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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor David van Heel, BM BCh MA DPhil FRCP


Professor of Genetics

Centre: Centre for Genomics and Child Health



Research Theme: Genomic Medicine

I am Professor of Genetics at Queen Mary University of London, Honorary Consultant Physician at Barts Health NHS Trust. I trained in clinical research with a Medical Research Council Clinical Training Fellowship and a Wellcome Trust Clinician Scientist Fellowship.

My current research interests are population genomic medicine of British Bangladeshi and British Pakistani communities, with genetics, NHS health data and recall for further studies based on genotype/phenotype. I am Chief Investigator for the Genes & Health longitudinal population study:

I was a member of the Medical Research Council Population and Systems Medicine Board (2016-2022). I was deputy Chief Clinical Information Officer for Barts Health NHS Trust (2013-2024).

Centre: Genomics and Child Health.

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