Professor Stella Ladi
Professor in Public Policy
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6987
Room Number: Room 3.44g, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Twitter: @stella_ladi
- Member of the Leadership Team of the Global Policy Institute
Stella Ladi is a Professor in Public Policy at Queen Mary University of London and an Associate Professor at Panteion University in Athens. She is research fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and Research Associate at the Hellenic Observatory, LSE. She previously worked as a lecturer at University of Sheffield and University of Exeter. She has also been a Research Fellow at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI). She has acted as a public policy expert at the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Aegean, Greece. In July 2002 she completed her PhD thesis at the University of York.
- BUS244: European Business Context
Stella is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests:
- Crisis management: the Eurozone crisis, the Covid-19 crisis
- The role of experts in public policy
- Public policy and public administration reforms
- Multilateralism, Europeanization, globalization, transnational administration and global public policy
Centre and Group Membership:
- Member of the Centre for Globalisation Research (CGR)
- Member of the Centre for European Research
- Memeber of the Public Management and Regulation Cluster
Books and special journal editions
- Ladi, S. and Polverari, L. (eds.), (2024), Crises as opportunities? Reconceptualising the EU-member states relationship in the age of permanent emergency, Special Issue in Comparative European Politics.
- Moury, C., Ladi, S, Cardoso, D. and Gago, A. (2021), Capitalising on Constraint: Bailout Politics in Eurozone Countries, Manchester: Manchester University Press (translated in Greek by Papazisis publishers, 2022, shortlisted for the UACES book award 2022).
- Wolff. S. and Ladi., S. (eds.), (2020), Pandemic Politics and European Union Responses, Special Issue in Journal of European Integration, 42.8.
- Ladi, S. and Dalakou V. (2016), Public Policy Analysis, 2nd edition, Athens: Papazisis (text-book in Greek).
- Ladi, S. and Stone, D. (eds.), (2015), Global Policy and Transnational Administration, Special issue in Public Administration, 9. 4.
- Ladi, S. and Tsarouhas, D. (eds.), (2014), Symposium on Austerity Politics in the EU, Political Studies Review, 12.2.
- Ladi, S. (2005), Globalization, Policy Transfer and Policy Research Institutes, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Ladi, S. (editor), (2005), Europeanization and Environmental Policy, Policy and Society, 24.2.
- Percy-Smith, J. with Burden, T., Darlow, A., Dowson, L., Hawtin, M. and Ladi, S. (2002), Promoting Change through Research, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Articles in peer reviewed journals
- Ladi, S. and Polverari, L. (2024), “Crises as opportunities? Reconceptualising the EU-member states relationship in the age of permanent emergency”, Comparative European Politics,
- Ladi, S., Copeland, P. and Tsarouhas, D. (2024), “Negotiating the Recovery and Resilience Facility: The Emergence of Coordinative Conditionality”, Comparative European Politics,
- Ladi, S., Moury, C. and Stolfi, F., (2023), “Socio-political reputation and the reform of pharmacies in Greece and Portugal”, Journal of Public Policy,
- Angelou, A., Ladi, S., Panagiotatou, D. and Tsagkroni, V., (2023), “Paths to Trust: Explaining Citizen’s Trust to Experts and Evidence-Informed Policy Making during the COVID-19 Pamdemic”, Public Administration,
- Moury, C. and Ladi, S. (2023), “Are Economic Adjustment Programmes implemented and are they resilient?” European Political Science,
- Ladi, S. and Wolff, S. (2021), “The EU Institutional Architecture in the Covid-19 Response: Coordinative Europeanization in times of Permanent Emergency”, Annual Review of the Journal of Common Market Studies, 59. 51: 32-43,
- Ladi, S., Angelou, A. and Panagiotatou, D. (2021), “Regaining Trust: evidence-informed policy making during the Covid crisis in Greece”, South European Society and Politics, DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2021.1983932
- Ladi, S. and Tsarouhas, D. (2020), "EU Economic Governance and Covid-19: Policy Learning and Windows of Opportunity”, Journal of European Integration, 42. 8: 1041-56,
- Wolff. S. and Ladi., S. (2020), “European Union Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Adaptability in Times of Permanent Emergency” Journal of European Integration, 42.8: 1023-40,
- Crespy, A. and Ladi, S. (2019), “In the Name of ‘the People’? Popular Sovereignty and the 2015 Greek Referendum”, Journal of European Integration, 41. 7: 871-885
- Ladi, S. and Tsagkroni V. (2019), “Analysing Crisis Parliamentary Discourse: Who should we Blame?”, Journal of Common Market Studies: 1-20, DOI: 10.1111/jcms.12873
- Ladi, S., Lazarou, E. and Hauck, J. (2018), “Brazilian Think-Tanks and the Rise of Austerity Discourse”, Policy & Society, 37. 2: 222-242. (available at:
- Ladi, S. and Tsarouhas, D. (2017),“The International Diffusion of Regulatory Governance: EU Actorness in Public Procurement” Regulation and Governance, 11: 388–403. (available at: https://doi:10.1111/rego.12163).
