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School of Business and Management
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International Research

Our academics engage with national and international stakeholders. Research produced by the School has influenced policy and practice, positively impacting communities around the world.

A global mapping of the use of expertise in the management of Covid-19

 with Dr Stella Ladi

About the Global Policy Institute 

Research Impact and Engagement

A shoal of fish swimming

Improving international fisheries trade relations for development

Professor Liam Campling’s research and policy work on the global value chains in tuna, international fisheries trade and development has provided the bases for recommending more development-friendly ‘rules of origin’ for local fish processing to the East African Community in its trade agreement with the EU. His work has contributed to the official thinking and positions of six Pacific Island members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in the negotiation of prohibitions on fisheries subsidies, and informed the decision by the United Nations General Assembly to grant an extended transition to the Solomon Islands in its graduation from Least Developed Country status, thereby preserving  around 1,800 fish processing jobs.

This project is in collaboration with Elizabeth Havice, Associate Professor, UNC-Chapel Hill Geography

More detail on this project can be found here on the Queen Mary featured research pages.

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