Dr Giuliano Maielli

Reader in Organisation Studies; Head of Department of Business and Society
Email: g.maielli@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 7442
Room Number: Room 4.13b, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Office Hours: Wednesday 10.00am - 12.00pm
- BUS350: New Product Development
- BUSM084: New Product Development and Business Ecosystems
Research Interests:
Giuliano Maielli’s research spans the fields of business history and organisation studies. His work focuses upon technological and organisational innovation through the analytical lens of “design hierarchies”, with a particular interest in path-dependence and path-creation as socio-organisational phenomena. Giuliano has published peer-reviewed academic papers on these topics, while his current research revolves around platform innovation dynamics, the internet of things and industry 4.0.
Centre and Group Membership:
Journal articles
- Armenia, S., Franco, E., Iandolo, F., Maielli, G., Vito, P. “Zooming in and out the landscape: Artificial intelligence and system dynamics in business and Management”. Technological Forecasting and Change (forth coming)
- Maielli, G., Oh, S.Y., Prevezer, M. (2022). “Matching boundaries of GVCs to boundaries of technological platforms: explaining geographical dispersion of innovation in value chains in the case of South Korea”. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Vol. 14, No.4 pp. 400-425. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTLID.2022.128927
- Maielli G. (2017) “Path-dependent product development and Fiat’s takeover of Lancia in 1969: meta-routines for design selection between synergies and brand autonomy”. Business History, Vol. 59 Issue 1, p.101-120.
- Maielli, G., & Haslam, C. (2016). "General motors: A financialized account of corporate behaviour 1909–1940". Accounting Forum. doi: 10.1016/j.accfor.2016.10.001
- Maielli, G. (2015). “Explaining Lock-in through the Concept of hegemony: Evidence from the Italian car industry”. Organisation Studies, Vol. 36(4) 491-511.
- L. Ciravegna, G. Maielli, (2011) Outsourcing of New Product Development and the Opening of innovation in mature Industries: A Longitudinal Study of Fiat During Crisis and Recovery, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p.69-93.
- G. Maielli, C. Booth, (2008) Counterfactual History, Management and Organisation: Reflections and New Directions, Management and Organisational History, 3(1):49-61
- G. Maielli, (2008) Counterfactuals, Superfactuals and the Problematic Relationship between Business Management and the Past, Management and Organisational History, 2(4): 275-294
- G. Maielli, (2006) History Undercover: The Problematic Relationship Between Business Management and the Past, Competition and Change, 10(4): 341-356, ISSN: 1024-5294
- G. Maielli, (2005) The Machine That Never Changed: Intangible Specialisation and Output-mix Optimisation at Fiat, 1960s-1990s, Competition and Change, 9(3):249-276, ISSN: 1024-5294
- G. Maielli, (2005) Spot Welding Technology and the Development of Robotics at Fiat, 1972-1987: A Case of Managerial Discontinuity? Business History, 47(1): 102-121, ISSN: 0007 6791
Books & chapters
- P. Clark, G. Maielli, In R. A. Roe, M. J. Waller, and S. R. Clegg (eds.), (2008) The Evolution of Strategic Timed-Space in Organisations: Theory and Research, Time in Organisational Research, Routledge: 255-275
- G. Maielli, In M. Moguen Toursel (ed.), (2007) Tariffs Removal and Output-mix Optimisation: The Case of Fiat
Firms Strategies and Public Policy in Integrated Europe (1950-1980): 142-163, PIE- Peter Lang
Grants, Contracts and Awards:
- Coleman Prize for the best PhD thesis in Business History for the year 2003. Thesis title: “Managerial Culture and Company Survival: Technological Change and Output-mix Optimisation at Fiat, 1960-1987”. Awarding Body: Association of Business Historians.
Current doctoral students:
Shabee UL Haq and Hafiza Sultana.
Past doctoral students:
2nd Supervisor
- Soo Jung Oh, 'What makes open innovation closed? - Focusing on the difference between R&D and supply networks'