Publications from members of the Barts Centre for Squamous Cancer.
Cancer stem cell plasticity and its implications in the development of new clinical approaches for oral squamous cell carcinoma. Marles H, Biddle A. Biochemical Pharmacology 2022 vol. 204. 10.1016/j.bcp.2022.115212
Highlight: microfluidic devices for cancer metastasis studies. Scemama A, Lunetto S, Biddle A. In vitro models 2022 vol. 1, ( 6 ) 399 - 403. 10.1007/s44164-022-00023-y
Interconnected high-dimensional landscapes of epithelial–mesenchymal plasticity and stemness in cancer. Sahoo S, Ashraf B, Duddu AS, Biddle A, Jolly MK. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 2022 vol. 39, ( 2 ) 279 - 290. 10.1007/s10585-021-10139-2
Deep palmar phenotyping in atopic eczema: patterns associated with Filaggrin variants, disease severity and barrier function in a South Asian population. Thomas BR, Tan XL, Van Duijvenboden S, Hogan SC, Hughes AJ, Tawfik SS, Dhoat S, Atkar R, Robinson EJ, Rahman SR, Rahman S, Ahmed RA, Begum R, Khanam H, Bourne EL, Wozniak EL, Mein CA, Kelsell DP, O'Toole EA. Br J Dermatol. 2023 Feb 25:ljad036. doi: 10.1093/bjd/ljad036.
Modeling of Temporal Exposure to the Ambient Environment and Eczema Severity. Thomas BR, Tan XL, Javadzadeh S, Robinson EJ, McDonald BS, Krupiczojc MA, Rahman SR, Rahman S, Ahmed RA, Begum R, Khanam H, Kelsell DP, Grigg J, Knell RJ, O'Toole EA. JID Innov. 2021 Oct 9;2(1):100062. 10.1016/j.xjidi.2021.100062.
Dermatology Quality of Life Index scores in Bangladeshi patients with atopic eczema and their families in East London.. Tawfik SS, Thomas BR, Kelsell DP, Grigg J, O'Toole EA.Br J Dermatol. 2022 Dec 20:ljac131. doi: 10.1093/bjd/ljac131. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36745558
Validation of four cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma staging systems using nationwide data. Venables ZC, Tokez S, Hollestein LM, Mooyaart AL, van den Bos RR, Rous B, Leigh IM, Nijsten T, Wakkee M.Br J Dermatol. 2022 May;186(5):835-842. doi: 10.1111/bjd.20909.
Risk factors for metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: Refinement and replication based on 2 nationwide nested case-control studies. Tokez S, Venables ZC, Hollestein LM, Qi H, Bramer EM, Rentroia-Pacheco B, van den Bos RR, Rous B, Leigh IM, Nijsten T, Mooyaart AL, Wakkee M.J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022 Jul;87(1):64-71. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.02.056.
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Coulthard P. Br Dent J. 2022 Nov;233(10):889-893. doi: 10.1038/s41415-022-5209-3.
UK oral surgeons' early response to the COVID-19 pandemic and impact on patient care.
Moore R, Keshani D, Coulthard P. Oral Surg. 2022 Aug;15(3):315-323. doi: 10.1111/ors.12726.
Dentistry responding to domestic violence and abuse: a dental, practice-based intervention and a feasibility study for a cluster randomised trial. Coulthard P, Feder G, Evans MA, Johnson M, Walsh T, Robinson PG, Armitage CJ, Barbosa E, Tickle M, Femi-Ajao O.Br Dent J. 2022 Dec;233(11):949-955. doi: 10.1038/s41415-022-5271-x
Interventions After First Post-Transplant Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Proposed Decision Framework. Bottomley MJ, Massey PR, Thuraisingham R, Doyle A, Rao S, Bibee KP, Bouwes Bavinck JN, Jambusaria-Pahlajani A, Harwood CA. Transpl Int. 2022 Nov 22;35:10880. doi: 10.3389/ti.2022.10880.
