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Queen Mary Alumni

Student Story: Rani Muktar

Rani is a Medical Genetics student at Queen Mary University of London. Rani was awarded an Annual Fund Scholarship and shared how the award will support her through University.


My name is Rani, I come from a single parent family, and I live in emergency accommodation with my mum, 3 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers, one of whom has autism.There are seven of us all living in a 3-bedroom house which isn’t great as we have a bad case of mold, and the overall condition of our house is quite poor.   

I chose Queen Mary University of London as studying somewhere that values diversity and inclusion is really important to me. The location of the university also means I can also stay living with my family; I didn't want to up and leave them all and move into better accommodation when I knew they would be struggling back home.

I am currently in my first year studying Medical Genetics and really enjoying it so far. When the first term at university started, I was working 30 hours a week, trying to be as financially independent as possible and help my mother out (who is unable to work due to health concerns) as much as I could. I thought I could do it, but I soon realised there was no way I could work that many hours and put enough time into my studies. I lost motivation and felt very down about balancing university, work, and a social life, all on top of being money-conscious and saving. 

Before the scholarship, things were really difficult. I hate that people think that just because I live at home, my mum can cover all my expenses because she can’t and it's tough for her, so we group our finances together and work it out between us both.Without this scholarship, I would have really struggled, and I know my grades and degree would have suffered as a result. 

When I found out I had been allocated an Annual Fund Scholarship, I was so grateful and relieved. I feel so supported financially and I can get rid of my maintenance loan so that I don't have added debt. A loan is considered haram in Islam because of the added interest so I already felt guilty for taking out a maintenance loan, but I can get rid of that now as the scholarship can cover my outgoings. It is such a relief to know I don't need to work hours and hours to make ends meet and can instead focus my attention on my studies, which I love so much.This scholarship means more than I can put into words! 

I plan to stick with my studies but have been considering applying to study Medicine as my confidence has improved so much and I was previously shut down by teachers at my sixth form who told me I couldn't do it. I am open to all opportunities and open to experiences that may come way, and I’m networking with other students higher up on my course for advice, but I am just exploring my options at the moment. 

To the generous alumni who have funded my scholarship, just thank you, thank you, thank you! Knowing there are people out there who put their trust, money, and belief in people like me and want to help open so many doors for students is truly invaluable. 



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