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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Hemanth Tummala, PhD


Senior Lecturer in Genetics and Molecular Biology

Centre: Genomics and Child Health

Telephone: 020 7882 2458
Twitter: @hemanth_tummala


After completing my BSc in Biotechnology at Bangalore University, India in 2003, I relocated to Dundee, Scotland to pursue a Master's by research, leading to PhD studies supported by scholarship awards from The Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation and The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (2003-2008). Following the completion of my PhD studies at The Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, I undertook several projects as a lead postdoc at the University of Edinburgh (Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine) and the University of Dundee (Division of Neuroscience; Ninewells Hospital) before transitioning to the Blizard Institute at Queen Mary University of London. Here, I functionally characterized several novel genes and mechanisms that go awry in human haematopoiesis and subsequently established my research group focusing on studying the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying inherited bone marrow failure syndromes and their predisposition to leukaemia’s.

Featured stories
Researchers identify new genetic cause for life-threatening bone marrow failure
Inside Chat
New disease gene discovery sheds light on cause of bone marrow failure
Q&A: How a DNA repair gene can cause bone marrow failure 

Twitter: @hemanth_tummala
Web of Science Researcher ID: ABC-8367-2020

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