75 out of 6.0
UK 2:2 degree: 4.0 out of 6.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 85%; or 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 75%; or 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 60%; or 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 80%; or GPA 3.5 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 70%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 60%; or GPA 2.35 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree; Licence; Diplome d'Etudes Superieures de Commerce; Diplome d'Ingenieur de Conception/ Travaux; Doctorat en Medecine/ Pharmacie; or Maitrise or Master 1 from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20; or GPA 3.6 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Bachelor Honours Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.6 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.2 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Grado de Licenciado en [subject area] or Titulo (Professional) de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 6.5 out of 7
UK 2:1 degree: 5.5 out of 7
UK 2:2 degree: 5 out of 7
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 85 to 95%
UK 2:1 degree: 75 to 85%
UK 2:2 degree: 70 to 80%
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado en [subject area] or Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.60 out of 5.00
UK 2:1 degree: 4.00 out of 5.00
UK 2:2 degree: 3.50 out of 5.00
Congo, Dem. Rep. of
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies or Diplome d'Etudes Speciales from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20; or 90%
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20; or 80%
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20; or 70%
Congo, Rep. of
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Etudes Superieures or Maitrise from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
Costa Rica
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachiller or Licenciado from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7.5 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma of Higher Education Level VII/1 (Diploma - Visoko obrazovanje) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.5 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 4 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 3 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/ Arquitecto/ Doctor/ Ingeniero from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 4 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 8 out of 10; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 7.0 out of 10; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 6.0 out of 10; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
Czech Republic
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 1.2 out of 4
UK 2:1 degree: 1.5 out of 4
UK 2:2 degree: 2.5 out of 4
The above relates to grading scale where 1 is the highest and 4 is the lowest.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 12 out of 12 (2007 onwards); or 11 out of 13 (before 2007)
UK 2:1 degree: 7 out of 12 (2007 onwards); or 8 out of 13 (before 2007)
UK 2:2 degree: 4 out of 12 (2007 onwards); or 7 out of 13 (before 2007)
Dominican Republic
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 95/100
UK 2:1 degree: 85/100
UK 2:2 degree: 78/100
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90%; or 9/10; or 19/20; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 80%; or 8/10; or 18/20; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 70%; or 7/10; or 14/20; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 85%; or GPA 3.7 out of 4
UK 2:1 degree: 75%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4
UK 2:2 degree: 65%; or GPA 2.5 out of 4
El Salvador
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 5 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 8.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 7.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 6.5 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree; University Specialist's Diploma; or Professional Higher Education Diploma from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.5 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 3.5 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 2 out of 5
The above grades assumes that 1 is the pass mark.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 80%
UK 2:1 degree: 70%
UK 2:2 degree: 60%
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from one of the following institutions: Fiji National University, the University of Fiji, or the University of South Pacific, Fiji.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 4.0 out of 5.0*; or overall grade A with High Distinction pass**; or GPA 4.0 out of 4.5***
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.33 out of 5.0*; or overall grade B with Credit pass**; or GPA 3.5 out of 4.5***
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.33 out of 5.0*; or overall grade S (Satisfactory)**; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.5***
*relates to Fiji National University
**relate to the University of Fiji
***relates to the University of South Pacific, Fiji
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree/ Kandidaatti/ Kandidat (minimum 180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution; or Bachelor degree (Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto/ Yrkeshögskoleexamen) from a recognised University of Applied Sciences.
UK 1st class degree: 4.5 out of 5; or 2.8 out of 3
UK 2:1 degree: 3.5 out of 5; or 2 out of 3
UK 2:2 degree: 2.5 out of 5; or 1.4 out of 3
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licence; Grade de Licence; Diplome d'Ingenieur; or Maitrise from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 12 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 11 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 80%; or GPA 4.0 out of 4.3
UK 2:1 degree: 67%; or GPA 3.3 out of 4.3
UK 2:2 degree: 60%; or GPA 2.7 out of 4.3
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 91 out of 100; or 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 81 out of 100; or 4 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 71 out of 100; or 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 1.5 out of 5.0
UK 2:1 degree: 2.5 out of 5.0
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out of 5.0
The above relates to grading scale where 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: First Class
UK 2:1 degree: Second Class (Upper Division)
UK 2:2 degree: Second Class (Lower Division)
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Degrees from recognised selected institutions in the University sector or Degrees (awarded after 2003) from recognised Technological Educational Institutes.
