Professor Joanne Jin Zhang is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at the School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London, and a visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge. She won the ‘Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year’ (Triple E European Award, 2022), and also received the QM President and Principal's Education Excellence Award in 2021 and 2024. She was the co-investigator for QM project titled “Co-creating AI best practices with students and staff in HE”, which was shortlisted for the global OS Reimaging Education Awards 2024.
Joanne built the award-winning QM Social Venture Fund—the first student-led social venture fund in the UK investing in student-led social ventures—and the Entrepreneurship Hub from scratch in 2019. Drawing upon her research and prior entrepreneurial experience, Joanne has pioneered innovative initiatives and programmes such as QMUL- ReMAKE and Social impact projects to foster entrepreneurship, enhance education, and support impactful social ventures. Previously, she held positions at the University of Cambridge (UK Innovation Research Centre Fellow), the University of East Anglia and the City University of London.
Joanne's research, scholarship and teaching interests are entrepreneurship, strategy and innovation, with particular interests in social entrepreneurship, business models, entrepreneurial ecosystem, AI in education. She has led and engaged in large-scale grant bidding, delivery and external dissemination totalling over GBP£7m, including SKETCH “Student Knowledge Exchange Through Community Hubs” (£650K, Principle Investigator, Research England and Office for students, QMUL), “New Modes of Innovation: Managerial and Strategic Business Practice and Open Innovation” (£5m, ESRC supported, Cambridge and Imperial), “Financial and Organizational innovation in UK Biotechnology sector” (£1.3m, EPSRC supported, City University and SPRU). A frequent speaker at international conferences, Joanne has been invited to present at renowned institutions such as the OECD, NESTA and the UK Technology Strategy Board.
Joanne is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and gained her MBA and PhD in Management Studies from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), City, University of London supported by SIMFONEC scholarship.
- BUS342: Start-Ups and Incubators
- BUSM186: Strategic Entrepreneurship
Dr Zhang has considerable teaching experience at UG, PG and Executive Education level. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). She is the ‘Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year’, Triple E European Award 2022. She was also awarded the QM President and Principal's Education Excellence Award in 2021 and 2024.
Public Engagement
Dr Zhang is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and was an invited speaker at OECD and NESTA. She also advises start-ups and social enterprises. Some examples:
- “How can I ethically and effectively use AI-powered tools for my learning if you won’t teach me? Enhancing AI Literacy through AI Workshop in Higher Education”. Presented at LTSE (Learning, Teaching and student experience), 14th-15th May 2024 Birmingham, with X. Zhou and L. Schofield.
- “Closing demographic and entry qualifications gaps through authentic learning” presented at LTSE (Learning, Teaching and student experience) 2023, 22nd – 23rd May 2023 Cardiff, with P. McGurk and G. Petrov.
- "Collaborating for a Better Tomorrow: Uniting Universities for Collaboration, Innovation, and Progress.", Panel member on the international conference. Hosted by Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS), China. 25th May 2023
- “Values-led authentic learning in a business school: student-led social impact venture fund and community impact projects”. Presented at Advanced Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference, 5-7 July 2022. With P. McGurk.
- Keynote speaker at “Teaching Social Entrepreneurship at HEIs" at Tallinn University, Estonia, in March 2022.
- “Why we launched a social venture fund to empower students” by Dr Joanne Zhang
- Panellist, Entrepreneurs Raleigh lecture, the Guild of Entrepreneurs, Drapers’ Hall, Dec 2019, London, UK.
- Panellist, The 5th Future Ed in Higher Education Conference, June 2019, London, UK
- “Open innovation choice – what is British enterprise doing?” Presented at OECD, Paris & NESTA, London, May/June 2012
- “Building boards and advisors for high tech start-ups” ESPRC project showcase event. (Conference) Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), City University of London, Session/Day Chair and Organising Committee. June 2009.
Scholarly Contributions
Joanne’s research, scholarship and teaching interests are entrepreneurship, innovation and entrepreneurship education. Her current interests are social entrepreneurship, business models, entrepreneurial ecosystem, AI and entrepreneurship education.
Peer reviewed papers and conference proceeding
- Zhou, X., Zhang, J.J. Chan, C. Unveiling Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence Usage in Higher Education. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 21(6) DOI:
- Zhang, J. J., 2023 “Authentic learning in entrepreneurship education: the case of a student-led social venture fund”, Academy of Management Conference Proceeding 2023
- Zhang, J. J.; Zhang, J., 2023 ‘Student-managed venture fund (SMVFs): an innovative pedagogy of entrepreneurship education’, Academy of Management Conference Proceeding 2023
- Zhang, J. J.; Zhang, J.; Baden-Fuller, C. 2022, "The dynamics of entrepreneurial networking logics: evidence from United Kingdom high-tech start-ups". International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol 28 (9), pp 405-426.
