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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Pradeepa Madapura, PhD, MSc, BSc


Reader in Genome Biology

Centre: Centre for Genomics and Child Health

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 2594
Twitter: @PradeepMadapura


Pradeepa Madapura did his Ph.D research at JNCASR Bengaluru, India on chromatin remodelling during spermatogenesis. Pradeep moved to Edinburgh, UK for postdoctoral research with Prof. Wendy Bickmore.

Pradeep’s lab at the Blizard Institute is interested in studying the functional contribution of chromatin proteins, histone modifications and noncoding RNAs in the regulation of gene expression. His also actively collaborate with clinicians and genomics data scientists to use cutting-edge methods to investigate the contribution of sequence variation in noncoding regulatory elements in genetic disorders and cancer.

Current research in the lab is funded by UKRI/MRC, Barts Charity. Previous funders include: Wellcome Trust, MSCA fellowship.

2023 –          Associate professor (Reader) at the Queen Mary University of London, UK
2021 – 2023 Associate professor (Senior lecturer) at the Queen Mary University of London, UK
2018 – 2021 Assistant professor (Lecturer) at the Queen Mary University of London, UK
2016 – 2018 Assistant professor (Lecturer) at the University of Essex, Colchester, UK
2009 – 2015 Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Prof Wendy Bickmore
2004 – 2009 PhD in Molecular biology and Genetics from JNCASR, Bangalore (Supervisor: MRS Rao)
2001­– 2003  MSc(Agri) Biochemistry, University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore
1997­– 2001  BSc(Agriculture), University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore

QMUL Epigenetics: /madapura
LinkedIn: /pradeepamm2207

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