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Queen Mary Alumni

A Gift For The Future

We would like to thank everyone for showing their support for our A Gift ForThe Future campaign. From buying mouth-watering, home-baked goodies to spinning the wheel at Winter Graduation, staff and students have successfully raised £283 for the Annual Fund - thank you! 


This autumn, we launched our philanthropy awareness campaign, #AGiftForTheFuture, to help develop staff and students’ understanding of what giving back to the University means. The aim is to raise awareness about fundraising for the Annual Fund around campus. The Annual Fund provides opportunities and financial support to our students who need them the most.

Two fun and exciting events have taken place since the launch of the campaign: Global Bake Off and Spin the Wheel. Thanks to our alumni, staff and students’ support, both events were a major success!

Global Bake Off

Queen Mary Staff at the Annual Fund Bake Sale

It was a delicious sight at the Library Square last November. The Regular Giving team held a globally-inspired bake sale to raise funds for students in hardship and to celebrate our University’s diversity. Our staff had a chance to buy baked goods from across 12 nations, ranging from Germany’s lovely apfelkuchen to Japan’s beloved matcha cookies. Both staff and students were extremely pleased to learn all proceeds will support students in hardship. A member of staff told us, ‘this is for a really good cause; it’s nice to learn that this is going towards supporting students.’

p.s. A big congratulations to Canada for securing the Star Baker title with its yummy Chocolate Nanaimo Bars!

Spin the Wheel

Students playing 'spin the wheel' game at graduation

We held a Spin the Wheel activity during Winter Graduation to talk to recent graduates about the Annual Fund. Graduates had an opportunity to spin the wheel for a chance to win gifts and try fun ways to learn about our team. Chocolates were included too of course! Participating graduates were also entered into a prize draw for a chance to win 2 free tickets to our House of Lords Annual Alumni Reception.

On the day, our graduates shared with us why they think alumni should support our students. They said:

“Alumni have an understanding of what students need and what areas could do with more and better support.”

“The network matters for lots of reasons, we should help students now so they can help future generations.”

Thanks to all our recent graduates who took the time to donate and learn about the Annual Fund. We wish our graduates every success in the future and hope to see many familiar faces at our alumni events!

Future events

Book sale

Textbooks aren’t cheap, especially if students need to buy one for each course they take. To help our students reach their full potential, we will be hosting a book sale, ‘Don’t Judge Me By My Cover’ for our next event.

Over the next few weeks, we will be asking our staff and alumni to help make #AGiftForTheFuture by kindly donating some of their books to support our campaign, and most importantly, our students.

Please look out for further information on when and where it will take place. We hope to see you all there soon!




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