- Zhang, J. J.; Baden-Fuller, C.; Zhang, J. 2020. “The co-existence of causation and effectuation in entrepreneurial network development: evidence from UK high-tech start-ups”. Full paper presented at Academy of Management 2020 conference.
- Zhang, J.J., Lichtenstein, Y; Gander, J., “Designing scalable digital business model”. Business models and modelling, Advances in Strategic Management Vol 33, p241-277.
- Zhang, J. J.; Baden-Fuller, C.; Pool, J. K. "Resolving the Tensions between Monitoring, Resourcing and Strategizing: Structures and Processes in High Technology Venture Boards". Long Range Planning, Vol. 44 Issue 2, p95-117.
Book chapters, cases and reports
- Zhang, J.J. 2024. A co-creation model of entrepreneurship education to foster prison leaver re-entry into society: A case of Project ReMAKE. Vol. 6 of the Annals of Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy, edited by S. Santos and S. Simmons. Edward Elgar Publishing (Forthcoming)
- Cosh, A and Zhang, J. J., “Open innovation choices – what is British Enterprise doing?" UK innovation research centre, University of Cambridge. Available here
- Cosh, A and Zhang, J. J., 2011. “Variety of search and innovation: a comparative study of US manufacturing and knowledge intensive business services firms. Working paper 431, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge.
- Zhang, J.J. and Baden-Fuller, C. 2008. “Knowledge brokering in high-tech start-ups” in Scarbrough, H. (ed.) Evolution of Business Knowledge, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Zhang, J.J. and Baden-Fuller, C. 2006. “The Phynova story—commericializing knowledge from China”. European Case Handbook, Gate2growth/EIASM.
- Sachs, A. Marino, A. Zhang, J.J. Jackson, T. and Peters, L. 2003. “The value in Fashion: Analysing Fashion companies”, Centre for Fashion Enterprise, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, UK.
Selected conference presentations, talks and blogs
- Schofield, L. & Zhang, J.J. (2024). Spotlight on the inclusion process in developing AI guidance and policy.
- “Closing demographic and entry qualifications gaps through authentic learning” presented at LTSE (Learning, Teaching and student experience) 2023, 22nd – 23rd May 2023 Cardiff, with Partrick McGurk and Georgy Petrov.
- Panel member at the international conference on "Collaborating for a Better Tomorrow: Uniting Universities for Collaboration, Innovation, and Progress." Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS), China. 25th May 2023
- Keynote speaker at “Teaching Social Entrepreneurship at HEIs" at Tallinn University, Estonia, in March 2022.
- “Values-led authentic learning in a business school: student-led social impact venture fund and community impact projects”. Presented at Advanced Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference, 5-7 July 2022. with Partrick McGurk
- “Mix them up, or scale it up? Doing employability and enterprise work outside and/or within the formal curriculum”. Presented at Chartered ABS, Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference, May 2022, with Partrick McGurk
- “How to revitalise student knowledge exchange with local communities. Times Higher Education online, 25th Nov 2021. with McGurk, P., Ahmed, F., and Reid O.
- “Scalability of Big Data Business Models” (30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 3-5, 2014) with Gander, J., and Yossi Lichtenstein.
- “Internal R&D, external openness and innovation performance of small and medium sized family firms. Presented at Theories of Family Enterprise (sponsored by Entrepreneurial Theory & Practices), Imperial College London, April, 2013, with Cosh, A.
- “Ambidexterity in open innovation: A survey of UK small and medium sized firms (SMEs)”, presented at “Open innovation: new insights and evidence”, Imperial College London, June 2012, with Cosh, A.
- “Variety of search and Innovation: A comparative study of US manufacturing and Knowledge intensive businesses” co-authored with Andy Cosh. Presented at the 71th AOM, San Antonio, USA
Joanne has led and engaged in large-scale research, scholarship and knowledge exchange projects totalling over £7m including:
- SKETCH “Student Knowledge Exchange Through Community Hubs” (£650K, Research England and Office for students, QMUL). 2020-2023. Principal investigator.
- Queen Mary Social Venture Fund (£60k, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, 2022- 2025).
- “Co-creating AI best practices in higher education (HE): Building AI skills enhancement resources through interdisciplinary Student-Staff Best Practice Sharing Sessions.” (£10k, QM President and Principal’s Fund for Educational Excellence 2023). Co-lead.
- “New Modes of Innovation: Managerial and Strategic Business Practice and Open Innovation” (£5m, ESRC supported, Cambridge and Imperial). 2009-2012. Co-lead.
- “Financial and Organizational innovation in UK Biotechnology sector” (£1.3m, EPSRC supported, City University and SPRU). 2007- 2009.
- Establishing Centre for Fashion Enterprise (CFE), London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, UK. 2002-2003.