UK 1st class degree: 8 out of 10*; or 9 out of 10**
UK 2:1 degree: 7 out of 10*; or 7.5 out of 10**
UK 2:2 degree: 6 out of 10*; or 6.8 out of 10**
*Relates to degrees from the University Sector.
**Relates to degrees from Technological Educational Institutes.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from the University of West Indies.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours
UK 2:1 degree: Upper Second Class Honours
UK 2:2 degree: Lower Second Class Honours
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90%
UK 2:1 degree: 80%
UK 2:2 degree: 70%
The above grades assumes that the pass mark is 61% or less.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Master; Maitrise; Diplome d'Etudes Superieures; or Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Graduate Diploma (Postgraduate) or Masters degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/a / Grado Academico de Licenciatura (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90%; or 4.7 out of 5; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 80%; or 4.0 out of 5; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 70%; or 3.5 out of 5; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
Hong Kong
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours
UK 2:1 degree: Upper Second Class Honours
UK 2:2 degree: Lower Second Class Honours
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor degree (Alapfokozat) or University Diploma (Egyetemi Oklevel) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.75 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 4 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor degree (Baccalaureus or Bakkalarprof) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 8.25 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 7.25 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 6.5 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 75% to 80%
UK 2:1 degree: 60% to 70%
UK 2:2 degree: 50% to 60%
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from. For some institutions/degrees we will ask for different grades to above, so this is only a guide.
For India, offers may be made on the GPA scale.
We do not consider the Bachelor of Vocation (B. Voc.) for Masters entry.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Sarjna I (S1) Bachelor Degree or Diploma IV (D4) (minimum 4 years) from selected degree programmes and institutions.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.6 to 3.8 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 to 3.2 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.67 to 2.8 out of 4.0
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from and the degree that you study.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 17.5 to 18.5 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 15 to 16 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 13.5 to 14 out of 20
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 85 out of 100
UK 2:1 degree: 75 out of 100
UK 2:2 degree: 60 out of 100
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Honours Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours
UK 2:1 degree: Second Class Honours Grade I
UK 2:2 degree: Second Class Honours Grade II
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90%
UK 2:1 degree: 80%
UK 2:2 degree: 65%
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Laurea (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 110 out of 110
UK 2:1 degree: 105 out of 110
UK 2:2 degree: 94 out of 110
Cote D’ivoire (Ivory Coast)
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Ingenieur; Doctorat en Medicine; Maitrise; Master; Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies; or Diplome d'Etudes Superieures Specialisees from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from the University of West Indies (UWI) or a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or First Class Honours from the UWI
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or Upper Second Class Honours from the UWI
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.4 out of 4.0; or Lower Second Class Honours from the UWI
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: S overall* or A overall**; or 90%; or GPA 3.70 out of 4.00
UK 2:1 degree: A overall* or B overall**; or 80%; or GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
UK 2:2 degree: B overall* or C overall**; or 70%; or GPA 2.3 out of 4.00
*Overall mark is from the grading scale: S, A, B, C (S is highest mark)
**Overall mark is from the grading scale: A, B, C, D (A is highest mark)
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 85%; or GPA of 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 75%; or GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 70%; or GPA of 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 3.8 out of 4.0/4.33; or 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 3.33 out of 4.0/4.33; or 4.0 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 2.67 out of 4.0/4.33; or 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours; or GPA 3.6 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: Second Class Honours Upper Division; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: Second Class Honours Lower Division; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7.5 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.67 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.67 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.7 out of 5; or GPA 3.7 out of 4
UK 2:1 degree: 4.0 out of 5; or GPA 3.0 out of 4
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out of 5; or GPA 2.4 out of 4
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (awarded after 2002) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 7.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 6 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree; Licence; or Maitrise from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90% or Grade A; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or 16 out of 20 (French system)
