Dr Güven Demirel is a Reader in Supply Chain Management at Queen Mary University of London. He holds a PhD in Physics from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany and he worked as Research Fellow at the Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham and Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the Essex Business School, University of Essex before joining QMUL.
- BUSM191: Data Science Methods and Applications
- BUSM131: Masterclass in Business Analytics
He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests:
Guven conducts interdisciplinary research on complex systems, investigating the dynamics, stability, resilience, and sustainability of supply networks and international business networks; the effectiveness of supplier development programs; innovation in supply chains; food waste in agrifood supply chains; and the co-evolution of the network structure and node states. He uses methods from network science, operations research, statistics, and game theory.
Centre and Group Membership:
- Hezarkhani, B., Demirel, G., Bouchery, Y. & Dora, M. 2023. Can “Ugly Veg” Supply Chains Reduce Food Loss? European Journal of Operational Research. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2023.01.033
- MacCarty, B. L., Ahmed, W. & Demirel, G. 2022. Mapping the Supply Chain: Why, What and How?, International Journal of Production Economics 250, 108688. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108688
- Ioannou, I. & Demirel, G. 2022. Blockchain and Supply Chain Finance: A Critical Literature Review at the Intersection of Operations, Finance, and Law, Journal of Banking and Financial Technology 6, 83–107. doi:10.1007/s42786-022-00040-1
- Demirel, G., MacCarthy, B. L., Ritterskamp, L., Champneys, A. R. & Gross, T. 2019 Identifying dynamical instabilities in supply networks using generalized modeling. Journal of Operations Management 65, 136-159.
- Ritterskamp, D., Demirel, G., Rudolf, L., Champneys, A. R., MacCarthy, B. L. & Gross, T. 2018 Revealing instabilities in a generalized triadic supply network: a bifurcation analysis. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28, 073103.
- Quigley, J., Walls, L., Demirel, G., MacCarthy, B. L. & Parsa, M. 2018 Supplier quality improvement: The value of information under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 264 (3), 932-947.
- Demirel, G., Barter, E. & Gross, T. 2017 Dynamics of epidemic diseases on a growing adaptive network. Scientific Reports 7, 42352.
- Silk, H., Demirel, G., Homer, M. & Gross, T. 2014 Exploring the adaptive voter model dynamics with a mathematical triple jump. New Journal of Physics 16, 093051.
- Demirel, G., Vazquez, F., Böhme, G. A. & Gross, T. 2014 Moment-closure approximations for discrete adaptive networks. Physica D 267, 68-80.
- Couzin, I. D., Ioannou, C. C., Demirel, G., Gross, T., Torney, C. J., Hartnett, A., Conradt, L., Levin, S. A. & Leonard, N. E. 2011 Uninformed individuals promote democratic consensus in animal groups. Science 334, 1578-1580.
- Demirel, G., Prizak, R., Reddy, P. N. & Gross, T. 2011 Cyclic dominance in adaptive networks. European Physical Journal B 84, 541-548.
- Atilgan, C., Demirel, G. & Atilgan, A. R. 2008 Collective behavior of El Farol attendees. Advances in Complex Systems 11, 629_639.
Areas of Supervision Expertise:
Dr Guven Demirel welcomes applications from prospective PhD students interested in the optimization problems in supply chain management, the design of supplier contracts, and the application of dynamical systems and complex networks methods and approaches to business networks.
Current doctoral students
Joint supervision
- Ayomide Stephen Thompson-Ajayi, Innovation in supply networks
- Mariam Ashraf Aziz Saad Salib, Impact of digital innovation on the Egyptian logistics and transport industries
- Milad Asadpour, Innovation and coordination in vaccine supply chains
- Saeide Jamshidpour Poshtahani, Closed-loop supply chain design for electrical vehicle batteries