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Queen Mary Heritage

Yvonne Carter Building


Yvonne Carter Building

Photography: Norah Alghafis

Wingate Building                                                                                              64 Turner Street

Yvonne Carter Building

The Yvonne Carter Building was built in 1975-1977 for the London Hospital’s Department of Medical Microbiology and the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council. This building contains over 8,000 square feet of laboratories to aid in research, teaching and diagnosis work.


Sources Used:

A self-guided walk around The Royal London Hospital Estate in Whitechapel. Available: (Accessed: 15/10/2023)

Other ways to explore London Hospital Medical College

The Whitechapel Library

The information page contains all the information that can be found on the virtual tour in one, easy to navigate, page. 

Sir Archibald Garrod

The people page shows all the key figures mentioned throughout the tour, whose revolutionary work in their respective fields still assist in research today. 

Sir William Blizard

The stories page shows a walk through of how both the medical colleges were founded, as well as how they merged to become what we know today. 

Barts and The London Student Association

The community page celebrates the hard work and selflessness of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry community, and how this has benefited the local community. 

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