Development of a core outcome set for basal cell carcinoma. Schlessinger DI, Reynolds KA, Dirr MA, Ibrahim SA, Yanes AF, Lazaroff JM, Godinez-Puig V, Chen BR, Kurta AO, Cotseones JK, Chiren SG, Furlan KC, Iyengar S, Behshad R, DeHoratius DM, Denes P, Drucker AM, Dzubow LM, Etzkorn JR, Harwood CA, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022 Sep;87(3):573-581. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.04.059.
Decosus: An R Framework for Universal Integration of Cell Proportion Estimation Methods.
Anene CA, Taggart E, Harwood CA, Pennington DJ, Wang J. Front Genet. 2022 Apr 1;13:802838. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.802838.
Adjuvant radiotherapy in patients with high-risk cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma After surgery (SCC-AFTER): patient and carer views regarding a proposed clinical trial. Nwolise C, Rembielak A, Fitzpatrick R, Jenkinson C, Marsden J, Fairbrother P, Proby CM, Harwood CA, Matin RN. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2022 Oct;47(10):1875-1876. doi: 10.1111/ced.15300.
Checkpoint inhibitor-associated bullous cutaneous immune-related adverse events: a multicentre observational study. Kawsar A, Edwards C, Patel P, Heywood RM, Gupta A, Mann J, Harland C, Heelan K, Larkin J, Lorigan P, Harwood CA, Matin RN, Fearfield L. Br J Dermatol. 2022 Dec;187(6):981-987. doi: 10.1111/bjd.21836.
Clinicopathological features, MCPyV status and outcomes of Merkel cell carcinoma in solid-organ transplant recipients: a retrospective, multicentre cohort study. Ferrándiz-Pulido C, Gómez-Tomás A, Llombart B, Mendoza D, Marcoval J, Piaserico S, Baykal C, Bouwes-Bavinck JN, Rácz E, Kanitakis J, Harwood CA, et al. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Nov;36(11):1991-2001. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18256.
Antibiotic prescriptions for Oral Diseases in India: Pattern and Practices. Mathur MR, Nagrath D, Mishra VK, Saif S, Selvaraj S, Mehta A, Farooqui HH. BMC Oral Health. 2023;-(-):[Epub ahead of print]
The burden of mental disorders, substance use disorders and self-harm among young people in Europe, 1990-2019: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Castelpietra G, Knudsen AKS, Agardh EE, Armocida B, Beghi M, Iburg KM, Logroscino G, Ma R, Starace F, Steel N, Addolorato G, Andrei CL, Andrei T, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Banach M, Barnighausen TW, Barone-Adesi F, Bhagavathula AS, Carvalho F, Carvalho M, Chandan JS, Chattu VK, Couto RAS, Cruz-Martins N, Dargan PI, Deuba K, da Silva DD, Fagbamigbe AF, Fernandes E, Ferrara P, Fischer F, Gaal PA, Gialluisi A, Haagsma JA, Haro JM, Hasan MT, Hasan SS, Hostiuc S, Iacoviello L, Iavicoli I, Jamshidi E, Jonas JB, Joo T, Jozwiak JJ, Katikireddi SV, Kauppila JH, Khan MAB, Kisa A, Kisa S, Kivimaki M, Koly KN, Koyanagi A, Kumar M, Lallukka T, Langguth B, Ledda C, Lee PH, Lega I, Linehan C, Loureiro JA, Madureira-Carvalho AM, Martinez-Raga J, Mathur MR, et al. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2022;16(-):100341
Out-of-pocket expenditure on childhood infections and its financial burden on Indian households: Evidence from nationally representative household survey (2017-18). Farooqui HH, Karan A, Mathur MR, Hussain S, Selvaraj S. PLoS One. 2022;17(12):e0278025.
Assessing performance of the Healthcare Access and Quality Index, overall and by select age groups, for 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Healthcare Access and Quality, Collaborators:, Dandona L, Dandona R, Golechha M, Kumar GA, Mathur MR. Lancet Glob Health. 2022;-(-):[Epub ahead of print]
Editorial: Engaging citizens to improve service provision for oral health. Bull World Health Organ. Listl S, Lavis JN, Cohen LK, Mathur MR. 2022;100(5):294-A.
