Green Week 2023
Green Week is an annual celebration of sustainability where planet-friendly events are organised to raise awareness about the environment.
Green Week was from the 14th to the 18th February and it was a huge success, with a range of events and over 200 students engaging throughout the week.
The highlight of Green Week was the Big Green Canal Clean, our biggest group so far of students and staff picking up litter in the stretch of Regent's Canal that runs along the Mile End campus.
We had volunteering sessions in the Mile End Allotments (behind the Village Shop) where we learnt how to take care of chilli plants and took some home.
Trees for Cities collaborated with us to recruit student volunteers for planting trees in Victoria Park.
Our Sustainability Coordinator hosted a Sustainability Skills Session as part of the Skills Award, discussing planet-friendly roles in a range of career and study areas as well as the skills needed to be successful.
The Careers in Sustainability online panel welcomed experts from companies such as rePlanet Wildlife, Bates Wells, IBM, EY and Greater London Authority.
Dr Bike returned in Mile End's Library Square to perform drop-in bike maintenance from an experienced mechanic, checking up on wheels, breaks, gears, tyre pressures, lights, pedals and more.
Student groups also organised their own events such as the Sustainable Transport Society who organised a tour of the tramlink network in South London and a stroll through Addington hills.
FFF came to the Mile End campus to sell hand-grafted garments and host a clothes swap or pay as you feel. Students brought in their old clothes to swap for tokens that buy clothes brought in by other students.
The Students' Union ended the week with the launch of a Veggie Recipe Book, made up of recipes from staff and students.
Anyone can join in or recommend activities for our Sustainability and Green Weeks; if you have an idea, or your society or department would like to be involved in future weeks please get in touch on