UK 2:1 degree: 80% or Grade B; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or 13 out of 20 (French system)
UK 2:2 degree: 70% or Grade C; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0; or 12 out of 20 (French system)
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree (minimum 5 years total HE study); Masters Degree or Postgraduate Diploma from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 80%
UK 2:1 degree: 70%
UK 2:2 degree: 60%
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90% or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 80% or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 70% or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 85%; or 3.7 out of 4.0 GPA
UK 2:1 degree: 75%; or 3.0 out of 4.0 GPA
UK 2:2 degree: 65%; or 2.6 out of 4.0 GPA
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 5.6 out of 6.0
UK 2:1 degree: 5.0 out of 6.0
UK 2:2 degree: 4.4 out of 6.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Licenciatura) (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diploma of Completed Higher Education - Level VII/1 or Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Maîtrise; Diplome d'Ingenieur; Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en Médecine; Diplôme d’Etat de Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire; Diplôme d'Études Approfondies; Diplôme de Magistère (Première Partie) – also known as Master 1; or Diplôme de Master – also known as Master 2 from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 80% or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 70% or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 60% or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: Class 1; or 3.7 out of 4.0 CGPA
UK 2:1 degree: Class 2 division 1; or 3.0 out of 4.0 CGPA
UK 2:2 degree: Class 2 division 2; or 2.6 out of 4.0 CGPA
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (awarded from 2000) from the Maldives National University.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Bachelor Honours Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: First Class Honours; or Category I
UK 2:1 degree: Upper Second Class Honours; or Category IIA
UK 2:2 degree: Lower Second Class Honours; or Category IIB
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: Class I; or 70%
UK 2:1 degree: Class II division I; or 60%
UK 2:2 degree: Class II division II; or 50%
Offer conditions will vary depending on the grading scale used by your institution.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/ Titulo (Profesional) de [subject area] from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.0 to 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8.0 to 8.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7.0 to 7.5 out of 10
Offer conditions will vary depending on the grading scale your institution uses.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Diploma de Licenta) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 6.5 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.6 out of 4.0; or 90%; or grade A
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.2 out of 4.0; or 80%; or grade B
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.8 out of 4.0; or 70%; or grade C
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diploma of Completed Academic Undergraduate Studies; Diploma of Professional Undergraduate Studies; or Advanced Diploma of Higher Education from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8.5 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Diplome d'Ecoles Nationales de Commerce et de Gestion; Diplome de Docteur Veterinaire; Doctorat en Medecine; Docteur en Medecine Dentaire; Licence; Diplome d'Inegeniuer d'Etat; Diplome de Doctorat en Pharmacie; or Maitrise from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 13 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 11 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Grau de Licenciado (minimum 4 years) or Grau de Mestre from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 80% or GPA of 4.7 out of 5.0
UK 2:1 degree: 70% or GPA of 4.0 out of 5.0
UK 2:2 degree: 60% or GPA of 3.5 out of 5.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree or Professional Bachelor Degree (NQF level 8 qualifications) - these to be awarded after 2008 from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 80%
UK 2:1 degree: 70%
UK 2:2 degree: 60%
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 80%; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 65%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 55%; or GPA of 2.4 out of 4.0
Bachelor in Nursing Science are not considered equivalent to UK Bachelor degrees.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 8 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 7 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 6 out of 10
New Zealand
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) or Bachelor Honours Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: A-*; or First Class Honours**
UK 2:1 degree: B*; or Second Class (Division 1) Honours**
UK 2:2 degree: C+*; or Second Class (Division 2) Honours**
*from a Bachelor degree
**from a Bachelor Honours degree
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 4.50 out of 5.00; or GPA 6.0 out of 7.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.50 out of 5.00; or GPA 4.6 out of 7.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.80 out of 5.00; or GPA 3.0 out of 7.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: Overall B grade with at least 75 ECTS (of 180 ECTS min overall) at grade A or above.
UK 2:1 degree: Overall B grade
UK 2:2 degree: Overall C grade
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.0 to 3.8 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 2.6 to 3.6 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.0 to 3.0 out of 4.0
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from. For some institutions/degrees we will ask for different grades to above, so this is only a guide.