Validation and minimally important difference of the Child-OIDP in a socioeconomically diverse sample of Indian adolescents. Mathur MR, Nagrath D, Yusuf H, Mishra VK, Tsakos G. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2022;20(1):70.
The role of community healthcare workers in head and neck cancer: A systematic scoping review of the literature. Meredith E, O'Donovan J, Errington L, Mathur MR, Hamilton D. Glob Public Health. 2022;-(-):1-20.
Evaluating the impact of price regulation (Drug Price Control Order 2013) on antibiotic sales in India: a quasi-experimental analysis, 2008-2018. Selvaraj S, Farooqui HH, Mehta A, Mathur MR. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2022;15(1):68
Talking about cancer: Patient responses to raising awareness of oral cancer in primary dental care. Scott SE, Bruj G, Beheshti S, Evans R, Awojobi O. (2022). Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. Aug 14.
Real time improvement in head and neck cancer outcomes: The community psychiatric nurse. Miller BJ, Price S, Scott SE, Oakley R. (2023). Clin Otolaryngol.
Spatially resolved transcriptomics reveals pro-inflammatory fibroblast involved in lymphocyte recruitment through CXCL8 and CXCL10. Caetano, A.J., Redhead, Y., Karim., Dhami, P., Kannambath, S., Nuamah, R., Volponi, A.A., Nibali, L., Booth, V., D’Agostino, E.M. Sharpe, P. (2023).
eLife. 12:e81525
Expression of periodontitis susceptibility genes in human gingiva using single-cell RNA sequencing.
Caetano AJ, D'Agostino EM, Sharpe P, Nibali L.J Periodontal Res. 2022 Dec;57(6):1210-1218. doi: 10.1111/jre.13057.
A Roadmap for the Human Oral and Craniofacial Cell Atlas. Caetano AJ; Human Cell Atlas Oral and Craniofacial Bionetwork; Sequeira I, Byrd KM.J Dent Res. 2022 Oct;101(11):1274-1288. doi: 10.1177/00220345221110768.
Oral stem cells, decoding and mapping the resident cells populations. Zhang X, Caetano AJ, Sharpe PT, Volponi AA.Biomater Transl. 2022 Mar 28;3(1):24-30. doi: 10.12336/biomatertransl.2022.01.004.
Button R, Harwood C, O’Shaughnessy RFL. Phosphoproteomic analysis of the AKT signalling axis in cutaneous squamous carcinoma progression reveals novel therapeutic targets – BioRxiv.
Embigin is a novel fibronectin receptor that regulates niche architecture and differentiation. Sipilä K, Rognoni E, Jokinen J, Tewary M, Rudan MV, Talvi S, Jokinen V, Dahlström KM, Liakath-Ali K, Du X, Käpylä J, Nutt SL, Salminen TA, Heino J, Watt FM. Dev Cell. 2022,57,1–13
Fibroblast Heterogeneity in Healthy and Wounded Skin. Ganier C, Rognoni E, Goss G, Lynch M, Watt FM. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2022 Jun 6;14(6):a041238. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a041238
Dermal Hedgehog Signaling in Papillary Fibroblasts: An Emerging Key Player in Skin Regeneration.
Rognoni E. J Invest Dermatol. 2022 Jun;142(6):1516-1519. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2021.12.010.
Assessing the Role of Carbonyl Adducts, Particularly Malondialdehyde Adducts, in the Development of Dermis Yellowing Occurring during Skin Photoaging. Zucchi H, Pageon H, Asselineau D, Ghibaudo M, Sequeira I, Girardeau-Hubert S (2022). Life. doi: 10.3390/life12030403
Comparison of Whiskbroom and Pushbroom darkfield elastic light scattering spectroscopic imaging for head and neck cancer identification in a mouse model. Bassler MC, Stefanakis M, Sequeira I, Ostertag E, Wagner A, Bartsch JW, Roeßler M, Mandic R, Reddmann EF, Lorenz A, Rebner K, Brecht M (2021). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
A Scarless Healing Tale: Comparing Homeostasis and Wound Healing of Oral Mucosa with Skin and Oesophagus. Pereira D, Sequeira I (2021). Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.682143
SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Oral Cavity and Saliva. Huang N, Perez P, […], NIH COVID-19 Autopsy Consortium, HCA Oral and Craniofacial Biological Network#, Teichmann SA, Warner BM, Byrd K (2021). # Byrd K, Sequeira I, Warner BM, Teichmann SA, Freire M, Kimple A. Nature Medicine. doi:10.1038/s41591-021-01296-8
Molecular Signatures of Tumour and Its Microenvironment for Precise Quantitative Diagnosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An International Multi-Cohort Diagnostic Validation Study. Teh MT, Ma H, Liang YY, Solomon MC, Chaurasia A, Patil R, Tekade SA, Mishra D, Qadir F, Yeung JS, Liu X, Kriuar S, Zhao R, Waseem A, Hutchison IL. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Mar 9;14(6):1389. doi: 10.3390/cancers14061389.