- Stone, D. and Ladi, S. (2015), “Global Public Policy and Transnational Administration”, Public Administration, 9. 4: 839-55 (available at
- Ladi, S., and Tsarouhas, D. (2014) “The Politics of Austerity and Public Policy Reform in the EU”, Political Studies Review, 12. 2: 171-80. (available at:
- Ladi S. (2014), “Austerity Politics and Administrative Reform: The Eurozone Crisis and its Impact upon Greek Public Administration” Comparative European Politics, 12.2: 184-208. (available at
- Tsarouhas, D. and Ladi, S. (2013), “Globalization and/or Europeanization? The Case of Flexicurity”, New Political Economy, 18. 4: 480-502 (available at
- Ladi, S. (2011), “Policy Change and Soft Europeanization: The Transfer of the Ombudsman Institution to Greece, Cyprus and Malta”, Public Administration, 89. 4: 1643-1663.
- Ladi, S. (2007), “The Role of Experts in Greek Foreign Policy” Hellenic Studies/ Etudes Helleniques, 15. 1: 67-84.
- Ladi, S. (2007), “Europeanization and Reforms of Environmental Policy in Greece”, Greek Political Science Review, 29: 40-60 (in Greek).
- Ladi, S. (2005), “Europeanization and Environmental Policy Change”, Policy and Society, 24. 2: 1-15.
- Ladi, S. (2005), “Policy Learning and the Role of Expertise in the Reform Process in Greece”, West European Politics, 28. 2: 279-296.
Chapters in edited books
- Ladi, S. and Lampropoulou, M. (2021), “Market Regulation via Independent Agencies in Post Crisis Greece”, in G. Alogoskoufis and K. Featherstone (eds.), Greece and the Euro: From Crisis to Recovery, Hellenic Observatory and The Fletcher School: 308-323
- Ladi, S. (2020), “Government Policy-Making” in K. Featherstone and D. Sotiropoulos (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 441-455.
- Ladi, S. (2019), “European Studies as a Tributary of Global Policy and Transnational Administration”, in D. Stone and K. Moloney (eds.), Oxford Handbook on Global Policy and Transnational Administration, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 293-309.
- Leoditsis, V. and Ladi, S. (2017), “The Changing Nature of Europeanization”, in E. Ongaro and S. Van Thiel (eds.), Public Administration and Public Management in Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave: 765-781.
- Stone, D. and Ladi, S. (2017), “Policy Analysis and Think Tanks in Comparative Perspective”, in M. Brans, I. Geva-May and M. Howlet (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Comparative Policy Analysis, London: Routledge: 324-340.
- Ladi, S. (2016), “Discursive Institutionalism, Problem Definition and the Consequences of Crisis for Agenda-Setting” in N. Zahariadis (ed.), Handbook of Public Policy Agenda Setting, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: 457-469.
