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School of Business and Management

Professor Pietro Panzarasa


Professor of Networks and Innovation; Director of Graduate Studies; Director of MRes Programme

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6984
Room Number: Room 3.28c, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus




Pietro Panzarasa is Professor of Networks and Innovation. He is also Visiting Professor of Organisation Theory, Science of Science and Social Networks at IMT, School of Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy). Before joining QMUL, he held visiting positions at Columbia University (New York) and Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh), and was a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton (UK). He holds a PhD in Business Administration and Management from Bocconi University (Italy).

Pietro’s research is concerned with the structural foundations of social capital within networked communities. He draws on network science, computational social science and big data analytics to study the performance implications of social structure in complex large-scale networks. His most recent projects have examined how patterns and dynamics of interaction affect knowledge creation, innovation, creativity, urban gentrification and prosperity, patients’ well-being, and countries’ competitive advantage in global trade.

Pietro’s research has received financial support from a number of funding bodies, including the British Academy, the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Elsevier, EPSRC, the North East Thames Foundation School, and the Wellcome Trust. He has been Programme Committee member of various conferences (e.g., ICWSM, IC2S2), and currently serves as Review Editor of Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, and as Editorial Board member for Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory

His work has attracted the attention of policy-makers, and has resulted in collaborations with several industrial partners (AstraZeneca, Elsevier, HealthUnlocked, Thomson Reuters, Vodafone), public healthcare providers (Ireland’s Health Service Executive), charities (Asthma UK, British Lung Foundation), professional bodies (Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research, Royal College of Anaesthetists Royal College of Surgeons of England), governmental and intergovernmental organisations (Italian Trade & Investment Agency, United Nations).

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