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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Mark Scott, PhD


Senior Clinical Scientist, Director, GI Physiology Unit (Colorectal Service)

Centre: Centre for Neuroscience, Surgery and Trauma

Telephone: 020 7882 3469


Dr Mark Scott, PhD is a Principal Investigator within the Blizard Institute at Queen Mary University of London, and has led pioneering research into the underlying causes of bowel dysfunction. He is also Director and one of the founders of the internationally-renowned GI Physiology Unit (Colorec-tal service) at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry / Barts Health NHS Trust. Ap-proximately 500 patients undergo diagnostic investigations within the Unit each year, which pro-vides the resources for allied research. Further, he played a central role in the inauguration of the Neurogastroenterology Group at Queen Mary University of London.
Mark has over 30 years’ experience, both clinical and academic, related to the physiological as-sessment of functional colorectal disorders (primarily constipation and faecal incontinence). Clini-cally, Mark is proficient at undertaking all routine and specialist diagnostic investigations of colorec-tal function and structure. Academically, Mark is the UK’s most widely published colorectal GI Phys-iologist, having authored 205 original articles and 14 book chapters. He has been Guest Editor of 3 journal supplements devoted to the subject of chronic constipation, and was recently one of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility Working Team members setting guidelines for the management of constipation. Mark is currently one of the Leads of the International Ano-rectal Physiology Working Group into standardisation of diagnostic testing. He has supervised nu-merous postgraduate students (both clinical and scientific) to successful completion of their higher degrees ( PhD, MD[Res], MSc).

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