Dr Nastaran Hajiheydari is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) specializing in Digital Marketing & Analytics and Head of the Department of Marketing at the School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London. With a career spanning over a decade, she brings a wealth of academic and industry experience to her role. Beginning her academic journey in 2010, Nastaran has held positions Tenured Associate Professor at the University of Tehran and Assistant Professor at the University of Sheffield before joining QMUL. Prior to transitioning to academia, she spent seven years immersed in IT Business Analysis and Digital Transformation, gaining valuable insights into industry practices and challenges.
Nastaran is passionate about bridging the gap between academia and industry. She has shared her expertise through IT management consulting services and workshops tailored to diverse sectors, including Courier Services, Securities and Exchange, Telecommunication, Car Manufacturing, and Financial Service Providers. In addition to her academic and consulting roles, she has contributed to the venture capital landscape, serving on committees to assess ICT fundraising proposals. Nastaran has also supervised numerous IT projects, focusing on areas such as Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Analytics, and Digital Transformation. She continues to drive innovation and knowledge exchange in the field of digital marketing and analytics, inspiring students and professionals alike.
Nastaran teaching draws on the fields of Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation topics for undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students.
Her goal as a teacher is to equip her students with a strong theoretical and practical foundation, enabling them to take on challenging projects and reach their full potential. Nastaran places a strong emphasis on research-led teaching to encourage students to learn the most recent theories and understand emerging research, while thoroughly follow active learning and innovative approaches in her classes.
Nastaran teaching philosophy is to inspire students to achieve great accomplishments through three approaches:
- Solving Real-world Problems
- Encouraging hands-on experience.
- Learning Through Creativity and Collaboration
Nastaran is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests:
Nastaran’s general area of research is business analytics, understanding and predicting user behaviour in using emerging technologies, with a focus on developing effective and efficient business applications by using both structured and non-structured big data. The new insights and knowledge acquired will help to better support decisions and policy making.
Her research focuses on Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Computational social science, in particular, analysing online behaviours in the digital world, by using machine learning techniques.
Nastaran current research interest and professional practice lie in the following areas:
- Text mining for classification, clustering and sentiment analysis
- Computational social science, in particular analysing members’ online behaviour in social networks, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding networks
- Digital transformation through using emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, bigdata, internet of things, and robotics
Dr Hajiheydari’s work has appeared in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Technovation, Journal of Business Research, Computers in Human Behavior, and Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of Information Systems, among more. Her Google Scholar profile contains a detailed list of publications.
Selected Journal Publications
- Soltani Delgosha, M., Hajiheydari, N., & Olya, H. (2024). A person‐centred view of citizen participation in civic crowdfunding platforms: A mixed‐methods study of civic backers. Information Systems Journal.
- Hajiheydari, N., & Delgosha, M. S. (2024). Investigating engagement and burnout of gig-workers in the age of algorithms: an empirical study in digital labor platforms. Information Technology & People.
- Hajiheydari, N., Kargar Shouraki, M., Vares, H., & Mohammadian, A. (2023). Digital sustainable business model innovation: applying dynamic capabilities approach (DSBMI-DC). foresight, 25(3), 420-447.
- Hajiheydari, N., & Delgosha, M. S. (2023). Citizens' support in social mission platforms: Unravelling configurations for participating in civic crowdfunding platforms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 189, 122366.
- Delgosha, M. S., Hajiheydari, N., & Talafidaryani, M. (2022). Discovering IoT implications in business and management: a computational thematic analysis. Technovation, 118, 102236.
- Hajiheydari, N., Delgosha, M. S., Wang, Y., & Olya, H. (2021). Exploring the paths to big data analytics implementation success in banking and financial service: an integrated approach. Industrial Management & Data Systems.
- Hajiheydari, N., Delgosha, M. S., & Olya, H. (2021). Scepticism and resistance to IoMT in healthcare: Application of behavioural reasoning theory with configurational perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 169, 120807.
- Soltani Delgosha, M., Hajiheydari, N. (2021). How Human Users Engage with Consumer Robots? A Dual Model of Psychological Ownership and Trust to Explain Post-adoption Behaviours. Journal of Computers in Human Behavior, 117, 106660
- Delgosha, M. S., Hajiheydari, N. (2020). On-Demand Service Platforms Pro/Anti Adoption Cognition: Examining the Context-Specific Reasons, Journal of Business Research, Vol 121. 180-194.
