Elena is Reader in Global Supply Chain Management and Sustainability and joined Queen Mary in 2011. Her background is in politics, history, and development studies. She holds a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Bologna, a MSc in Development Studies from SOAS, and a Degree (summa cum laude) in Political Sciences from the University of Bologna. She has been studying for years historical processes of development in low-income countries with reference to sub-Saharan Africa and has conducted extensive research in Senegal within poverty reduction, export agriculture and land grabbing. Elena’s research interests broadly include agrarian political economy, economic geography, and the political economy of global value chains. Her most recent interests span the political economy of natural resource industries, labour process analysis and ecology, labour regimes and social reproduction analyses. She has recently been awarded a Political Economy Fellowship from the Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) to conduct a research project titled ‘An Archaeology of reproductive subsumption: classing the household, women and ecology in Senegambia’
- BUS326: Global Supply Chains
- BUS268: Corporate Strategies and Environmental Change
Elena is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests:
Elena’s interests span the political economy of global value chains, especially in relation to the world food economy and the environment. Her most recent and current research focuses on:
- labour regimes,
- the labour process and ecology,
- gender and social reproduction within global value chains.
Centre and Group Membership:
Journal articles
- Elena Baglioni 2023, Some reflections on the capitalist labour process, nature and social reproduction, Sociologia del Lavoro, 167/2023: 9-32
- Elena Baglioni 2022, The making of cheap labour across production and reproduction. Control and resistance in the Senegalese horticultural value chain, Work, Employment and Society, 36(3): 445-464.
- Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling and Gerard Hanlon 2021, Beyond rentiership: Standardisation, intangibles and value capture in global production, Environment and Planning A, early view.
- Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling and Gerard Hanlon 2019, Global value chains as entrepreneurial capture: insights from management theory, Review of International Political Economy, 27(4): 903-925.
- Elena Baglioni 2018, Labour control and the labour question in global production networks: exploitation and disciplining in Senegalese export horticulture, Journal of Economic Geography, 18(1): 11-137.
- Elena Baglioni and Liam Campling 2017, Natural resource industries as global value chains: Frontiers, fetishism, labour and the state, Environment and Planning A, 49(11): 2437-2456.
- Elena Baglioni 2015, Straddling Contract and Estate Farming: Accumulation Strategies of Senegalese Horticultural Exporters, Journal of Agrarian Change, 15(1): 17–42.
- Elena Baglioni and Peter Gibbon 2013, Land Grabbing, Large- and Small-scale Farming: what can evidence and policy from 20th century Africa contribute to the debate?, in Third World Quarterly, 34(9): 1558-1581.
- Elena Baglioni and Corrado Tornimbeni 2009, ‘Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Approaches and Policies’, in afriche & orienti, year XI, No. 2.
- Elena Baglioni 2004, ‘Poverty Reduction in Senegal: An Analysis of National and International Policies’, (translation from Italian), in Africa, Year LIX, N. 3-4: 285-315.
- Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe, and Adrian Smith (eds) 2022, Labour Regimes and Global Production, Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda.
Book chapters
- Benjamin Selwyn, Liam Campling, Alessandra Mezzadri, Elena Baglioni, Satoshi Miyamura and Jonathan Pattenden (2023), Exploitation and global value chains, in Maurizio Azteni, Dario Azzelini, Alessandra Mezzadri, Phoebe Moore and Ursula Apitzsch (eds), Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe and Adrian Smith 2022, Introduction: Labour Regimes and Global Production, in Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil Coe and Adrian Smith (eds), Labour Regimes and Global Production, Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda.
- Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe and Adrian Smith 2022, Conclusion: Mapping a research Agenda for Labour Regime Analysis, in Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil Coe and Adrian Smith (eds), Labour Regimes and Global Production, Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda.
- Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Alessandra Mezzadri, Satoshi Miyamura, Jonathan Pattenden and Benjamin Selwyn 2022, Exploitation and labour regimes: production, circulation, social reproduction, ecology in Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil Coe and Adrian Smith (eds), Labour Regimes and Global Production, Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda.
- Elena Baglioni 2021, Régimen de control laboral en la horticultura de exportación en Senegal, in Maurizio Atzeni, Rodolfo Elbert, Clara Marticorena, Jerónimo Montero Bressán y Julia Soul (eds), Clase, proceso de trabajo y reproducción social: ampliando las perspectivas de los estudios laborales, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales - CEIL-CONICET.
- Elena Baglioni and Alessandra Mezzadri 2020, 'Labour Control Regimes and Social Reproduction: Some Reflections on the Strengths and Weaknesses of an Evolving Framework', in A. Hammer, A. Fishwick, (eds), The Political Economy of Work in the Global South, London: Macmillan.
- Liam Campling and Elena Baglioni 2019, The Political Economy of Natural Resources, in the International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, 2nd Edition.
- Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling and Elizabeth Havice 2017, ‘The Nature of the Firm in Global Value Chains', in G. Baars & A. Spicer (eds), The Corporation: A Critical, Multi-Disciplinary Handbook., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.314-325.
Other publications
- Elena Baglioni 2009, The Road, Granta Magazine, N. 105 Lost and Found, pp: 125-128.
- Elena Baglioni 2007, The State Must be Our Master of Fire. How Peasants Craft Culturally Sustainable Development in Senegal by Dennis C. Galvan. Book Review, Journal of Agrarian Change, 7(2): 274-277