Queen Mary’s mission is to become the most inclusive university of its kind anywhere. To this end, we aim to attract the best talent, while offering our students and researchers an environment they can thrive in.
We have the most diverse student body of any research-led Russell Group university and a deep engagement with our local communities. Building on these strengths and responding to local, national and global challenges, we will work with our supporters in the following priority areas, where we believe philanthropy can help us make the biggest impact.
Our goal is to maintain our proud tradition of nurturing and supporting talented students and staff regardless of their background or circumstances, and to continually enhance our strong engagement with our local and global communities.
Across our three faculties, Queen Mary’s research is improving lives and leading the conversation around the world. Whether it be unlocking the power of genomic medicine; creating a revolutionary new political theory; spearheading the latest advances in the treatment of cancer and heart disease; pioneering developments in artificial intelligence; or the discovering new worlds, the quality of our research and impact is recognised globally. Our excellence is borne out of our unique community and, guided by our newly published Research Highways, we aim to become the most inclusive research-intensive university in the world.
Find out more about our research strategy, priorities and recent projects.
Diverse perspectives, unique expertise: Queen Mary’s research delivers real-world impact and changes lives. Explore our Research Highways.
Providing a learning and research environment in which our students and researchers can thrive is crucial for their continued success. Queen Mary is fortunate to have world-class facilities and resources across its faculties, however we must continually invest in and reimagine our spaces to ensure they meet the ever-changing needs of a diverse research-led global university.
for quality of research outputs (REF 2021)
in facilities in the last five years
annual research income