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School of Business and Management

Professor Pedro Martins joins expert group advising Greek government

Eight experts from across Europe have been invited to join an advisory group which will be making reform recommendations to the Greek government. Pedro Martins, Professor of Applied Economics at the School of Business and Management, is one of the members of the advisory group.

Pedro Martins

The group, which was formed as part of the structural reforms pillar of the third adjustment programme for Greece, will focus on reforms in the areas of collective bargaining, collective dismissals, and industrial action. It aims to establish current international best practices and will consult with a number of key stakeholders, including Greek social partners and the International Labour Organization.

The Greek Minster for Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, Georgios Katrougalos, welcomed the members of the advisory group and joined them for the first day of discussions on 22 April. Other members on the advisory group include academics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Tilburg University, University of Bremen, University of Bari Aldo Moro, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universidade de Lisboa, and the Banco de EspaƱa.

Professor Pedro Martins is a former Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security for Portugal. During his time as Minister, he was responsible for a number of labour market reforms in employment law, collective bargaining, public employment services and active labour market policies.



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