- Ladi, S. and Graziano, P. (2014), “‘Fast-Forward’ Europeanization: Welfare State Reform in Light of the Eurozone Crisis”, in Coman, R., Kostera, Th. and Tomini, L. (eds.), Europeanization and EU Integration: From Incremental to Structural Change?, Basingstoke: Palgrave: 108-126.
- Ladi, S. (2012) “Rival Hypotheses of Europeanization: Comparing the Roles of the EU and BSEC in Good Governance Reforms” in Th. Exadaktylos και C. Radaelli (eds), Research Design in European Studies, Basingstoke: Palgrave: 221-36.
- Ladi, S. (2012), “The Greek Economic Crisis: A Trigger for Public Administration Reforms?” in P. Liargovas (ed.), Greece: Economics, Political and Social Issues, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc: 197-207.
- Ladi, S. (2011), “Think-Tanks, Discursive Institutionalism and Policy Change”, in G. Papanagnou (ed), Social Science and Policy Challenges, Paris: UNESCO: 205-220.
- Ladi, S. (2004) “Environmental Policy Transfer in Germany and Greece” in M. Evans (ed), Policy Transfer in Global Perspective, Aldershot: Ashgate: 79-92.
- Ladi, S. (2000), “Globalization, Think-Tanks and Policy Transfer” in D. Stone (ed.), Banking on Knowledge: The Genesis of the GDN, London: Routledge: 203-220.
Encyclopedia entries and bibliographies
- Ladi, S. and Spyropoulou, V. (2019), “Greek Crisis.” in P. James (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. New York: Oxford University Press,
- Ladi, S. (2011), “Think-Tanks” in B. Badie, D. Birg-Schlosser and L. Morlino (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Political Science, London: Sage.
Working papers-studies
- Ladi, S. and Thanopoulou, Ch. (2022), “Data, Research and Analysis for Policymaking”, Chapter 2 in EMM 2.0 Handbook, Foundations of Good Migration Governance and Management, Geneva: International Organization for Migration,
- Ladi, S., Panagiotatou, D., Angelou, A. and Gardiner, K. (2022), “The Role of Experts and Evidence-Informed Policies in the Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccine Rollout: Evidence from Sixteen Countries”, Report prepared in the framework of the projects “A global mapping of the use of expertise and evidence-informed policies in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic” (Research England, GPI, 2021) and “A global mapping of vaccination policies and the role of experts” (Research England, GPI, 2022), September, (
- Ladi, S., Panagiotatou, D. and Angelou, A. (2022), “The Greek Eco-system of Science For Policy”, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Brussels, (
- Angelou, A., Ladi, S. and Panagiotatou, D. (2021), “Evidence-informed Policies and Public Trust during the Covid-19 Pandemic”, IHSS Covid‐19 Working Group, no 4, QMUL,
- Sharma, N., Reddy, S., Clammer, J., Kostakos, G. and Ladi, S. (2021), “Implementing the SDGs in India: Poverty, Hunger and Gender”, Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS), March 2021,
- Moury, C., Ladi, S., Cardoso, D. and Gago, A. (2020), “Capitalising on External Constraint: Six Things you Should Know about Eurozone Bailouts”, 2020EUI RSCAS, 2020/95, Florence: European University Institute,
- Lampropoulou, M. and Ladi, S. (2020), “The Role and Performance of Independent Regulatory Agencies in Post-Crisis Greece?” GreeSE Paper No 145, Hellenic Observatory, LSE.
- Voss, E., Ladi, S. and Rego, R. (2015), Squaring the Circle: Innovations and Tools of Balancing Restructuring and Cost-Saving with longer Term Visions of Sustainable and High Quality Public Services, Final Report of the CEEP Project “Exchange of Practices between Leaders in Public Services”.
- Ladi, S. (2015), “Is it true that the Public Sector in Greece is unduly large?”, Crisis Observatory, Athens: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (in Greek).