Impact of N-Terminal Tags on De Novo Vimentin Intermediate Filament Assembly. Usman S, Aldehlawi H, Nguyen TKN, Teh MT, Waseem A. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jun 6;23(11):6349. doi: 10.3390/ijms23116349.
Expression profile of SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry proteins in normal oral mucosa and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Sapkota D, Sharma S, Søland TM, Braz-Silva PH, Teh MT. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2022 Feb;8(1):117-122. doi: 10.1002/cre2.510.
Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Vimentin-Induced Disruption of Cell-Cell Associations Augments Breast Cancer Cell Migration. Usman S, Jamal A, Bushaala A, Waseem NH, Al-Dehlawi H, Yeudall WA, Teh MT, Tummala H, Waseem A. Cells. 2022 Dec 13;11(24):4035. doi: 10.3390/cells11244035.
Targeting the Hippo/YAP/TAZ signalling pathway: Novel opportunities for therapeutic interventions into skin cancers. Howard A, Bojko J, Flynn B, Bowen S, Jungwirth U, Walko G. Exp Dermatol. 2022 Oct;31(10):1477-1499. doi: 10.1111/exd.14655. Epub 2022 Aug 12.
Mechanostimulation of breast myoepithelial cells induces functional changes associated with DCIS progression to invasion. Hayward MK, Allen MD, Gomm JJ et al, Marshall JF. npj Breast Cancer (2022) 8(7)
Ligand-bound integrin αvβ6 internalisation and trafficking. Meecham A, Cutmore LC, Protopapa P et al., Marshall JF. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (2022) 10(7)
Synthesis and Systematic Study on the Effect of Different PEG Units on Stability of PEGylated, Integrin-αvβ6-Specific A20FMDV2 Analogues in Rat Serum and Human Plasma. Hung KY, Kowalczyk R, Desai A et al., Marshall JF. Molecules (2022) 27(7)
Disruption of pancreatic stellate cell myofibroblast phenotype promotes pancreatic tumor invasion. Murray ER, Menezes S, Henry JC et al., Wang J, Marshall JF. Cell Reports (2022) 38(7)
Effective targeting of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma metastases with an integrin av beta 6-targeting peptide-drug conjugate. Murray ER, Brown NF, Howard P et al., Marshall JF. CANCER RESEARCH (2021) 81(11)
Current perspectives on the use of off the shelf car-t/nk cells for the treatment of cancer. Cutmore LC, Marshall JF Cancers (2021) 13(7)
CEACAM7 is an effective target for CAR T-cell therapy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Raj D, Nikolaidi M, Garces I et al., Marshall JF. Clinical Cancer Research (2021) 27(7) 1538-1552
IBRAP: integrated benchmarking single-cell RNA-sequencing analytical pipeline. Knight CH, Khan F, Patel A et al., Wang J. Brief Bioinform (2023) (2)
Replication stress generates distinctive landscapes of DNA copy number alterations and chromosome scale losses.Shaikh N, Mazzagatti A, De Angelis S et al., Wang J. Genome Biology (2022) 23(7)
Characterization of the Intra-tumoral B Cell Immunoglobulin Repertoire Is of Prognostic Value for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Wang Z, Cheng Z, Lu S, Chard Dunmall LS, Wang J, Guo Y, Wang Y (2022). Frontiers in Immunology vol. 13, 10.3389/fimmu.2022.896627