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School of Business and Management

Professor Sukhdev Johal


Professor of Accounting and Strategy

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6613
Room Number: Room 4.11, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Office Hours: Thursday 2.00pm - 4.00pm




Sukhdev Johal is Chair in Accounting & Strategy at Queen Mary University of London. His current research interests include critical research on UK finance, how to adapt social and economic statistics to understand employment and wealth changes in the UK, how local authorities can adapt local CSR policies to promote economic democracy and local supply chains. He also has a long standing interest in financialization and its impact on business models with the most recent publication on the Apple Business Model. He is a long time research collaborator with the CRESC research team. Recent co-authored books include After the Great Complacence (2011), Financialization at Work (2008)  and Financialization and Strategy (2006). Alongside academic publishing are public interest reports on public policy issues such as UK rail privatization, an alternative report on UK banking reform, regional growth disparities. All these reports received extensive publicity in the broadsheet.

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