Palestine, State of
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90% or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 80% or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 70% or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado / Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 91%
UK 2:1 degree: 81%
UK 2:2 degree: 71%
Papua New Guinea
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: Class I
UK 2:1 degree: Class II, division A
UK 2:2 degree: Class II, division B
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado / Titulo de [professional title] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 4 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out fo 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Grado Academico de Bachiller or Titulo de Licenciado/ Titulo (Professional) de [subject area] from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 17 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions or Juris Doctor; Bachelor of Laws; Doctor of Medicine; Doctor of Dentistry/ Optometry/ Veterinary Medicine; or Masters Degree from recognised institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 3.6 out of 4.0; or 94%; or 1.25 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 3.0 out of 4.0; or 86%; or 1.75 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 2.5 out of 4.0; or 80%; or 2.5 out of 5
The above 'out of 5' scale assumes 1 is highest mark and 3 is the pass mark.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licencjat or Inzynier (minimum 3 years) - these must be awarded after 2001 from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.8 out of 5.0
UK 2:1 degree: 4.5 out of 5.0
UK 2:2 degree: 3.8 out of 5.0
The above grades are based on the 2 to 5 scale, where 3 is the pass mark and 5 is the highest mark.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licenciado (minimum 180 ECTS credits) or Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados (DESE) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 14 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 12 out of 20
Puerto Rico
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90/100 or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 80/100 or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 70/100 or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or GPA 4.4 out of 5.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or GPA 3.6 out of 5.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.4 out of 4.0; or GPA 2.8 out of 5.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.75 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8.0 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7.0 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 4.0 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours Degree (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 85%; or 17 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 70%; or 15 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 60%; or 13 out of 20
Saudi Arabia
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 4.75 out of 5.0; or GPA 3.75 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.75 out of 5.0; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 5.0; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Maîtrise; Master II; Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (DEA); Diplôme d'Études Supérieures Specialisées (DESS); Diplôme d'État de Docteur en Médecine; Diplôme d'Ingénieur; Diplôme de Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire; or Diplôme de Pharmacien from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16/20
UK 2:1 degree: 14/20
UK 2:2 degree: 12/20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma of Higher Education from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7 out of 10
Sierra Leone
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Honours) or a Masters degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: First Class honours; or GPA 4.7 out of 5; or GPA 3.75 out of 4
UK 2:1 degree: Upper Second Class honours; or GPA 4 out of 5; or GPA 3.25 out of 4
UK 2:2 degree: Lower Second Class Honours; or GPA 3.4 out of 5; or GPA 2.75 out of 4
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) or Bachelor Honours degree from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 4.3 out of 5.0; or GPA 3.6 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.8 out of 5.0; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 3.3 out of 5.0; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (180 ECTS credits) (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 93%; or 1 overall (on 1 to 4 scale, where 1 is highest mark)
UK 2:1 degree: 86%; or 1.5 overall (on 1 to 4 scale, where 1 is highest mark)
UK 2:2 degree: 72%; or 2.5 overall (on 1 to 4 scale, where 1 is highest mark)
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Univerzitetni Diplomant (180 ECTS credits) (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 9.5 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 8 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 7 out of 10
Bachelor degrees from Somalia are not considered for direct entry to our postgraduate taught programmes. Holders of Bachelor degrees from Somali National University can be considered for our Pre-Masters programmes on a case by case basis.
South Africa
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: NQF Level 8 qualifications such as Bachelor Honours degrees or Professional Bachelor degrees from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 75%
UK 2:1 degree: 70%
UK 2:2 degree: 60%
South Korea
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 4.2 out of 4.5; or GPA 4.0 out of 4.3; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.5 out of 4.5; or GPA 3.3 out of 4.3; or GPA 3.2 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.5; or GPA 2.8 out of 4.3; or GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo Universitario Oficial de Graduado en [subject area] (Grado) or Titulo Universitario Oficial de Licenciado en [subject area] (Licenciatura) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 8.0 out of 10; or 2.5 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 7.0 out of 10; or 2.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 6.0 out of 10; or 1.5 out of 4.0
Sri Lanka
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Special or Honours) or Bachelor Degree (Professional) (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.5 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Honours degree from a recognised institution or Bachelor degree in one of the following Professional subjects: Architecture; Dentistry; Engineering; Medicine/Surgery from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 80%
UK 2:1 degree: 65%
UK 2:2 degree: 60%
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (Kandidatexamen) or Professional Bachelor Degree (Yrkesexamenfrom) (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: Overall B grade with at least 75 ECTS at grade A or above (180 ECTS minimum overall); or at least 65% of credits graded at VG overall
UK 2:1 degree: Overall B grade (180 ECTS minimum overall); or at least 50% of credits graded at VG overall
UK 2:2 degree: Overall C grade (180 ECTS minimum overall); or at least 20% of credits graded at VG overall.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor degree (180 ECTS credits) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 5.5 out of 6; or 9 out of 10
UK 2:1 degree: 5 out of 6; or 8 out of 10
UK 2:2 degree: 4.25 out of 6; or 7 out of 10
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 85%
UK 2:1 degree: 75%
UK 2:2 degree: 65%
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from selected institutions.
UK 1st class degree: 85 to 90%
UK 2:1 degree: 70 to 75%
UK 2:2 degree: 65 to 70%
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Specialist Diploma or Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 4.0 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 4.4 out of 5.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.5 out of 5.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.7 out of 5.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.40 to 3.60 out of 4.00
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.00 to 3.20 out of 4.00
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.40 to 2.60 out of 4.00
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.
