To open the doors of opportunity.
To create a truly inclusive environment, building on our cherished cultural diversity, where students and staff flourish, reach their full potential and are proud to be part of the University. Dedicated to the public good, we will generate new knowledge, challenge existing knowledge, and engage locally, nationally and internationally to create a better world.
Our core values
We will be inclusive and maintain our proud tradition of nurturing and supporting talented students and staff regardless of their background and circumstances, and continually enhance our strong engagement with our local and global communities.
We are proud of the difference we can all make when we work collectively.
We are ambitious and we will foster innovation and creativity, disrupt conventional thought, and respond with imagination to new opportunities to further our vision, mission and academic ambitions.
We will be collegial and promote a strong collegial community through openness, listening, understanding, co-operation and co-creation, ensuring focused delivery of our collective vision and strategy.
We will act with the highest ethical standards, and with integrity, in all that we do.
Saving lives
Trauma science
Queen Mary’s Centre for Trauma Sciences is a world-leading centre of excellence for translational trauma research. Our research has underpinned
significant reductions in trauma deaths.
Lord Clement-Jones, Chair of Council
It is an honour and a privilege to be the Chair of the Council of this extraordinary University.
I began this role in September 2017 and was immediately struck by both the differences and similarities between Queen Mary and other Russell Group universities. Queen Mary has world-leading research across wide-ranging disciplines, but we should be much more ambitious about highlighting them. The University also has extraordinary student demographics. More than 90% of our home students come from state schools, with 40% of our home students being the first in their family to go to university. In addition, there are over 160 nationalities represented on the University’s London campuses. Queen Mary’s student population is a wonderfully diverse mix, where people who grew up around the corner exchange ideas in corridors with those from the other side of the world. Our students need to be nurtured and developed. Student support in all its forms is critical for all students, but particularly for those who are a long way from home, have overcome significant obstacles to get to university or have many other competing priorities in their lives, such as caring responsibilities. There are also the joys – and challenges – of educating a diverse group of students. It is surely more rewarding than teaching a more uniform group but it requires different techniques, and an ongoing commitment to the development of excellent education and student support by the University.
Never has it been more true that the only constant, for the higher education sector, is change. It is impossible to predict what will happen over the course of the next few years in the sector, or to accurately predict the labour market for which we are preparing our students. Looking beyond higher education we also do not know whether the current economic and political turmoil in countries across the globe, including our own, will spiral or settle. We do know, however, that students preparing for university are evermore savvy and socially conscious. They understand the importance of a well-rounded education, lifelong learning, adaptability and personal resilience. As a society, we are continuing to battle the ingrained issues of the economic divide, to ensure that everyone has the chance to fulfil their potential, irrespective of their background.
I am confident this strategy will deliver: for Queen Mary, for its communities, and for society. It is a bold strategy, which builds on the University’s strengths – its fabulous communities. It is built on firm foundations and a continual commitment to excellence, to furrowing the University’s own path, and to financial sustainability. I commend to you Queen Mary’s Strategy 2019 – 2030.
Improving lives
Transforming lives through the arts.
People’s Palace Projects (PPP) is an independent arts charity founded in 1996 by Professor Paul Heritage of Queen Mary’s School of English and Drama.
PPP brings artists, activists, academics and audiences together for projects that address a wide range of social justice and human rights issues. An example People Palace Project
is ‘With One Voice’: a choir formed by people with experience of homelessness in Brazil. In this picture the choir is performing on the stairs of the Municipal Theatre Rio, as part of Rio 2016 Cultural Olympiad. Photo by Lorena Mossa
Our strategy 2030
Professor Colin Bailey, President and Principal
Queen Mary has a long, proud and distinctive history built on four historic institutions stretching back to 1785 and beyond. Our founding institutions are the London Hospital Medical College, St Bartholomew’s Medical College, Westfield College and Queen Mary College.
The vision of our founders, for each institution, was to provide ‘hope and opportunity’ for the less privileged population in East London and the suburbs of the City of London. These four, historic institutions now make up Queen Mary University of London, a global University committed to improving lives locally, nationally and internationally.
Today, Queen Mary is unique. True to our founders’ vision, we continue to open the doors of opportunity by seamlessly combining world-leading strengths in both education and research. We have an impressive and well-deserved reputation for attracting national and international students from all backgrounds, whilst retaining a deep and enduring engagement with our local community. Our potential to address some of society’s long-standing, and frustrating, issues with social mobility is unrivalled. We offer a Russell Group research-led education and attract local, national and international students from diverse backgrounds, actively seeking out and recruiting students from backgrounds currently under-represented at universities like ours.
