Professor Brigitte Granville

Professor of International Economics and Economic Policy; Head of Department of Business Analytics and Applied Economics
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 7446
Room Number: Room 4.43, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Twitter: @brigranville
Brigitte is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests:
Brigitte Granville is Professor of International Economics and Economic Policy in the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary University of London, and Head of the School’s Business Analytics and Applied Economics Department.
Her core research interest is monetary economics – as reflected in her book Remembering Inflation published in 2013 by Princeton University Press – and its applications to wider issues in political economy treated in book length form in her What Ails France? published in 2021 by McGill-Queens University Press and in a forthcoming economic history of Russia (1985-2022) that will draw on her participation in policy advisory and analytical teams working in Moscow on Russia's transition to a market economy in the 1990s.
Beyond academia, Brigitte serves as a Trustee of Effective Intervention, a UK charity focusing on research projects addressing infant mortality and primary education in West Africa. She is also a regular columnist for Project Syndicate and The Conversation and is a member of the Scientific Committee of the A/simmetrie Association in Italy, and the Advisory Board of OMFIF in the UK.
In recognition of her contributions to education, Brigitte was appointed a Chevalier in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French government in 2007.
Centre and Group Membership:
- Deputy Director of the Centre for Globalisation Research (CGR)
Published articles
- Factor prices and induced technical change in the Industrial Revolution. (with Ravshonbek Otojanov and Roger Fouquet), The Economic History Review, 76(2), 2023, May: 599-623.
- Does greater Financial Openness promote external competitiveness in emerging markets? The role of institutional quality, (with Zunaira Aman, Sushanta Mallick and, Ilayda Nemlioglu), International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2022: 1-25, September.
- Choosing the Optimal Tool for Fiscal Adjustment or Living under Fiscal Constraints: Panel Evidence from Selected OECD Countries (with Cagri Esener and Roman Matousek), Economic Research Guardian, Weissberg Publishing, 12(1), 2022: 2-29, June.
- National Economy in a Global Context – Opportunities and Threats, The Raleigh Lecture 2021, 8-9, November.
- The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Capital Structure: Evidence from Russia. (with Roman Matousek and Egor Sokolov), Journal of Corporate Finance Research 13(4), 2019: 7-19.
- Time variation in inflation persistence: new evidence from modelling US Inflation(with Ning Zeng), Economic Modelling, Volume 81, September 2019: 30-39,
- The euro is doomed, Inference, Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2019 In response to “One Euro, One Europe” (Vol. 4, No. 2).
- Withdrawal of Italy from the euro area: stochastic simulations of a structural macroeconometric model (with Alberto Bagnai and Christian A. Mongeau Ospina), Economic Modelling, 2017. 64: 524-538.
- Eurozone cycles: an analysis of phase synchronization, (with Sana Hussain), International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2017. 22: 83-114.
- Lessons from the collapse of the Ruble Zone and the transferable Ruble system, CESifo Forum, 2017, 17(4): 19-26.
- Conflicting incentives for the public to support the EMU, (with Dominik Nagly), The Manchester School, 2015: 142-157. Doi: 10.1111/manc.12108.
- Chinese Exchange Rate and Price Effects on G3 Import Prices (with Sushanta Mallick and Ning Zeng), Journal of Asian Economics, 2011, 22(6): 427-440. Doi: 10.1016/j.asiaeco.2011.07.002.
- Monetary Policy in Russia: Identifying exchange rate shocks (with Sushanta Mallick), Economic Modelling, 2010, 27(1): 432-444. Doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2009.10.010.
- Do Informal Institutions Matter for Technological Change in Russia? The Impact of Communist Norms and Conventions, 1998–2004, (with Carol Scott Leonard) World Development (2010), 38(2): 155-169. Doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2009.10.010.
- Monetary and Financial Stability in the Euro Area: Pro-cyclicality versus Trade-off, (with Sushanta Mallick), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, (2009). Doi: 10.1016/j.intfin.2008.11.002.
- The Rural Urban Wage Gap in the Industrialization of Russia, 1884-1910 (with Carol Scott Leonard and Leonid Borodkin), European Review of Economic History, Volume 12, Issue 1, April 2008.
- Does Inflation or Currency Depreciation Drive Monetary Policy in Russia? (with Sushanta Mallick), Research in International Business and Finance, Vol.20, Issue 2, June 2006: 163-179.
- How best to link poverty reduction and debt sustainability in IMF-World Bank Models? (with Sushanta Mallick), 2005, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.19, N.1, January:67-85. ISSN 0269-2171
- Pension Reforms and saving gains in the UK (with Sushanta Mallick), 2004, Journal of Policy Reform, 7(2), June: 123-136. ISSN 1384-1289
- Fisher Hypothesis: UK evidence over a century (with Sushanta Mallick), 2004, Applied Economic Letters, 11(2)/10 February: 87-90.
