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School of Business and Management

QM Social Venture Fund

The School of Business and Management is home to the first student-led social impact venture capital fund investing in student-led social ventures in the UK. 

It takes start-ups of all shapes and sizes to tackle the challenges in our society today.

The Queen Mary Social Venture fund is student-led, social impact venture capital fund which focuses on funding 'start-ups for good' and empowering student investors from diverse backgrounds. Queen Mary deliver the programme in partnership with Creator Fund.

The QMSVF was the first fund of its kind in the UK. Our student VCs advise and invest in real-life early-stage start-ups with a social mission. The initiative offers students the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, with support from industry mentors and faculty members.

If you are interested in finding out more about the QMSVF, do get in touch via email at

“We aim to empower the next generation of social entrepreneurs and investors from diverse backgrounds. The fund is an exciting opportunity for our students to develop their entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, build their networks and make a real difference in our society.”
— Dr Joanne Zhang, Director of the Entrepreneurship Hub and the Queen Mary Social Venture Fund
"Being a Student Investor at the Queen Mary Social Venture Fund has been an adventure right from the get-go. In six months, this programme has positively challenged me to broaden my expertise and develop key networks within the start-up ecosystem. This experience has been one like no other, allowing us to lead and enhance our communication skills while managing various stakeholders across start-ups and institutions."
— Bhavleen Kaur, BSc Accounting and Management
"I had many examples from taking part in the QMSVF to share with recruiters to demonstrate my knowledge and skills. I applied for one graduate job and one internship and got both! One of the offers I received was from a QMSVF external partner, who I worked with during my time on the programme."
— Katherine Toledo Macedo, BSc Business Management
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