Trinidad and Tobago
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or First Class Honours from the University of West Indies
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0; or Upper Second Class Honours from the University of West Indies
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.4 out of 4.0; or Lower Second Class Honours from the University of West Indies
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Licence; Diplome National d'Architecture; Maitrise; Diplome National d'Ingeniuer; or Doctorat en Medecine / Veterinaire from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 16 out of 20
UK 2:1 degree: 13 out of 20
UK 2:2 degree: 11 out of 20
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.40 to 3.60 out of 4.00
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 2.80 to 3.00 out of 4.00
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.30 to 2.50 out of 4.00
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.60 out of 4.00
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.50 out of 4.00
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Diploma of Higher Education (awarded after 2007) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 4.0 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 3.5 out of 5
Turks and Caicos Islands
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (accredited by the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0; or 80%
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.3 out of 4.0; or 75%
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.7 out of 4.0; or 65%
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 3 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 4.4 out of 5.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 4.0 out of 5.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 5.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 10 out of 12; or 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 8 out of 12; or 4.0 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 6 out of 12; or 3.5 out of 5
United Arab Emirates
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
United States of America
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: GPA 3.2 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] (minimum 4 years) from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 10 to 11 out of 12
UK 2:1 degree: 7 to 9 out of 12
UK 2:2 degree: 6 to 7 out of 12
Offer conditions will vary depending on the institution you are applying from.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) or Specialist Diploma from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90%; or 4.7 out of 5
UK 2:1 degree: 80%; or 4.0 out of 5
UK 2:2 degree: 71%; or 3.5 out of 5
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Titulo de Licenciado/ Titulo de [subject area] from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 81%
UK 2:1 degree: 71%
UK 2:2 degree: 61%
Non-percentage grading scales, for example scales out of 20, 10, 9 or 5, will have different requirements.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 8.0 out of 10; or GPA 3.4 out of 4
UK 2:1 degree: 7.0 out of 10; or GPA 3.0 out of 4
UK 2:2 degree: 5.7 out of 10; or GPA 2.4 out of 4
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters (Majister) degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 90%
UK 2:1 degree: 80%
UK 2:2 degree: 65%
Bachelor Degrees from Lebanese International University (in Yemen) can be considered for entry to postgraduate taught programmes - please see Lebanon for guidance on grade requirements for this.
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Masters Degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 75%; or GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 degree: 65%; or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 degree: 55%; or GPA 2.4 out of 4.0
We normally consider the following qualifications for entry to our postgraduate taught programmes: Bachelor Degree (minimum 4 years) or Bachelor Honours degree from a recognised institution.
UK 1st class degree: 75%
UK 2:1 degree: 65%
UK 2:2 degree: 60%
English language requirements
The English language requirements for our programmes are indicated by English bands, and therefore the specific test and score acceptable is based on the band assigned to the academic department within which your chosen course of study is administered. Note that for some academic departments there are programmes with non-standard English language requirements.
The English Language requirements for entry to postgraduate taught and research programmes in the School of Economics and Finance falls within the following English band:
Band 4: IELTS (Academic) minimum score 6.5 overall with 6.0 in each of Writing, Listening, Reading and Speaking
We accept a range of English tests and qualifications categorised in our English bands for you to demonstrate your level of English Language proficiency. See all accepted English tests that we deem equivalent to these IELTS scores.
Visas and immigration
Find out how to apply for a student visa.
- Starting in
- September 2025
- Location
- Mile End
- Fees
- Home: £20,850
Overseas: £33,500
EU/EEA/Swiss students - Deadline
- Home: 8th September 2025
Overseas: 1st September 2025
Required supporting documentation:
- Degree certificate and transcript
- To be provided separately for each university qualification that you hold;
- If you have not yet completed your current studies, provide a transcript of your results to date
- If grading information such as a GPA scale is shown on the reverse of your transcript, upload a copy of this page
- For documents that are not in English, provide a certified translation
- For studies at a UK university that issues electronic Higher Education Achievement Reports (e-HEARS), or similar, provide a copy of the e-HEAR
- Contact details of (or reference letters with official letterhead from) one referee from your most recent academic institution or from an employer (an employer can be your referee only if you graduated more than three years ago)
- Statement of purpose
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume
- English language certificate if applicable (see the “Entry Requirements” tab)
- For questions about this programme or about how to apply, email