- Global Price Transmission from China, (with Sushanta Mallick), Tokyo Club Papers, N.17, 2004:
- Does capital market reform boost savings? Evidence from the UK Pension Reforms (with Sushanta Mallick), Tokyo Club Papers, N.16, 2004: 7-36.
- The IMF and The Rouble Zone, Response to Odling-Smee and Pastor, Comparative Economic Studies, XLIV, no.4 (Winter 2002): 59-80
- Pharmaceuticals and Digital Deepening: How Discouraging is the Digital Divide for Development? (with Carol Scott Leonard), Tokyo Club Papers, N.15, 2002: 117-157.
- Sovereign Debt Crisis Resolution: The Benefits of the ‘uncertainty principle, The Business Economist, vol.33, no. 1, 2002: 23-35
- Russia’s post-Communist Economy (with Peter Oppenheimer), World Economics, Volume 2, Number 1, published by NTC publication limited, Henley on Thames, January – March 2001: 149 – 168.
- Information Technology and Economic Performance, Potential for Developing Countries (with Carol Leonard and Julian Manning), Tokyo Club Papers, N.14, 2001: 49-80.
- Weimar on the Volga: Causes and Consequences of Inflation in 1990s Russia Compared with 1920s Germany (with Niall Ferguson), Journal of Economic History, Vol.60, No 4, December 2000, Berkeley, USA: 1061-1087.
- Bingo or Fiasco, The Global financial situation is not guaranteed, International Affairs, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Vol. 75, number 4, October 1999: 713-728. Reprinted in The International Library of Writings on the New Global Economy, The Political Economy of Financial Crises, Ed. Roy E.Allen, 2004: 79-94. ISBN: 1 84376 106 8.
- L’Echec de la Stabilisation Monétaire en Russie, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest (CNRS), 1999 ; vol.30. n.2-3, numéro spécial : Les Economies post-socialistes : une décennie de transformations, Paris, France : 55-81,
- Problemy stabilisazii denechnovo obrachenie v Roccii, in Voprocii Economikii, 1, Moscow, Russian Federation, January 1999: 13-32,
- Sovremennaia Rocciia y Veimarskaia respoublika: visokaiaa inflatsia y politicheskii crisis, (with Niall Ferguson) in Voprocii Economikii, 5, Moscow, Russian Federation, May 1997: 53 – 70.
- inflatia: vicokaia tsena i nikakoi otdachii, Voprocii Economikii, No 3, 1995, Moscow: 34-44.
- La Politique monétaire en Russie ou la Fin d’un Empire, in Version Originale, Paris, 1993.
- Russian Monetary Policy in 1992: The Threat to Stabilization, Business Strategy Review, Spring 1993, Vol.4, Number .1, London Business School, London: 29-44.
- Price and Currency Reform in the CIS, Russian and East European Finance and Trade, Spring 1993, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, USA: 3-67.
- Convertibility and Exchange Rates in Poland: 1957 – 1990, Soviet and Eastern European Foreign Trade, winter 1991-92, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, USA: 71-97.
- Exchange Rate, Trade Regime and Systemic Changes in Poland (joint with J.M.C. Rollo), Tokyo Club Papers n.4, 1990: 101 – 120.
- What ails France, McGill-Queen’s University Press, May 2021:
- Remembering Inflation, Princeton University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780691145402:
- The processes and practices of fairtrade, trust, ethics and governance eds by Brigitte Granville and Janet Dine, Routledge, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-415-57566-9.
- Delivering Essential Medicines: The Way Forward eds by Amir Attaran and BrigitteGranville, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, November 2004. ISBN: 1 86203 150 9.
- Sovereign Debt: Origins, Management, and Restructuring, eds by Brigitte Granville and Vinod Aggarwal, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, March 2003. ISBN: 1 86203 146 0
- The Economics of Essential Medicines, ed. By Brigitte Granville, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, June 2002. ISBN: 1 86203 143 6.
- Russia’s post-Communist Economy, eds. By B. Granville and P. Oppenheimer, published by Oxford University Press, August 2001. ISBN: 0-19-829526-X:
- Essays on the World Economy and its Financial System, Tokyo Club Papers 13, ed. By Brigitte Granville, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, October 2000. ISBN: 1 86203 104 5.
- The Success of Russian Economic Reforms published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, 1995. ISBN: 1 899658 06 8.
