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School of Business and Management

Professor Stephen Fox


Professor of Organisational Learning and Leadership

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 7441
Room Number: Room 3.34, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus






  • BUS221: Organisational Learning in the Workplace


  • BUSM111: Management Consulting


Research Interests:

  • Social, organisational, management and leadership learning
  • Socially situated practices and learning
  • Management, professional and occupational practices
  • Leadership practices
  • Organisational change
  • Organisational innovation
  • Social change
  • Management education
  • Management development
  • Organisational development
  • Change management
  • Human resource management and development
  • Theories and perspectives on practices
  • Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis
  • Communities and networks of practice
  • Community of practice theory
  • Actor-network theory
  • Situated learning theory
  • Cultural, historical activity theory
  • Post-structural theory
  • Postcolonial theory
  • Post-development theory


Book chapters

  • ‘Contexts of teaching and learning: an actor-network view of the classroom’. In Biesta, G. Edwards, R. and Thorpe, M. (eds.) Rethinking Contexts for Learning and Teaching. (2009) London, Routledge.
  • ‘Discourse and policy in the learning and skills sector’. In Wolfram-Cox, J, Weir, D. (eds.) (2009) Critical Management Studies at Work. London Edward Elgar.
  • ‘Powers in a factory.’ In Czarniawska, B. and Hernes, T. (eds.) (2006) Actor-Network Theory and Organising. Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press. (with David Vickers)
  • ‘Management education and leadership.’ In Cooper, C.I. (ed.) (2004) Leadership and Management in the 21st Century. (with Sue Cox).
  • ‘Situated Learning Theory and Underpinning Disputes in Management Learning.’. In Jeffcutt, P. (ed.) (2003) The Foundation of Management Knowledge, London, Routledge.
  • ‘Studying networked learning: some implications from socially situated learning theory and actor-network theory’. In Steeples and Jones (Eds) (2001) Networked Learning in Higher Education. London, Springer-Verlag.
  • ‘UK management and HRM’. In Fox, S. (ed.) (1998) The UK Business Environment. London, International Thomson Publishing.
  • ‘From management education and development to the study of management learning’. In Burgoyne, J. and Reynolds, M. (eds.) (1997) Management
    Learning: Integrating Perspectives in Theory and Practice
    . London, Sage.
  • 'Understanding Networked Learning Communities'. In Held, P. and Kugerman, (Eds.) (1995) Telematics for Education and Training. Amsterdam and Washington, IOS Press (with V. Hodgson).
  • ‘The production and distribution of knowledge through open and distance learning’. In Hlynka, D. and Belland, J.C. (eds.) (1991) Paradigms Regained: The Uses of Illuminative, Semiotic, and Post-Modern Criticism as Modes of Inquiry in Educational Technology. A Book of Readings. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Educational Technology Publications.
  • ‘Self-development: from humanism to deconstruction’. In Pedler, M. and Burgoyne, J.G., Boydell, T. and Welshman, G. (eds.) (1990) Self-Development in Organizations. London, McGraw-Hill.
  • ‘Becoming an ethnomethodology user: learning a perspective in the field’. In R. Burgess (ed.) (1990) Studies in Qualitative Methodology 2: Reflections on Field Experience. Greenwich, JAI Press.
  • ‘Two modes of organization’. In R. Mansfield (ed.) (1989) Frontiers of Management Research and Practice. London, Routledge.

