Alumni Communications
Our communications keep you up-to-date with developments at the university and news about your contemporaries. All of our communications are sent to you free of charge.
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Digital Publications
Queen Mary Alumni and Friends Blog – shines a spotlight on the voices of our alumni and friends. Alumni profiles and other stories posted weekly. Do you want to share your story to inspire current and future students? Email
Queen Mary Alumni e-Newsletter - For all alumni of Queen Mary University of London; sent throughout the year. Contains University wide updates, alumni news and stories and opportunities for alumni to engage in the work we do. Email to request the latest edition.
Barts and The London Alumni Association e-Newsletter - For all alumni of the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Contains University wide updates, alumni news and stories and opportunities for alumni to engage in the work we do. Email to request the latest edition.
CCLS Alumni e-Newsletter - For all alumni of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS). Contains University wide updates, alumni news and stories and opportunities for alumni to engage in the work we do. Email to request the latest edition. CCLS also regularly update their website with the latest CCLS alumni news, CCLS Profiles and CCLS Testimonials.
Barts and The London Dental Club e-Newsletter - published twice a year and is sent to all dental alumni prior to and after the Barts and The London Dental Club Annual Clinical Meeting, which is held in Spring every year. The e-Newsletter highlights the programme of the Meeting, as well as staff and research news from the Institute of Dentistry. Email to request the latest edition.
Social Media - We have over 28,250 members across our social media platforms. Connect with us and each other on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.* Fancy taking over one of our accounts for the day? Email
*Connect to our BATLAA Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn too.
Printed Publications
QMA/Barts and The London Chronicle magazine - In light of Queen Mary’s sustainability initiative, Green Mary, we are currently exploring digitising our printed publications - QMA (for alumni and friends of Queen Mary University of London) and Barts and The London Chronicle (for all medical and dental alumni). For updates on our progress, email
Editorial Contact – have you got any news for us?
For the Alumni Blog, the Queen Mary Alumni e-Newsletter and social media, email
For the Barts and The London Alumni Association e-Newsletter and Barts and the London Dental Club newsletter, email