Our strategy is based on our two main core areas of activity: education and the student experience, and research and innovation. Global and public engagement, shaping policy, economic and societal impact, entrepreneurship and developing partnerships are embedded in all our activities.
Our students deserve an outstanding education, coupled with tailored personal support. At Queen Mary, we co-create our pedagogical approach with our students to deliver a gold-standard education. Our wrap-around student support ensures our students are able to fulfil their potential and get the most from their studies and experiences. See ‘Education and Student Experience’ for more about this part of our strategy.
We have research strengths across wide-ranging disciplines: true, world-leading highlights. Areas such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Linguistics, English, History, Drama, Engineering and Life Sciences are nationally and internationally leading. The quality of our research speaks for itself. Through this strategy we will significantly build the quantity and capacity of our research, whilst maintaining our world-leading quality, through supporting our scholars at all stages of their careers. Through the creation of interdisciplinary University Research Institutes, Centres and Networks, we will build opportunities for scholars from different disciplines to work together to address the major challenges facing society. Our University Institutes will be vibrant hubs, both physical and virtual, in areas that align with our strengths and societal challenges including Global Health and Inequalities, Digital Environment, Ethics and Governance and Creative Industries. These will be underpinned by world-leading University Centres of Excellence and University Networks. All University Institutes, Centres and Networks will be continually reviewed and refreshed to ensure that they align with our core strengths and allow new and focused areas to develop in a creative and responsive way. See ‘Research and Innovation’ for more about this part of our strategy.
There is no doubt we are living in interesting times. The turbulence in the national and international sector, and in politics and economies, across the world, is unprecedented. Personally, I doubt this will settle down. Our contribution as a university will always remain the same, irrespective of external pressures. We will remain true to our vision of opening the doors of opportunity through our education and research. We will continue to expand the boundaries of knowledge through our research, to help tackle inequalities and other global challenges facing society. We will also build on our success of attracting students from traditionally under-represented groups and ensure we serve them well.
By the end of the term of this strategy we will be the most inclusive research-intensive university in the world.
We will prepare our graduates to take their place in an ever-changing world as the next generation of leaders in their chosen fields.
We are already a global university, with footprints in Paris, Malta, Athens and Singapore, and significant transnational education in China. Our staff collaborate all over the world, and the impact of our research is felt across the world. We have a strong sense of place in East London, which is combined with a global outlook and a full understanding that we must prepare our students to be global citizens. Over the course of this strategy we will further develop the global Queen Mary family and footprint. We will continue to build strategic partnerships with the very best universities and businesses overseas, further developing global policy relationships and expand and bring greater coherence to our physical and virtual international footprint. We will ensure our alumni retain a close connection with their University throughout their lives, and enable them to be our advocates and ambassadors as well as giving them the opportunity to contribute to the future development of Queen Mary.
The heart of this strategy is the Queen Mary community: our students, staff and alumni. We will support, develop and nurture our people so that they can be the best they can be. We want our staff and students to be entrepreneurial, and we will support them to realise their ambitions and dreams. We will embrace a culture of creativity and innovation and support our staff and students to take risks, within a managed framework. We will build resilience with our communities to understand that sometimes ideas and projects will fail, and it is how we deal with and move on from failure that sets us apart.
We are incredibly proud of, and cherish, the diversity and quality of our student and our staff communities. We know from experience that diversity is a potent catalyst for ground-breaking ideas: in conversations in corridors snatched between lectures; when science and the humanities work together; and between students who grew up round the corner and those from the other side of the world. We will continue to embrace and enhance this diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do in the firm belief that when different views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes place.
Writing award-winning lives
Professor Julian Jackson, Head of Queen Mary’s School of History, won the Duff Cooper Prize for his biography of Charles De Gaulle, A Certain Idea of France: The Life of Charles De Gaulle.
Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), French President, inspecting the Chelsea Pensioners in London during a state visit to Great Britain, April 1960.
Education and the Student Experience
We will deliver an outstanding, inclusive, world-class education and student experience, co-created with our diverse student body, enhanced by our world-leading research and latest technological developments.
The potential and adaptability of Queen Mary students is unnerving. We attract some of the brightest and best students from across the world and from all walks of life. Our students themselves do not always realise just how far they can go and how high they can aim. All our students bring their own unique premium of talent to get into Queen Mary. We will ensure that premium is embellished at our University and translated into greater attainment and opportunities.