Refereed papers

  • 'O Partner, Where Art Thou?' A critical discursive analysis of HR managers’ struggle for legitimacy. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.1-23, (with H Heizmann)
  • ‘Towards practice-based studies of HRM: an actor-network and communities of practice informed approach,’ 2010, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21, 6: 899-914. (with David Vickers).
  • ‘Playing the game? Professionalized politics and strategies of resistance and co-optation in diversity work,’ 2010, Gender, Work and Organization, (with Elaine Swan).
  • ‘‘This interpreted world’: Two turns to the social in Management Learning,’ 2009c, Management Learning, 40, 4: 371-78,
  • ‘Following the action in action learning: towards ethnomethodological studies of (critical) action learning,’ 2009b, Action Learning Research & Practice, 6, 1: 5-16.
  • ‘Becoming flexible: self-flexibility and its pedagogies,’ 2009a, British Journal of Management Studies, 20: 149-159. (with Elaine Swan).
  • ‘‘That miracle of familiar organizational things’: Social and moral order in the MBA classroom,’ 2008, Organization Studies, 29, 5: 733-61.
  • ‘‘Inquiries of every imaginable kind’: ethnomethodology, practical action and the new socially situated learning theory,’ 2006, Sociological Review, 54, 3: 426-445.
  • ‘An actor-network critique of community in higher education: implications for networked learning,’ 2005, Studies in Higher Education, 30, 1: 95-110.
  • ‘Communities of Practice, Foucault and Actor Network Theory,’ 2000, Journal of Management Studies, 37, 6: 853-867.
  • ‘Emergent Fields in Management: Connecting Learning and Critique,’ 1999, Management Learning, 31, 1, (with C. Grey).
  • ‘Situated learning theory versus traditional cognitive theory: why management education should not ignore management learning,’ 1997, Systems Practice, 10, 6: 749-71.
  • ‘Viral writing: deconstruction, disorganization and ethnomethodology,’ 1996, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 12, 1: 89-108.
  • ‘Debating Management Learning: II,’ 1994b, Management Learning, 25, 4: 579-97.
  • ‘Debating Management Learning: I,’ 1994a, Management Learning, 25, 1: 83-93.
  • ‘An approach to researching managerial labour markets: HRM, corporate strategy and financial performance,’ 1992, International Journal of Human Resource  Management, 3, 3: 523-54 (with S. McLeay).
  • ‘What are we? The constitution of management in management education and human resource management’, 1992b, International Studies of Management & Organization, 22, 3: 71-93.
  • ‘Postmodern management and organization: the implications for learning 2’, 1992, International Studies of Management & Organization, 22, 3: 3-10 (with R. Cooper and L. T. Martinez).
  • ‘Postmodern management and organization: the implications for learning 1’, 1992, International Studies of Management & Organization, 22, 2: 3-14 (with R. Cooper and L. T. Martinez).
  • ‘The European learning community: towards a political economy of management learning’, 1992a, Human Resource Management Journal, 3, 1: 70-91.
  • ‘Human resource management, corporate strategy and financial performance in British manufacturing’, 1991, Management Research News, 14, 9: 66-68.
  • ‘Strategic HRM: postmodern conditioning for the corporate culture’, 1990b, Management Education and Development, 21, 3: 192-206.
  • ‘Postmodern Culture and management Development’, 1990a, Management Education and Development, 21, 3: 168-70 (with G. Moult)
  • ‘The texture of organising’, 1990, Journal of Management Studies, 27, 6: 575-82 (with R. Cooper).
  • ‘The ethnography of humour and the problem of social reality’. Sociology, 1990, 24, 3: 431-46.
  • ‘The Panopticon: from Bentham’s obsession to the revolution in management learning’, 1989c, Human Relations, 42, 8: 717-39.
  • ‘The politics of management education evaluation’, 1989b, Management Education and Development, 20, 3: 191-207.
  • ‘The production and distribution of knowledge through open and distance learning’, 1989a, Educational and Training Technology International, 26, 3: 269-280.
  • ‘The Evaluation of Management Education and Development: Participant Satisfaction and Ethnographic Methodology’, 1987, Personnel Review, 16, 4: 33-39 (with M. Tanton).
  • '"The Apprenticeship of the Imagination" Management Education Under the Postmodern Condition: A Lyotardian Analysis', 1987, Centre for European Business Education Journal, 3, 1: 54-85.
  • ‘Perspectives in Organisational Analysis’, 1986, Personnel Review, 15, 3: 8-14 (with D. Smith)
  • 'Bridging the Systems and Action Perspectives in Organisational Analysis', 1985, Centre for European Business Education Journal, 1, 1: 1-29 (with D. Smith).


Current Doctoral Students:

1st Supervisor

  • Dyah Adi Sriwahyuni,The introduction of knowledge management in tax administration: an institutional perspective analysis – a case study in the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes.’.

2nd Supervisor

  • Muhammad Riaz, 'Role-related tensions in the lived experience of marketing managers in Islamic banks in the UK: A phenomenological exploration.'
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