We offer a range of Infinium® genotyping arrays from Illumina designed both for Genome-Wide Association Screens (GWAS) and for off-the-shelf targeted panels of SNPs (Exome, Onco, Immuno and Psych arrays).
Custom SNP panels can be used to augument several of the GWAS arrays or standalone Infinium® arrays can be designed from as few as 3,072 SNPs with a minimum sample size of 1,152. Other technologies are available for smaller SNP panels, from Taqman for a few SNPs through the Fluidigm HD for up to 96 SNPs to the Fluidigm Access Array for a sequencing-based approach to genotyping hundreds of SNPs, in cohorts of thousands of individuals.
Please contact the Centre Manager to discuss project design or costs.
Genome-wide SNP arrays are also available for other species including mouse (datasheet_mouse_linkage [PDF 442KB]), dog (datasheet_canine_snp20 [PDF 365KB]), pig (datasheet_porcine_snp60 [PDF 475KB]), horse (datasheet_equine_snp50 [PDF 226KB]), cattle (datasheet_bovine_snp50 [PDF 804KB]) and sheep (datasheet_ovine_snp50 [PDF 526KB]).
Sample requirements are a minimum of 1µg or genomic DNA, depending on application. Data is extensively Quality Controlled and genotypes scored using Illumina's GenomeStudio package and data can be delivered either as raw data or as called genotypes in text format.