- Ladi S. (2012), “The Eurozone Crisis and Austerity Politics: A Trigger for Administrative Reform in Greece?” GreeSE Paper No 57, Hellenic Observatory, LSE.
- Ladi, S. (2011), “Economic Crisis and Administrative Reform in Greece and Cyprus: Opportunities and Constraints”, Policy Paper 2, Nicosia: Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs, University of Nicosia (in Greek).
- Ladi. S. (2008), “Good Governance and Public Administration Reform in Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Member-States”, Xenophon Paper No 6, Athens: ICBSS.
- Ladi, S. (2006), “Globalization and Europeanization: Analysing Change” Working Paper 4, Barcelona: IBEI.
- Ladi, S. and Pop, D. (2005), Approaches to Measuring Capacity and Capacity-Building for Policy Research, Budapest: Center for Policy Studies, Central European University.
Grants, Contracts and Awards:
- Member of the team of the project “The Use of Expertise in Public Policy in Brazil”, Brazil Accelerator Fund II, FGV, FioCruz and QMUL, March-December 2023.
- Leader of the expert team for Greece for the “Country analysis on evidence-informed policymaking in Greece”, part of the project “Building capacity for evidence-informed policymaking in governance and public administration in a post-pandemic Europe” funded by DG Reform, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, February 2023-December 2022.
- Leader of the project “Global Mapping of Vaccination Policies and the Role of Experts”, Research England Policy Impact Funding, QMUL, 20/1/22-30/6/22.
- Member of the team of the project “Pandemic crisis, PA reform and public sector politicization: reversing or strengthening PA reform agendas? Evidence from Greece and Italy”, University of Padova, 2021-2023.
- Leader of the project “Global Government Approaches to Evidence in Combatting Covid-19”, Research England Quality-related Research Strategic Priorities Fund, Queen Mary, 4/12/20-31/3/21
- Member of the team of the project “Developing a Comprehensive Strategy against Racism, Intolerance and Hate Crime” in Greece, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission, 1/10/19-1/3/22
- Leader of the project “Implementing the SDGs in India: Poverty, Hunger and Gender”, Queen Mary Global Engagement Research Initiation Scheme, December 2019-26 June 2021.
- Member of the steering committee of the NEXTEUK Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence awarded at the Centre of European Research, Queen Mary University of London, 1/9/19 to 31/8/22
- Member of research team of the project “Democracy in Times of Crisis: Power and Discourse in a Three-Level Game”, Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology (Project ref: PTDC/IVC-CPO/2247/2014), 4/4/16-1/9/2019
Current Doctoral Students:
Jonas Decker, Legitimacy Considerations in the EU’s Delegation of Quasi-Regulatory Power
- Dyah Adi Sriwahyuni, ‘The introduction of knowledge management in tax administration: an institutional perspective analysis – a case study in the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes.’
PhD Supervision Completions:
- Dr Dimitra Panagiotatou, 'Why Political Goals are Difficult to Achieve in a Multi-level Governance System? The Formation, Implementation and Communication of EU Cohesion Policy in Selected European Regions'. (Awarded 2020).
Razvan Hoinaru, 'Financial reporting in Europe: Accounting for regulatory and technical challenges'.
Public Engagement
Media work
- Podcast on global challenges and public policy, National Centre of Social Research (EKKE), Athens, 28/4/24,
- Interview with Eleni Varvitsioti on non-state universities in Greece, Financial Times, 8/3/24,
- Podcast on evidence-informed policy making and public policy evaluation for the Hellenic Evaluation Society, 16/2/24,
- Radio Interview with Kalli Oikonomou at Radio SDW with Dimitra Panagiotatou and Angelos Angelou on Evidence-informed policy making in Greece and in Europe, 29/1/24,
- Interview with Eleni Stamatoukou on the Greek local elections, Balkan Insight, 6/10/23.
