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Queen Mary Heritage

The Novo Cemetery


The Novo Cemetery

Photography: Norah Alghafis

Drapers' Bar and Kitchen                                                                           Clement Atlee Statue

The Cemetery found on Queen Mary University’s campus is the second plot of land that was bought in 1733 due to the previous cemetery needing multiple repairs and it had been quickly filled up. 

It is a burial ground of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in London from 1657 to 1735. It contains graves belonging to the Jewish community of 17th century and 18th century.  

Some notable people that are buried here, include: 

  • Diego Lopes Pereira – confidant of Queen Maria Theresa of Austria  
  • Solomon da Costa Atias – who presented a library of Hebrew books to the British Museum in 1759 
  • Daniel Mendoza – the celebrated boxer and the ‘father’ of the art of pugilism


Sources Used:

Queen Mary University of London Archives, Reference: GM/4/4


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