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School of Business and Management

Investment strategy

We run a competition for social ventures to gain investment funding once a year (usually in April). The QM Social Venture Fund makes an equity investment of £15,000 in the winning social venture and provides ongoing support post-investment. 

We are focused on investing in early-stage, for-profit social enterprises, where social impact is at the core of the business, and is not just a by-product.

Our impact investments are made with the intention of generating measurable, beneficial social or environmental outcomes, in addition to a financial return.  Ventures selected for investment are expected to grow their impact alongside financial performance.

If you are interested in finding out more about accessing funding, do get in touch or apply through our start-up application form.

Who can apply?

Start-ups where at least one founder is:

  • A current student at a UK university (UG, PG, PhD or Post-doc)
  • A recent graduate of a UK university (registered as a student in the past three years)

Start-ups must be located in the UK.

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