- Podcast on Science Advice in Greece for SAPEA, 19/9/23/,
- Interview with Eleni Varvitsioti on Tsipras’ resignation from SYRIZA leadership, Financial Times, 29/6/23
- Interview with Derek Gatopoulos on the entry of three far tight parties in the Greek Parliament, Associated Press, 25/6/23
- Interview with Eleni Varvitsioti on the May 2023 Greek elections, Financial Times, 4/6/23
- Interview with Nana Apergis on the May 2023 Greek elections, Politiken, 19/5/23,
- Podcast with Evi Kiorri on the May 2023 Greek elections, Euroactiv, 18/5/23,
- Interview with Eleni Kolliopoulou on the train accident and the forthcoming Greek elections, France 24, 10/3/23
- Interview with Periklis Vassilopoulos on the Greek edition of Capitalising on Constraint, First Radio Programme, ERT, Athens, 18/2/23 (from 00:59)
- Interview with Polydefkis Papadopoulos on the European Council conclusions (9-10 February 2023), First Radio Programme, ERT, Athens, 11/2/23,
- Roundtable on Davos: The Decline of Globalization, TRT, London, 1/2/23,
- Interview to Eleni Kolliopoulou on the forthcoming Greek elections, Le Figaro, 24/1/23
- Ladi, S., 7/1/23, “Parallel Employment for Academics”,
- Podcast for Synopsis on the most important events in 2022, Nicosia, 22/12/22, (in Greek)
- Interview to Xenia Tourki for the impact of Qatargate in EU Institutions, Fileleutheros, 18/12/22, (in Greek)
- Ladi, S., 14/12/22, “An important internationalisation tool for Greek universities”, Opinion article at Kathimerini, (in Greek)
- Panagiotatou, D., Ladi, S. and Angelou, A., 21/11/22, “Launching an Interactive Map on Covid-19 Vaccination Policies”,
- Russo, G. Ladi, S. and Zenner, D., 4/7/22, “Vaccine Hesitancy or Not? Acceptance of Covid-19 Vaccines is Surprising High in LMICs; Why does this Matter for other Vaccines? Blog at Global Policy Institute,
- Sharma, R., Reddy, S., Clammer, J., Kostakos, G., Ladi, S., 9/4/21, “Implementing the SDG in India: Poverty, Hunger and Gender”, article at Katoikos
- Interview with Mary Sinanidis on Greece’s management of the second wave of Covid-19, Neos Kosmos, 11/12/20
- Interview with Thomas Maresca on tourism and Covid-19 in Greece, UPI, 1/9/20
- Ladi, S., Gago, A., Moury, C. and Cardoso, D., 9/7/2020, “Coronavirus Recovery – Lessons from the Eurozone Crisis”, article at The Conversation
- Interview with Andrej Matisak on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, Pravda, 22/5/20
- Interview with Naomi O’Leary on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, The Irish Times, 19/5/20
- Interview with Jaime Gutierrez on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, RTVE, 7/5/20
- Interview with Alex Economou on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, Neos Kosmos, 4/5/20
- Interview with Joaquin Luna Morales on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, La Vanguardia, 3/5/20
- Interview with Foteini Sfakiotaki on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, TV Creta News Programme, 25/4/20, (from 1:20:04).
- Interview with Adrian Cochino on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, Libertatea, 24/4/20
- Interview with Billy Perrigo on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, The Time, 21/4/20
- S. Ladi, 17/4/20, “Greece: despite a decade of health cuts, coronavirus death rates appear comparatively low”, article at The Conversation
- Interview with Marina Rafenberg on coronavirus crisis management in Greece, Le Monde, 16/4/20
- S. Ladi, 13/4/20, “Regaining Trust: tackling the coronavirus in Greece”, LSE Blog
- Interview with Katy Fallon on Greece’s management of Covid-19, The Independent, 8/4/20
- Interview with Viviana Garcia on the negotiations after Brexit, EFE, 28/1/2020
- Interview with Yiannis Papadimitriou on the election of a new President of Democracy in Greece, Deutsche Welle Radio, 21/1/2020.