In some cases, our students do not have the networks and in-built confidence to enable them to aspire to the careers they deserve. In addition, they do not always have the support they need to manage the many conflicting demands of their lives whilst at university. It is our responsibility to provide that support, tailored to each and every student, to ensure that they can reach their full potential. To realise this ambition this core area of our strategy is delivered through our education and student experience principles, supported by four pillars of excellence outlined below.
The education and student experience principles informing this strategy are to:
- Be the most inclusive and diverse Russell Group University and ensure that anyone who is able to flourish at Queen Mary can join us, irrespective of their background. We will actively seek out and recruit students from backgrounds currently under-represented at universities like ours, and will further develop, significantly enhance and champion the international diversity within our UK campuses.
- Raise the profile of Queen Mary, so that any student who might wish to apply is fully aware of the University’s strengths and unique offering. We will offer support to all our students so they can successfully transition to our University.
- Ensure everyone who has the potential is able to access a Queen Mary education without necessarily coming to London. This will include significantly increasing our community of transnational students and increasing the number of partners with whom we deliver such education. It will also include significant investment in postgraduate online learning and part-time opportunities. We will continue to broaden our portfolio of short courses including continuing professional development and executive education, enabling students to move seamlessly between different delivery options.
- Ensure that the holistic education and learning experience we provide is world-leading, co-created with students and employers, as appropriate, and reflects our diverse and international community. To deliver our cutting edge curricula, we will develop, implement and promote new pedagogical approaches using the latest, or our own bespoke, technological advances to enhance the student experience.
- Ensure that our community of undergraduate, postgraduate and international students creates a vibrant and cohesive education environment, consistent with a world-leading university.
Our four pillars of education and student experience excellence that inform this strategy are:
- Excellence in education.
- Excellence in student engagement.
- Excellence in student employability.
- Excellence in the learning environment.
The four pillars of excellence are presented below:
Excellence in...
The education we provide is led by world-class academics: our students are taught by the people who wrote the textbooks. Our strategy builds on existing excellence to ensure that students are co-creators in their education and the learning environment. Our teachers are equipped to meet the needs of diverse learners, and can support students to achieve their full potential and be leaders in their chosen fields. We will ensure:
- The distinctive Queen Mary Graduate Attributes are embedded in all our programmes, so that our students develop the knowledge, skills, adaptability and resilience to succeed in an ever-changing global job market and become active global citizens.
- Our curriculum is progressive, inclusive, offers inter-disciplinary opportunities and reflects our international standing.
- Our programmes are always devised with the student at the centre, and are coherent, easy to navigate and support overall progression.
- Our streamlined portfolio of modules is kept under review, working with students and employers, to ensure high-quality and relevance to society and the world of work.
- Assessment and feedback is focused, streamlined, aligned with progressing learning and supportive of students realising their academic potential.
Student Engagement
We will continually develop new approaches to support students in their learning and make sure they have a clear voice in the development of the University, working closely with Queen Mary Students’ Union. We will ensure that:
- Learning is individualised and our pedagogic development meets the needs of our diverse learners.
- We continually seek feedback from and work with our students to ensure that the curriculum, pedagogic approaches, assessment and feedback, and academic advising processes support the learner journey.
- Students are empowered to engage in peer-to-peer learning, assessment and teamwork, creating greater engagement.
- A range of extra-curricular opportunities is provided to engage students in skills development that will support their ability to achieve their own goals, learn and understand different cultures, and understand and contribute to addressing societal challenges.
- Student research internships are available every year to support the University in gaining student feedback on the entire student experience.
Student Employability
We will ensure our students are supported in obtaining the careers to which they aspire. We will provide:
- Individualised, coherent career management support for our students and graduates.
- The richest possible international experience for all our students through access to mobility opportunities, mentoring, enterprise support and international internships.
- Integrated placements, internships and research projects embedded in our programme curriculum.
- Opportunities for students to engage with our local communities, through volunteering and working in partnership with local organisations.
- Support for all our students to recognise, record, and see the relevance of their wide-ranging higher-level skills development so that they can effectively develop and market themselves to future employers.
- Opportunities for our alumni, who live all over the world and are leaders in a vast array of fields, to engage with our students to broaden their minds and employability opportunities.
Learning Environment
Providing a world-class digital and physical learning environment for students is crucial for their success. At Queen Mary, students are partners in the development of their environment. To ensure we keep pace with and predict their future needs we will:
- Ensure that our entire physical and our digital estate is accessible, flexible, effective, easy to navigate and fully utilised.
