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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

EDI training for staff

Trigger warning: This page contains references to sexual abuse. If you need support around sexual abuse, please consult the Report and Support pages for information on support services available.

Blizard Institute sexual misconduct and harassment awareness training

Ana Flores Reis, Queen Mary's Sexual Assault and Harassment Advisor, presents the sexual misconduct and harassment training session. Attending or watching the recording for this session is compulsory for all Blizard Institute staff and PhD students. If you have not attended one of the sessions, or you would like a refresher, please watch the video below. You can also find the slides below, along with a document on bystander intervention outlining what to do if you witness sexual assault or harassment.

Blizard Institute sexual misconduct and harassment awareness training - slides [PDF 1,224KB]

What do I do if I witness sexual harassment - guidance document [DOC 14KB]

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