Dr Georg von Graevenitz

Reader in Quantitative Methods; Programme Director for MSc Business Analytics
Email: g.v.graevenitz@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6480
Room Number: Room 4.12, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Office Hours: Wednesday 10.30am - 11.30am
- Programme Director for MSc Business Analytics
- Member of the Department of Business Analytics and Applied Economics
- Research Area Lead for the LISS Doctoral Training Partnership
- BUSM147: Strategic Analysis
- BUSM160: Experiments for Business and Analytics
Research Interests:
Economics and Management of Innovation / Intellectual Property Rights Entrepreneurship / Empirical Industrial Organization, Competition Policy
My research focuses on intellectual property rights, innovation and entrepreneurship. I have been involved for some time in the development of empirical research involving trade mark data which were largely neglected by economists until very recently. Next to my research I provide analysis for national and international organizations.
Publications include papers on licensing in the semiconductor industry, measurement of patent thickets and entrepreneurship education. I have also worked on competition policy. My current research interests are on brand value, the interaction of R&D and marketing, the effects of intellectual property protection on competition, entrepreneurship education and business angels.
Advisory experience includes advising competition and regulatory authorities and international organizations (including European Commission, WIPO, EPO, IPO UK). My work spans a range of industries including social networking, the semiconductor and telecommunications industries, the pharmaceuticals industry, sports rights, trade fairs and the package tour industry with advice covering mergers, market investigations and the effects of patent and trade mark protection in Europe.
Outside of Queen Mary I am affiliated to the Centre for Competition Policy (CCP) at UEA, CREATe and the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre.
Centre and Group Membership:
- Member of the Centre for Globalisation Research (CGR)
Papers in journals with review processes
- Conflict Resolution, Public Goods and Patent Thickets, with S. Wagner and D. Harhoff, Management Science 62.3 (2016): 704-721.
- Conflict Resolution, Public Goods and Patent Thickets, with D. Harhoff, G. Graevenitz and S. Wagner, Academy of Management (2014)
- Trade Mark Cluttering - Evidence from EU Enlargement, Oxford Economic Papers (2013), Vol.65, Issue 3, Pages 721-745.
- Incidence and Growth of Patent Thickets - The Impact of Technological Opportunities and Complexity, with S. Wagner und D. Harhoff, Journal of Industrial Economics (2013), Vol. LXI, Issue 3, Pages 521-563.
- How to Measure Patent Thickets - A Novel Approach,with S. Wagner and D. Harhoff, Economics Letters (2011), Vol.111, Issue 1, Pages 6-9.
- The Effects of Entrepreneurship Education, with R. Weber and D. Harhoff, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2010), Vol.76, Issue 1, Pages 90-112.
- Jostling for Advantage or Not: Choosing between Patent Portfolio Races and Ex ante Licensing, with R. Siebert, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2010), Vol.73, Issue 2, Pages 225-245.
Chapters and monographs
- Innovation, Information and the Networked Economy , Unit 20 in The Economy with Wendy Carlin, Diane Coyle and Sam Bowles. The Economy is an open-access, interactive ebook-based course for anyone interested in learning about the economy and economics.
Working papers
- Does Online Search Predict Sales? Evidence from Big Data for Car Markets in Germany and the UK, with C. Helmers, V. Millot and O. Turnbull, CGR Working Paper No. 71
- Technology Entry in the Presence of Patent Thickets, with Bronwyn H. Hall and Christian Helmers
NBER Working Paper No. 21455. - How to Educate Entrepreneurs?, with R. Weber, Munich School of Management DP 2011-2, Reject and resubmit from Journal of Business Venturing.
Commissioned reports
- Cluttering and Non-Use of Trade Marks in Europe - commissioned by IPO UK, with R. Ashmead and C. Greenhalgh. (2015).
- A Study of Patent Thickets - commissioned by IPO UK, with B. Hall, C. Helmers and C. Rosazza-Bondibene. (2012).
- Trade Mark Cluttering: An Exploratory Report - commissioned by IPO UK, with C. Greenhalgh, C. Helmers and P. Schautschick (2012).
- The Strategic use of Patents and its Implications for Enterprise and Competition Policies - commissioned by DG Enterprise, European Commission, with B. Hall, D. Harhoff, S.Wagner, K. Hoisl, A. Gambardella and P. Giuri (2007).
- R script to download data from Google trends
Grants, Contracts and Awards:
- Assessing the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court - ESRC grant under Knowledge Exchange Opportunities, (P.I.), 2015-2016
Co-applicants: D. Zizzo, C. Hanretty; Partners: IPO UK, MPI IC and ZEW - Valuing Intangibles: Ranking Brands, Measuring Trade Mark Use - ESRC grant under the Google Data Analytics Social Science Research call, (P.I.), 2013-2014
Co-applicant: C. Helmers - ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at University College London (2002 – 2003)
Public Engagement
Professional Activities
In January 2022, I took up a role on the advisory board for a large grant program in Germany. This program is call T!Raum and it is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The main webpage for the program is in German.
President of the European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP) association (2014 - 2015) and local organizer of the 2014 conference
Outside the school: CCP, CREATe, OIPRC
CCP - http://competitionpolicy.ac.uk/people/faculty/georg-von-graevenitz
CREATe - http://www.create.ac.uk/team/create-fellows/
OIPRC - http://www.oiprc.ox.ac.uk/researchfellows.php