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School of Business and Management

Dr Paula Serafini


Senior Lecturer in Creative and Cultural Industries; Programme Director MA Creative Industries and Arts Organisation.





Dr Paula Serafini holds a BA in Art History and Arts Management (Universidad del Salvador, Argentina), an MA in Anthropology and Cultural Politics (Goldsmiths) and a PhD in Social and Cultural Analysis (King’s College London). Prior to joining Queen Mary, she was a Research Associate at CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies at the University of Leicester. Dr Serafini’s work is in the field of cultural politics, and her research interests include extractivism, social movements and art activism, cultural labour, and socioecological transitions. Her research has been funded, among others, by the British Academy, and in 2023 her latest book Creating Worlds Otherwise received an honourable mention from the Visual Cultures Studies section of the Latin American Studies Association.  In addition to her academic work, Dr Serafini has over 20 years of experience working in and collaborating with the cultural sector. 

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