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AI, Ethics and Society


Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Dialogue

A core theme is fostering interdisciplinary discussions and research collaborations across diverse faculties such as computer science, law, philosophy, medicine, and sociology. This approach emphasizes the importance of bringing together varied perspectives and expertise to comprehensively address the ethical challenges posed by AI technologies.

Practical Implementation of Ethical AI Principles

The group aims to move beyond abstract discussions to the practical application of ethical principles in AI. This involves translating ethical concepts into concrete guidelines and frameworks for AI development and deployment, considering factors like responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, accountability, transparency, and security.

Research Integration, Knowledge Sharing, and Outreach

The group focuses on integrating research efforts, sharing expertise and best practices, and conducting awareness campaigns. This includes creating platforms for knowledge exchange, encouraging collaborative research projects, engaging with external organisations, and hosting workshops and speaker sessions. The goal is to enhance understanding and promote responsible AI practices within and beyond the university community.

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