Postgraduate Taught Courses
We offer a diverse and exciting range of subjects to study, all taught by highly dedicated staff who are leaders in their fields.
Advanced Neonatal Practice
Pathways available:
Advanced Neonatal Practice Online MSc
Advanced Neonatal Practice Online PGDip
- Distance learning
- Part-time
Prepare for the role of Advanced Neonatal Practitioner with an innovative curriculum at a top London institution and its partner Barts Health NHS Trust, which houses the medico-surgical tertiary neonatal unit at the Royal London Hospital and the London Neonatal Transfer Service. This is the only dedicated MSc for prospective ANPs in London and will build upon your existing neonatal experience to develop skills in each of the four pillars of Advanced Neonatal Practice (Clinical Practice, Leadership and Management, Education, and Research).
Aesthetic Medicine
- Distance Learning
- Part Time
Take your career to the next level with a Masters in Aesthetic Medicine from Queen Mary. Designed to significantly advance your clinical practice, this programme delivers high-calibre training in sought-after procedures such as botulinum toxin injections, dermal fillers and laser treatment.
Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology)
Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology) MSc
- Attendance Based
- Part Time
- Full Time
This Biomedical Science MSc will prepare you for the next stage of your career, whether you enter employment or pursue further research in the fields of biomedical science or medical microbiology. Study in a purpose-built laboratory and develop a systematic understanding and a critical awareness of current problems and new insights.
Clinical Dermatology
Clinical Dermatology Online PGDip
- Distance Learning
- Part Time/Full Time
Designed for those with a medical background, this part-time postgraduate diploma delves into the core aspects of dermatology from a primary care perspective.
Clinical Microbiology
Pathways available:
- Attendance based
- Part Time
- Full Time
Take the next step in your clinical career with a Masters in Clinical Microbiology from Queen Mary. On this course you will develop your own original scholarship and scientific research: preparing you to pursue further research or professional study.
Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine
Pathways available:
Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine Online MSc
Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine Online PGDip
- Distance Learning
- Part Time
Resuscitation is a rapidly evolving area that crosses the boundaries of emergency medicine, intensive care medicine, anaesthesia and acute medicine. This Masters in Emergency and Resuscitative Medicine provides you with an opportunity to develop your skills under the guidance of a renowned, international faculty.
Gastroenterology (MSc/PGDip)
Pathways available:
- Distance Learning
- Attendance Based
- Part Time
- Full Time
Designed as both an introduction and update in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, this programme is aimed at practising clinicians wishing to understand the theories and practises of effective research techniques.
- Attendance Based
- Full Time
From the bench to the bedside — help to transfer neuroscience and pharmacological discoveries into clinical use. Study topics from the principles of drug design and development to the clinical aspects of the management of major neurological diseases. The clinical component is unique to this course and ties together the scientific, clinical and personal aspects of neurological disease.
Orthopaedic Trauma Science
Orthopaedic Trauma Science Online MSc
- Distance Learning
- Part Time
Can we improve survival and outcomes following traumatic injury? Trauma is one of the world’s leading killers and orthopaedic injuries pose a major clinical challenge world-wide. Undertake this two-year online MSc and develop a broad critical understanding of the up-to-date science and practice of trauma care, with a focus on orthopaedic and orthoplastic management.
Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Pathways available:
Paediatric Emergency Medicine Online MSc
Paediatric Emergency Medicine Online PGDip
Paediatric Emergency Medicine Online PGCert
- Distance Learning
- Part Time
Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) is a rapidly evolving area crossing the boundaries of paediatrics, emergency medicine, paediatric intensive care medicine, and anaesthesia. This new, innovative, part-time, online programme provides you with an opportunity to develop your skills under the guidance of a renowned, international faculty in collaboration with global paediatric educational organisation Don't Forget The Bubbles (DFTB). The Queen Mary faculty and DFTB team bring their unique expertise, insight, and experience to deliver a high quality interactive online learning experience.
Regenerative Medicine
Pathways available:
- Attendance Based
- Full Time/Part Time
Explore the possibilities of regenerative medicine, an interdisciplinary field where scientists work towards the repair of diseased or damaged tissues using biological or cell-based technologies. Regenerative medicine is a rapidly growing area of research that encompasses stem cell biology, tissue engineering, genome engineering, and nanotechnology.
Trauma Sciences
- Distance Learning
- Part Time
Can we improve survival and outcomes following traumatic injury? Severe injury triggers a sequence of changes within the cells of the body and can lead to critical and disabling illness. Learn to understand these changes and improve patients’ survival and recovery. Undertake this two-year online MSc and develop a broad, critical understanding of the up-to-date science and practice of trauma care.
Trauma Sciences (Military and Humanitarian)
Trauma Sciences (Military and Humanitarian) Online MSc
- Distance Learning
- Part Time
War is predicted to be the sixth leading cause of death by 2020. With humanitarian crises and mass casualty events on the rise, specialist training is increasingly important. Undertake this two-year online MSc and develop an understanding of the up-to-date science and practice of military and humanitarian trauma care.
- Distance learning
- Part time
Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading infectious disease killer and a global health priority. Study this comprehensive online-learning postgraduate certificate and know more about this challenging disease. The programme offers an emphasis on the prevention, diagnosis, and management of drug-susceptible and drug resistant Tuberculosis, as well as an opportunity to acquire skills in R&D, public health and more.