Barts and The London Alumni Association (BATLAA)
BATLAA provides continuing links between all former Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry medical and dental students and Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
The Association was formed in 2000 following the merger of the Barts Alumni Association, The London Hospital Medical Club and The London Hospital Dental Club. All former students who qualified from The London Hospital Medical College, The London Hospital Dental College and St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, as well as the current Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry automatically become members of BATLAA.
The Association supports members with the organisation of bespoke reunions. We also support special interest, regional and overseas groups including Barts and The London Dental Club (formerly The London Hospital Dental Club); the St Bartholomew's Decennial Clubs; and the Barts and The London Cambridge and Oxford Graduates' Club.
The Association also supports scholarships, student opportunities and research through its Benevolent Funds and the Queen Mary University of London Foundation. Find out more about how you can support current students.
BATLAA e-Newsletter
The BATLAA e-Newsletter is for alumni and friends of the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and for all former students of the Barts and The London medical and dental schools. In each issue, you will find alumni and university news, as well as links to other internal and external web pages which give you more information about recent activities, research and opportunities at the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.
If you do not receive the BATLAA e-Newsletter directly to your inbox, it may be because we do not have an up-to-date email address for you or because you have opted out from receiving our e-Newsletters in the past. Please with us to receive our future communications.