- Granville, B. (forthcoming). Unemployment and Macron’s labour reforms. Revolution Revisited: The Macron Presidency 2017 – 2022. S. Collard. London & New York, Routledge.
- Granville, B. and F. Liberini (2024). Communities of grievance: The Gilets Jaunes and Brexit causes. Culture Wars. B. Alma-Pierre and R. Espiet-kilty. London & New York, Routledge.
- Versailles in Athens: the implications of German government policy for Greece. German macro: how it’s different and why that matters. G. Bratsiotis and D. Cobham. Brussels, European Policy Center. 2016: 55-63.
- Empirical Evidence from South Africa (with Steven Telford) in The processes and practices of fairtrade, trust, ethics and governance eds by Brigitte Granville and Janet Dine, Routledge, 2013: 286-340.
- Scratch a Would-Be Planner: Robins, Neoclassical Economics and the End of Socialism (with Judith Shapiro) in Lionel Robbins’s essay on the nature and significance of economic science, 75th anniversary conference proceedings, eds by Frank Cowell and Amos Witztum, Sticerd, 2009, LSE: 366-386.
- Globalization and the Euro in Encyclopedia of Globalization, eds by Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte, New York: Routledge, 2006. ISBN: 0-415-97314-7.
- Monetary Policy in Russia (with Sushanta Mallick) in Return to Growth in CIS Countries, Monetary Policy and the Macroeconomic Framework, eds by Lucio Vinhas de Souza and Oleh Havrylyshyn, Springer, 2006, Chapter 4: 73-89; ISBN-10 3-40-34263-X,ISBN-13 978-3-540-34263-2.
- Integrating Poverty Reduction in IMF-World Bank Models (with Sushanta Mallick) in The IMF, the World Bank and policy reforms, eds by Alberto Paloni and Maurizio Zanardi, Routledge, 2006: 191-208; ISBN 0-415-35399-8
- Who Needs to do What? (with Amir Attaran) in Delivering Essential Medicines: The Way Forward eds by Amir Attaran and Brigitte Granville, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, November 2004: 175-192.
- The Global Economy, What has Changed in Global Responses to Terrorism, 9/11, Afghanistan and Beyond, eds by Mary Buckley and Rick Fawn, Routledge, 2003: 276-283.
- Taxation of Financial Intermediaries as a source of Budget Revenue: Russia in the 1990s in Taxation of Financial Intemediation, Theory and Practice for Emerging Economies, Patrick Honohan, The World Bank, 2003: 269-288.
- Strengthening the Link between Debt and Poverty Reduction: the HIPC Initiative in Sovereign Debt: Origins, Management, and Restructuring, eds by Brigitte Granville and Vinod Aggarval, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, 2003: 36-57.
- Sovereign Debt Management: Lessons and Policy Implications (joint with Vinod Aggarval) in Sovereign Debt: Origins, Management, and Restructuring, eds by BrigitteGranville and Vinod Aggarval, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, 2003: 281-287.
- Progress towards Financial Stability, in Russian Banking: Evolution, Problems and Prospects, David Lane (eds), Edward Elgar, (2002): 243-259.
- The Pharmaceuticals Sector: The Generics Development Trajectory, with Carol Scott Leonard, in The Economics of Essential Medicines ed. By B. Granville, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, June 2002: 137-160.
- “Exchange Rates in Transition”, in Don’t Fix. Don’t Float, eds. Braga de Macedo J.. Cohen D. and Reisen H. 2001, Development Centre Studies, International Development, OECD: 85-95.
- “Introduction”, with P. Oppenheimer in Russia’s post-Communist Economy, eds. Granville B. and Oppenheimer P., August 2001, Oxford University Press: 1-20.
- “The problem of Monetary Stabilisation” in Russia’s post-Communist Economy, eds. Granville B. and Oppenheimer P., August 2001, Oxford University Press: 93-130.
- “Introduction”, in Essays on the World Economy and its Financial System, ed. By B. Granville, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, October 2000:1 -12.
- “Moral Hazard and Burden Sharing, The 1998 Russian Debacle as a turning point for The World Financial System” in Essays on the World Economy and its Financial System, ed. By B. Granville, published by RIIA distributed by Brookings, October 2000: 198 -217.
- France in the impasse in The Politics of Economic Reform ed by Robert Skidelsky, The Social Market Foundation, Centre for Post-Collectivist Studies, October 1998, pp. 29-37
- ‘Chem nizhe inflyatsiya, tem men’she bednost’ in Sotsyal’naya Politika v Period Perekhoda k rynky: rganiz i resheniya with Judith Shapiro and with the assistance of Oksanna Dynnikova, edited by Anders Aslund and Michael Dimitrief, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Moscow, Russian Federation, 1996: 63-88.
