Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund
The Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund, under the trusteeship of the BATLAA Trustees, is able to offer some assistance to current medical students in financial hardship. Your annual donation to this fund will help BATLAA to continue its support to students, enabling them to make the most of their time here and to obtain a qualification which they have worked so hard to achieve.
The Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund is a registered charity. You can find out more by visiting the Charity Commission's website at [new window].
To make a gift, please contact us as below:
Development and Alumni Directorate
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
E1 4NS
Tel: +44 (0)207 882 6429
How to enhance the value of your gift
Gift Aid
By signing a Gift Aid declaration, you can increase the value of your gift to Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund by as much as 25 per cent.
To be eligible for Gift Aid to be claimed you must be a UK tax payer and pay sufficient UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount of tax that all charities or CASCs you have donated to will claim in that tax year (Council Tax and VAT do not count).
At the present time the Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund will reclaim 25p for every £1 you donate. Registered charity No: 229227.
Self-Assessment Tax Return
If you fill in an annual Self-Assessment Tax Return, you can now give a portion or all of any tax refund, which you may be due, to a charity of your choice by simply ticking the box on your Self-Assessment Tax Return and quoting the charity's unique reference number. For Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund quote JAM12 BG.
The Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund is a registered charity. You can find out more by visiting the Charity Commission's website at [new window].
To make a gift, please contact us as below:
Development and Alumni Directorate
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
E1 4NS
Tel: +44 (0)207 882 6429
How to enhance the value of your gift
Gift Aid
By signing a Gift Aid declaration, you can increase the value of your gift to Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund by as much as 25 per cent.
To be eligible for Gift Aid to be claimed you must be a UK tax payer and pay sufficient UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount of tax that all charities or CASCs you have donated to will claim in that tax year (Council Tax and VAT do not count).
At the present time the Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund will reclaim 25p for every £1 you donate. Registered charity No: 229227.
Self-Assessment Tax Return
If you fill in an annual Self-Assessment Tax Return, you can now give a portion or all of any tax refund, which you may be due, to a charity of your choice by simply ticking the box on your Self-Assessment Tax Return and quoting the charity's unique reference number. For Barts and The London Hospital Medical Club Benevolent Fund quote JAM12 BG.