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School of Business and Management

Dr Chunling Xia


Senior Lecturer in Finance, Programme Director for MSc International Financial Management

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 3906
Room Number: Room 3.07, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Office Hours: Mondays at 10:00 -12:00 (Semester A for BUS149/149F) Tuesdays at 10:00 -12:00 (Semester A for BUSM072)




Dr. Chunling Xia is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at Queen Mary University of London. She graduated from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, with a BSc degree in Economics. She completed her MSc in Finance at Lancaster Management School and holds a PhD in Finance degree at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick.

Her research interests are mainly in the area of empirical corporate finance, especially mergers and acquisitions and insider trading. In particular, her recent research explores the reasons of M&A deal initiation, managers’ active participation, insiders’ trades in the target and acquiring firms, corporate payout policy, investor attention, and Chief Financial Officer.

She has published her papers in world-leading finance journals, including the Journal of Financial Analysis and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, British Journal of Management, European Financial Management, and International Review of Financial Analysis. She also presents her research papers every year in various academic venues. She has been invited as the referee for world-leading finance journals, including the Journal of Banking and Finance, European Journal of Finance, International Business Review, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Journal of Multinational Financial Management and Review of Behavioural Finance.

Before joining the Queen Mary University of London, she has experience in teaching finance courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Warwick Business School. She has passed the CFA level I in 2010.


Chunling Xia CV [PDF 163KB]


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