- Farewell then Rouble Zone, this paper was presented at the Stockholm Conference rganized by Anders Aslund, it was published first Russian Economic Reform at risk, Castle (1995), London and New York, pp.65-88. Republished in Russia’s Economic transformation in the 1990s, ed. Anders Aslund, Pinter (1997).
- Credit and Monetary Policies, in Russian Economy in 1993, Trends and Prospects, Institute for the Economy in Transition, Russian Academy of Sciences, Academy of the National Economy under the government of the Russian Federation, ed. By E.T. Gaidar, Moscow: 89-97, 1994.
- Price and Currency Reform in the CIS, in Vers une Nouvelle Europe published under the direction of Mario Telo, Collection, Editions de l’Universite de Bruxelles, Etudes Europeennes, collection dirigee par l’Institut d’Etudes Europeennes, Bruxelles, Belgique, 1992: 441 – 478.
- Systemic Change and Economic Stabilisation in Central Europe: Comparative Progress in CSFR, Hungary and Poland – 1989-1991. With J.M.C. Rollo. Published in Die Transformation der osteuropaischen Lander in die Marktwirtschaft, ed by Fischer J., Messner F. and Wohlmuth, Osteuropa, Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Politik, Bd.3: 238 –269.
- Sources of Funds from International Lending Agencies in Handbook of International Finance Management, edited by Brooke M, published by Macmillan Publishers, 1990: 183 – 215.
- The Economic Problem in J.M.C. Rollo (ed.) The New Eastern Europe: Western Responses. Published by Pinter for RIIA, 1990: 40-62.
- The Agenda for Reform in J.M.C. Rollo (ed.) The New Eastern Europe: Western Responses. Published by Pinter for RIIA, 1990: 63-82.
Grants, Contracts and Awards
- Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC): “The Fair Trade Movement, legal support and social implications.” Principal investigator: Professor Brigitte Granville. Start date: 1 October 2006, 36 months, £401,712.
- 5 Seminars on Essential Medicines; Bridging the Divide between Access and Innovation, September-December 2003: £30,000 by DFID and £60,000 by Accenture
- Grant to organise a ‘Working Group on the mechanisms for restructuring of unsustainable sovereign debt’(Tuesday 10 December 2002): about £10,000 by participants which included both officials from the private and public sector.
- Grant to attend Research Workshop – “Taxation of Domestic Financial Liberalization”, The World Bank, Washington DC, April 8-9 2002 and to write Taxation of Financial Intermediaries as a source of Budget Revenue: Russia in the 1990s in Taxation of Financial Intemediation, Theory and Practice for Emerging Economies, Patrick Honohan, The World Bank: US$ 5,000.
- Book: Delivering Essential Medicines: The Way Forward (with Amir Attaran), 2002: £20,000 by Merck.
- Conference on the Economics of Essential Medicines, 10 July 2001: £30,000 awarded by Merck, The Ashden Trust, The World Bank and the International Policy Network.
- International Finance, Reform of the International Financial Architecture: Views, Priorities and Concerns of Governments and the Private Sector in the Western Hemisphere and Eastern Europe, March 2001. ( This study was commissioned by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and was organised by the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, by Professor Stephany Griffith Jones. I was allocated a grant of about £10,000 to conduct the report on Russia entitled “Russia. International Financial Architecture: Case study” available on
- Contractor of the Project: “Banking and Central Banking in Russia and Kazakhstan” financed by the TACIS-ACE 1995 programme. This project is in cooperation with Professor Emil Maria Claassen (University of Paris Dauphine), Lina Takla (london Business School), Alex Deviatov (New Economic School), E. Kostyukova (Central Bank of Russia), B. Zhamashev (Central Bank of Kazakhstan), J. Wermuth (ministry of Finance, Russia), January 1996 - March 1998: about £160,000.
- Contractor of the project "High Inflation, Inequality, Poverty and Barriers to Growth" financed by the ACE-TACIS 1994 programme. This project was in cooperation with Dr Shapiro (Goldsmith College, University of London), Gerard Roland (ECARE, Universite Libre of Brussels, Vladimir Kosmarsky, CIST, Moscow and Evgenii Gontmaker, Ministry of Labor, Moscow), September 1995- September 1996: about £140,000.
- Coordinator and contractor of the project "The Costs of inflation" financed by the ACE-TACIS 1991 programme. This project was in cooperation with Dr Shapiro (Goldsmith College, University of London), Gerard Roland (ECARE, Universite Libre of Brussels, Vladimir Kosmarsky, CIST, Moscow and Evgenii Gontmakher, Ministry of Labor, Moscow), September 1994- September 1995: about £130,000.
