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School of Business and Management

Dr Mayra Ruiz-Castro


Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Leadership




  • Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Leadership
  • Co-Director, Borderlines: An Interdisciplinary Research Collective
  • Member of Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity (CRED)
  • Member of Organisation Studies Research Group


Dr Mayra Ruiz-Castro is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Leadership at Queen Mary University of London, School of Business and Management. Before joining Queen Mary in September 2023, she worked at the University of Roehampton and Kingston University. Dr. Ruiz-Castro has an extensive international profile having worked in academia and the private sector in the UK, US, Germany, India and Mexico. In the US, she was a researcher at the Harvard Business School, a lecturer at Babson College and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Gender in Organizations (Simmons College) and Women’s Studies Research Center (Brandeis University). She holds a Ph.D. degree in Gender and Organizations from University College London.

Dr Ruiz-Castro’s research focuses on gender and intersectional inequality in work, organizations and households. She is interested in all aspects of the work-life experience. She examines how organizational practices, household dynamics, and identity influence people’s working and personal lives, career choices, and own sense of work-life balance and well-being.

Her research has been published in internationally leading journals, including Organization Studies, Work, Employment and Society, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Harvard Business Review, and Gender, Work and Organization.

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