Professor Lutao Ning is a Professor of International Business at Queen Mary, University of London. Previously he served as Director of International Learning at Queen Mary and was a Lecturer in International Business at Durham University. He holds a PhD degree from the University of Cambridge (Queens’ College), together with an MBA from the University of Liverpool and an MA from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He is an expert on Innovation, Foreign Direct Investment, and State Owned Enterprises. More about Lutao can be found at
Research Interests:
- Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Corporate governance and financial analysis
- International mergers and acquisitions
- Inward and outward foreign direct investment
- Spatial economics
- Chinese and East Asian business and economics
Research projects
- Foreign direct investment and local knowledge creation
- Innovation strategy of multinational enterprises
- Scientist/academic directors and firm innovation performance (corporate governance theme)
- Science & technology policy and firm performance
- Mobility of international talent and regional innovation
- Green innovation and finance
Centre and Group Membership:
Areas of Supervision Expertise:
Lutao welcomes prospective doctoral students, with strong quantitative research training (econometrics or survey analysis) or professional experience, and a strong desire to choose an academic career.
Students with excellent writing skills, or a background in economics, statistics, mathematics, computer science, engineering or geography are particularly welcome to apply.
Please send your CV and research proposal, outlining your research questions, motivations, methods, and possible data sources to:
Students without postgraduate degrees or previous research training are strongly recommended to study the MRes programme in International Business first and under Prof Ning’s supervision.
Research topics
- Foreign direct investment and local knowledge creation
- Innovation strategy of multinational enterprises
- Scientist/academic directors and firm innovation performance (corporate governance theme)
- Science & technology policy and firm performance
- Mobility of international talent and regional innovation
- Green innovation and finance
Current Doctoral Students:
1st Superviser
- Rui Guo, 'FDI Knowledge Spillovers and Local Firms Technological Upgrading: The Role of Overseas Returnees at the Industry Level.'
- Tiancheng Hu, 'The Institutional Effects on the Ownership-Performance Relationship of State-Owned Enterprises in Foreign Host Countries'
- Xuhong Xu, 'Public Sector Outside Directors and the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises in China'
PhD Supervision Completions:
- Dr Bayan Al-Sedais, 'Zero leverage and its impact on firm performance and operational variables, policies and structure'
- Dr Xin Pan, 'The impact of technological diversification on firm performance : mechanical, institutional and optimal distinctiveness views.' Awarded 2018
- Dr Wang Fan, 'FDI and technological upgrading in Chinese cities : externalities of foreign expansion process and industrial structures.' Awarded 2017
- Dr Jian Li, 'Regional innovation, inward FDI and industrial structure : a provincial and firm level study of China.' Awarded 2015. Now Assistant Professor at Hunan University.
- Dr Dennis De Widt, 'The intergovernmental dimension of local government financial stress: a comparative analysis of three European state systems.'Awarded 2015. Now Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University, UK.
Public Engagement
He was a visiting scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Science and Peking University. He provides advice to the research centre of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council of China.