Current doctoral students:
- Saide Poshtahani Jamshidpour. Supervisors: Brigitte Granville, Guven Demirel, Eun-Seok Kim, started September 2021.
- Kairan Chen. Supervisors: Brigitte Granville and Roman Matousek, started September 2021.
- Milad Asadpour. Supervisors: Brigitte Granville and Guven Demirel, started September 2022.
Doctoral supervision completions:
- Jaume Martorell Cruz, 'One Money, Multiple Institutions: Diversity and Convergence across the Eurozone Varieties of Capitalism.' Awarded 2019. (Internal examiner: Dr Robert C. Hancké, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); external examiner: Dr Carol Leonard, St Antony’s College, Oxford University.)
- Vladislav Skovorodov, ‘Macroeconomic effects of monetary policy shocks. Credit and expectation transmission channels.’ Awarded 2019. (Internal examiner: Professor Haroon Muntaz, School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London; external examiner: Professor Peter Sinclair, Department of Economics, University of Birmingham.)
- Sana Hussain, 'The nexus between financial depth, Business cycles and macroeconomic Volatility.' Awarded 2016. (Internal examiner: Professor John Driffill, Birbeck, University of London; external examiner: Dr George Bratsiotis, School of social sciences, university of Manchester.)
- Shannon Sutton, 'Voice, choice, and governance: The case of Tanzania’s Fairtrade coffee co-operatives.' Awarded 2014. (Internal examiner: Dr Deborah Johnston, SOAS; external examiner: Professor Bob Doherty, York groupManagement School.)
- Alex Pietrus, 'The impact of FDI into the South African banking sector: spillover effects and efficiency.' Awarded 2013. (Internal examiner: Dr. Gül Berna Özcan, School of Management, Royal Holloway, U. of London; external examiner: Professor Suma Athreye, Brunel Business School, Brunel University)
- Steven Telford, 'An economic enquiry into the welfare effects of fair-trade.' Awarded 2012. (Internal examiner: Dr Deborah Johnston, SOAS; external examiner: Professor Shanti Chakravarty, Bangor Business School)
- Eshref Trushin, 'Evaluation of incentives for R&D in the pharmaceutical industry with applications for neglected diseases.' Awarded 2010. (Internal examiner: Professor Alistair McGuire, LSE; external examiner: Professor Bronwyn Hall, University of Berkeley.)
- Ning Zeng, 'Inflation Persistence and Policy Consequences.' Awarded 2010 (Internal examiner: Dr Alvaro Angeriz, SBM; external examiner: Professor Phlip Arestis, University of Cambridge.)
- Mariusz Jarmuzek, “Monetary Rules in Economies in Transition”, Awarded 2007. (Internal examiner: Dr Sushanta Mallick, external examiner: Dr Alan R. Roe, Oxford Policy Management.)
Public Engagement
Professor Granville regularly contributes to media publications like the Project Syndicate and The Conversation.
Professor Granville's recent articles include the following:
- “The Neglected Issue that Will Define Europe’s Future”, 12 December 2023.
- Is 2% Really the Right Inflation Target for Central Banks? - Project Syndicate (, 27 June 2023. In this Big Question, we ask Michael J. Boskin, John Cochrane, Brigitte Granville, and Kenneth Rogoff whether it is time to rethink the 2% target.
- “What Ails France”, McGill-Queen’s University Press’s Blog. 18 April 2023.
- “Is a major recession unavoidable? Three economists give their views”, The Conversation, 17 June 2022.
- “Inflation might well keep rising in 2021 - but what happens after that?”, The Conversation, 27 May 2021.
- “Inflation will probably melt away in 2022 – central banks will do far more harm trying to tackle it”, The Conversation, 14 January 2022.
- "Should the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Be Put on Hold? Fourteen prominent thinkers offer their views". The International Economy magazine. Washington D.C. Winter 2022, pp. 14-23.
- "The Sanctions Trap", Project Syndicate On Point, 11 November 2022.
- “What Does India Want from Russia?”, written with Sushanta Mallick, Project Syndicate, 12 August 2022.
- “Are Major Central Banks Doing Enough to Fight Inflation?” Project Syndicate Big Question, 15 April 2022.
- “Growth and the Migration Factor”, Project Syndicate On Point, 18 February 2022.
- “Behind the Modern Malaise”, Project Syndicate On Point, 1 October 2021.
- “Protest and Power in France”, Project Syndicate, 5 May 2023.
- The Debt Question Today. PS On Point. Project Syndicate. 16 June 2023.