- Work with our students in the development, implementation and promotion of technological advances, continually focusing on enhancing the student learner journey.
- Work closely with our Students’ Union, to ensure that our campuses are vibrant and promote students’ health and wellbeing, engagement and sense of community.
- Work with our alumni around the world to extend the global Queen Mary community, provide a first-class support network to help students and alumni take the next step in their careers, and contribute to our outstanding student experience.
- Ensure that everyone at Queen Mary lives and breathes our core values and behaviours that underpin the Queen Mary ethos in all we do.
Searching for life
Proxima b.
Dr Guillem Anglada-Escude, Reader in Astronomy from Queen Mary’s School of Physics and Astronomy, led the team that discovered the new planet, Proxima b. Dr Anglada-Escude was named one of TIME Magazine’s 100 world’s most influential people in 2017.
Research and Innovation
We will be recognised for our distinctive, world-leading, curiosity-driven and applied research, and will continually build our research capacity for social, cultural and economic impact. Creating communities of diverse scholars across the globe is at the heart of our approach.
Leading research to cure haemophilia; a revolutionary new political theory; the latest advances to underpin the treatment of cancer and heart disease; pioneering developments in artificial intelligence; an acclaimed biography
of one of the 20th century’s greatest leaders. These are just some of the many recent outputs of research at Queen Mary. The quality of our research and impact is recognised all over the world. We will build upon our success, specifically by significantly increasing capacity in key focused areas and bringing research excellence together with real impact at all times. In keeping with our ethos, we attract scholars from all over the world and will create more opportunities for them to work together and make sure we are supporting and nurturing them at all stages of their careers.
Entrepreneurship, innovation and engagement are an embedded part of our research culture. We will maintain our commitment to achieving impact and involving end users, patients, policy-makers and the public in the research we do. This core area of our strategy is delivered through our research and innovation principles supported by three pillars of excellence shown below.
- Attract the best researchers from all over the world, and develop our staff and research students to become world-leaders in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and innovation.
- Significantly increase external research funding to support our research activities from multiple national and international sources. Our internal funding will be used to stimulate new activity in priority areas of research, used to leverage external funding, and to focus on defined areas of excellence and interdisciplinary research.
- Provide a world-class virtual and physical research infrastructure, available to all researchers, supported
by internal and significant external funding. Our professional research support staff will be effective,
efficient and agile in providing support through the full life-cycle of all our research projects. - Produce world-leading research outputs as assessed by our peers, with a clear and disciplined focus on global and local economic and societal impact. We will ensure that our research is accessible by adherence to recognised open science principles.
- Regularly assess how we support, review and undertake research to foster diversity and inclusion and ensure that our research practice is of the highest quality in terms of research ethics and integrity.
Our three pillars of research excellence that inform this strategy are:
- Providing world-class support for our researchers.
- Creating a world-class research environment, focused on our strengths, which enables staff and students to flourish.
- Producing world-leading research outputs and ensuring that research development, innovation, enterprise and social impact are embedded in all our research activities.
The three pillars of excellence are presented below:
Providing world-class support for our researchers
To support our researchers at every stage of their careers we will:
- Attract world-class research talent from all corners of the globe, and grow and develop our own.
- Support researchers to work across disciplinary, organisational and geographical boundaries.
- Lead innovation in doctoral education and support, developing and significantly increasing our PhD student population and welcoming funded full and part-time students from traditional and alternative routes from all over the world.
- Significantly increase our number
of externally-funded Research Fellows and postdoctoral researchers and
support them to develop a world-class research career.
- Support researchers to significantly increase external research income, and invest in targeted areas, including through our University Research Institutes, that align with national
and international strategic priorities
to maximise impact.
- Ensure all our researchers are supported to be leaders in their fields, through investment in leadership, management and supervision training.
Creating a world-class research environment focused on our strengths that allow staff and students to flourish
To achieve excellence in research outputs and impact we will:
- Create University Research Institutes, University Research Centres and University Research Networks based
on our existing and developing research strengths and societal need. These will be under continuous review, flexed to align with our strengths, and will enable focused investment.
- Build upon our discipline strengths to attract and retain the best talent, train future researchers and shape the disciplines nationally and internationally. Based on these strengths we will significantly increase our interdisciplinary research to address future socioeconomic global challenges.
- Provide sustainable and accessible world-class research facilities and attract significant UK and international external funding to support our physical and virtual research environment.
