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Festival of Communities


Members of our dementia group, including the ABATED study team, took part in the Festival of Communities hosted by QMUL on June 10th and 11th.  We ran an engagement activity that aimed to demystify dementia. We spoke to community members about what dementia is and used MRI images to show the changes in the brain in healthy, mild cognitive disorder and dementia patients. We also asked people what they thought a dementia-friendly community looks like. Our discussions engaged both adults and the youth who had family experience of dementia as well as those without previous experience. The information we collected will be analysed by one of the PhD students in the dementia team and we will share our findings in our next ABATED study newsletter. To engage younger children in our discussions about the brain, we hosted a darts game where children aimed at the hippocampus and a game we asked families to guess the number of neurons in the brain. Four winners were selected and the answer was announced on social media.



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