- Delgosha, M. S., Saheb, T., & Hajiheydari, N. (2020). Modelling the Asymmetrical Relationships between Digitalisation and Sustainable Competitiveness: A Cross-Country Configurational Analysis. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-21.
- Delgosha, M. S., Hajiheydari, N. & Fahimi, S.M., (2020). Elucidation of Big Data Analytics in Banking: a Four-stage Delphi Study, Journal of Enterprise Information Management.
- Delgosha, M. S., Hajiheydari, N., & Saadeatmantesh, H. (2020). Semantic structures of business analytics research: applying text mining methods. Information Research, 25 (2). (
- Dahka, Z.Y., Hajiheydari, N. Rouhani, S. (2020). User response to e-WOM in social networks: how to predict a content influence in Twitter. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. 14(1), 91-111.
- Hajiheydari N., Talafidaryani M., Khabiri S. Salehi M (2019). Business Model Analytics: Technically Review Business Model Research Domain. Foresight. DOI 10.1108/FS-01-2019-0002.
- Hajiheydari N., Ashkani M. (2018). Mobile application user behavior in the developing countries: a survey in Iran. Information Systems 77:22-33.
- Hajiheydari N., Maskan BHH, Ashkani M. (2017) Factors affecting loyalty of mobile social networks' users. International Journal of E-Business Research. 13(1):66-81.
- Khakbaz, S.B, and Hajiheydari, N. (2015). Proposing a Basic Methodology for Developing Balanced Scorecard by System Dynamics Approach, Kybernetes. Vol. 44 No. 6/7, 2015 pp. 1049-1066.
- Hajiheydari, N., and Zarei KorKAbad.B. (2013). Developing and Manipulating Business Model Applying System Dynamic Approach. Journal of Modelling in Management Vol.8, No. 2 pp: 18-42.
Selected Conferences
- Hajiheydari, N., & Soltani Delgosha, M. (2022). How Crowdworkers Engage in the Age of Algorithms? An Empirical Study of On-Demand Service Platforms. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 11174). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Hajiheydari, N., & Soltani Delgosha, M. (2021). Why People Collaborate in Civic Crowdfunding Platforms: Configurational Analysis of Citizens Profile. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 11960). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Hajiheydari, N., Delgosha, M. S., (2020). How to Avoid Falling into Death Spiral: Switching and Multihoming Behaviours in Two-Sided Platforms. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020
- Delgosha, M. S., Hajiheydari, N., & Saheb, T. (2020). The Configurational Impact of Digital Transformation on Sustainability: a Country-Level Perspective. European Conference of Information systems 2020.
- Hajiheydari, N., Delgosha, M.S., Talafidaryani, M. (2019). IS Research Theoretical Foundation: Theories Used and the Future Path. International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems CONFENIS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic,16-17 December
- Hajiheydari, N., Talafidaryani, M. Khabiri S.H., (2019). Toward a Knowledge Sharing-Aimed Virtual Enterprise, 7th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, Galicia, Spain, April 16 - 19.
- Hajiheydari, N., Talafidaryani, M. Khabiri S.H., (2019). Big data IoT Value Map: How to Generate Value form IoT Data, The 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Processing, Laxenburg, Austria, January 10-12.
- Hajiheydari, N., Salehi, M. Goudarzi, A. (2018). Optimizing Humanitarian Aids: Formulating Influencer Advertisement in Social Networks, PRO-VE 2018 Cardiff, UK, September 17-19.
Areas of Supervision Interest:
Dr Hajiheydari is ambitious about supervising excellent, passionate and hardworking PhD students who are interested in Business Issues in Digital Era. Her current research focuses on “Digital Transformation”, “Artificial Intelligence”, and “Computational social science, in particular, analysing online behaviours in the digital world, by using machine learning techniques”. She is interested in the concept of digitalization as general and digital platforms and sharing economy as special, to understand both digital business model and users’ behavioural patterns.
The industrial settings that she prefers to collaborate in are the healthcare and financial sector. She is also interested in and committed to working collaboratively across the schools to chase multi-disciplinary opportunities.
Current Doctoral Students:
1st Supervisor
Zihao Chen (The Impact of the Digital Transformation on the Common Prosperity - Mechanism Construction and Mechanistic Analysis Based on Explicit Remuneration and Implicit Benefits)