- Encourage our research community
to collaborate across the world, maintaining an agile approach to individual and research group partnerships, and grow and invest in
a small number of strategic international partnerships with leading institutions.
- Significantly increase our industrial partnerships, supporting funded collaborative research.
- Host Centres for Doctoral Training, and develop collaborative doctoral programmes with strategic partners,
to support research in our faculties
and in our University Research
- Mobilise our alumni worldwide – our global family – to help develop new research and industry links.
Producing world-leading research outputs and ensuring that research development, innovation, enterprise and social impact are embedded in all our research activities
To achieve excellence in research outputs and impact we will:
- Nurture a world-class research culture for our entire community.
- Continually increase the volume of our world-leading outputs, as recognised
by peer communities.
- Provide sustainable and accessible world-class research facilities and attract significant UK and international external funding to support our physical and virtual research environment.
- Encourage our research community to collaborate across the world, maintaining an agile approach to individual and research group partnerships, and grow and invest in a small number of strategic international partnerships with leading institutions.
- Support innovation, development, entrepreneurship and impact to address global and national challenges, including those articulated in the national Industrial Strategy, and maintain our position as a leader
in public-engaged research.
- Embed a culture at Queen Mary where impact, innovation and engagement are an innate part of all research activity, and publicise our impact internally, nationally and internationally to enhance our global reputation.
- Build on our core values to further embed a culture of engaged research practice, creating an environment where research can be shaped, conducted, and results disseminated with the public
as partners, at home and overseas.
- Become a UK leader in the measurable impact of licences and spin-outs from our research community.
Understanding life
Rewriting the bumblebee rule book.
Professor Lars Chittka, from Queen Mary’s School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, is a world-leading expert in explaining the behaviour of bees and how they shape our lives.
Enabling Plans
This strategy will be supported by detailed enabling plans, which will be regularly updated, covering:
- Education and the Student Experience.
- Research and Innovation.
- Policy, Impact and Public Engagement.
- Global Engagement.
- Infrastructure (Estates, Equipment and IT).
- Our Faculties
- Professional Services.
- People and Culture.
Measuring Progress
We will measure our progress via Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) under the following headings:
- People: the lifeblood of this Strategy. We will measure progress with staff engagement, satisfaction, and increasing diversity across our communities.
- Education: one of our two core pillars. We will seek to improve, and measure, equality of attainment, retention, and graduate outcomes.
- Research: the other core pillar. We will seek to improve, and monitor, indicators of quality and volume of research.
We will also monitor these enablers of our Strategy:
- Student recruitment: including our ability to recruit students from currently under-represented groups.
- Resources: our ability to invest in people, infrastructure and systems.
- Reputation: to ensure the world’s perception of Queen Mary is at least equal to our quality.
Financial sustainability
We will ensure that we remain financially sustainable in all that we do.
Given the challenging turbulent funding landscape we must ensure that our University’s finances are carefully managed and that our appetite for risk is appropriate to the environment in which we are working. We must continue to invest in the development of our staff and our infrastructure.
As a campus university in London, we have a costly estate and a need to invest in our physical and digital infrastructure to keep pace with and where possible outstrip the expectations of our students and scholars. These investments are carefully planned out over the next 10 years. This will include the development of new buildings, refurbishment and significant maintenance on each of our five London campuses, investment in IT infrastructure, investment in equipment, and investment and expansion of our residential footprint.
We are committed to working with alumni and friends of Queen Mary to help us achieve our ambitions and diversify our income streams. We will expand the use of our estate and make sure our facilities are fully utilised and our campuses vibrant in the evenings and at weekends. Where possible, we will ensure that our campuses and facilities are open to and used by the public. We will also find further efficiencies in the way we run our University, ensure our administration is lean and agile, and make best use of cutting-edge technology to underpin all the work of the University.
Our finances are overseen by our Finance and Investment Sub Committee, which reports to our Executive and to our Council Committees.
Artificial life
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
World-leading robotics and AI research and innovation at Queen Mary spans areas including human-machine interaction, design and materials and perception. We host a Doctoral Training Centre in Artificial Intelligence and Music, which focuses on music understanding, intelligent instruments and interfaces, and computational creativity, guided by real application needs from digital music partners across the world.
History of Queen Mary
Time-line of Queen Mary University of London
Document download
A PDF of the Queen Mary University of London Strategy 2030 document is available to download below:
Queen Mary University of London Strategy 2030 document [PDF 17,616KB]