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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Genome Centre

QMUL Genome Centre is the genomics core facility at Queen Mary University of London, supporting researchers since 2000.

We work with academic (both with and without Queen Mary affiliation) and corporate partners on a not for profit basis to achieve their genomics research aims. Ours is a highly collaborative model, providing a custom service, offering advice on design and interpretation as required.
We are always interested in trying novel approaches to genomic challenges.

All Genome Centre services are booked through iLab - What is iLab?

Talk to the Centre Manager

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Single Cell Genomics

Single cell genomics is used to unpack cell heterogeneity, often within a tissue or cancer biology.  We have been running chemistry from 10X genomics since 2018. A modular approach means whole transcriptome information can be augmented with a combination of T and B cell receptor profiling, surface bound protein, and chromatin accessibility.

Talk to the team about single cell genomics

Application Protocol Species Description
Transcriptomics 3' tag Sequencing Any Poly A priming used to generate a 100bp tag from the 3' end of each cell's transcript
Transcriptomics 5' tag Sequencing Any Poly A priming used to generate a 100bp tag from the 5' end of each cell's transcript
Epigenetics (Chromatin accessibility) Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin (ATACseq)


Open chromatin is accessible to tranposase enzyme generating cell specific libraries only in these regions
Transcriptomics and Epigenetics (Chromatin accessibility) Multiome Any ATACseq and 3' libraries generated from each cell
Immunobiology T Cell Receptor Profiling Human or Mouse PCR primers used to amplify the VDJ region from cDNA generated by the 5' protocol
Immunobiology B Cell Receptor Profiling Human or Mouse PCR primers used to amplify the VDJ region from cDNA generated by the 5' protocol
Proteomics Surface Marker Profiling (CITESeq, feature barcoding) Any DNA barcoded antibodies used to measure protein level.  Compatible with either 5' or 3' transcriptome libraries


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