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Queen Mary Alumni

Student Story: Adams Lau

Adams is in his third year studying Medicine at Barts and The London. He is one of several students to receive the Scholarship for Excellence thanks to the generosity of our alumni.


My name is Adams, and I was born and raised in Hong Kong where I completed my primary school education before coming to the UK for my IGCSEs and A-levels in Christ’s Hospital in Horsham, West Sussex.  

I am now in my third year of the five-year MBBS Medicine course and have started my clinical placements where I can apply the theories I have learned and put them into practice. I am really enjoying the hands-on experience and the clinical exposure, and I’m thrilled to be involved in clinical placements; so far, it’s going really well.        

I chose to study at Barts because I have always been interested in the clinical aspect of medicine and aspire to become a clinician. I knew that Barts has a strong reputation for MBBS Medicine, and I really like that clinical teaching is integrated throughout the course and I am confident that my education at Barts will prepare me well to become a competent and well-rounded doctor. 

This award has had an immense impact on me. It has made me feel appreciated and recognised for my hard work and it’s great to be acknowledged for my efforts. My family were really pleased to hear of the award too, which gave me a great sense of pride and it’s lovely for them to know their hard work to support my education is paying off. I was really delighted to hear the good news; the award has served as an enormous motivator for me to continue working hard towards my goal. 

My colleagues and I are also in the process of building an education platform for medical students, and this generous scholarship has been fundamental in lifting it off the ground. We are aiming to build a user-friendly online platform that focuses on summarising and presenting important UK medical guidelines, such as NICE and BTS guidelines for medical students.  

Throughout my studies, I have come to deeply appreciate the challenges students face while trying to manage copious pages of guidelines and learning what’s relevant. We hope to provide medical students with up-to-date guidelines presented in a user-friendly format, employing simplified flow charts, collapsible text and pop-up text functions for enhanced accessibility. This funding was a vital contributor to our financial expenditures, which included costs associated with building a website and a team. We have great ideas to expand this platform across all the UK’s medical schools and to European medical students in the future. My short-term goal is to complete my degree but after that, I hope to complete my post-graduate training in the UK and go on to become a fully qualified doctor. 

I think finances are on a lot of students’ minds. Education is expensive, especially when you need specific resources such as books, equipment, laptops, and question banks which all cost money but are fundamental for studying. Giving back to Barts and Queen Mary is a very kind and generous thing to do so thank you! I really appreciate those who have funded this award and recognised my hard work. This award will go a long way in supporting me through the rest of my degree and encourage me to further excel throughout my medical education.   



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