- Emeritus Professor of Accounting and Finance
Colin Haslam is an Emeritus Professor of Accounting and Finance at Queen Mary University of London. His research centres on financial reporting and business model viability. He has acted as technical advisor to European Financial Reporting Advisory Group European (EFRAG) disclosure project and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP/GHG) carbon-risk initiative. In 2019 giving evidence to the UK Government Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee investigation on the collapse of Carillion. He is currently working as Project Co-Reporter on a project on corporate capital maintenance informing changes to company law and accounting regulations for the European Institute for Law (ELI). He is involved with the Foundational Economy Collective and this group’s policy informing advisory work for the Welsh Government. Recently also advising Tower Hamlets Net Zero Carbon Partnership Action Plan.
Research Interests:
- Foundational Economy
- Financialization
- Carbon Accounting
My research focused on two main areas. First the impact of financial reporting regulations and standards on the financial viability of companies. This has resulted in a number of publications exploring the tension between the central objective of financial reporting that of delivering capital market efficiency versus the impact that financial reporting can have on the financial stability of companies (Haslam 2017). This has led to giving evidence on the Carillion collapse to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (2018). This research is continuing with an evaluation of the way in which financial reporting may not align with the original objectives of company limited liability (2018)
A second major project has been that of working with a team of academics based at Manchester University on the Foundational Economy (FE). Contributing a working paper to this project (2017) and also to a book: Foundational Economy (Manchester University Press, 2018) with a German translation due out in 2019. This work on the foundational economy is focussed on how can construct an understanding of the drivers of wellbeing and liveability. A working paper on these challenges has been submitted to the 2070 Commission (March 2019)
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee discusses the future of public sector outsourcing.
Centre and Group Membership:
- Member of the Accounting & Accountability Research Group (AARG)
- Haslam C ( 2019 ) . What should be the limits to limited liability? . Rethinking Britain Policy Ideas for the Many, Policy Press.
- Haslam, C, Johal, S, Law, J, Froud, J and Williams,K (2020) - Haslam, C, et al (2020) Against Hollow Firms: Repurposing The Corporation For A More Resilient Economy!/file/Against-Hollow-Firms.pdf
- Haslam, C et al (2019) Foundational Liveability: rethinking territorial inequalities’ published by UK2070 Commission.
- Haslam, C (2019). Towards Business Models Reporting for SMEs. New Models of Financing and Financial Reporting for European SMEs A Practitioner's View, Palgrave Macmillan
- Moran M, Williams K, Froud J et al. (2018). Foundational Economy: The infrastructure of everyday life. Manchester University Press (forthcoming).
- Haslam, C.J and Tsitsianis, N. (2018). Stress testing outsourcing companies used by the UK Government. Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (House of Commons) Carillion Enquiry
- Haslam C.J, Tsitsianis N, Andersson T et al. (2018). Accounting for decarbonisation and reducing capita at risk in the S&P500. Accounting Forum 1016/j.accfor.2018.01.004
- Haslam, C. J., Tsitsianis., & Katechos. (2017). Stress testing the adoption of Fair Value Accounting (FVA): Fragility and instability in financialized firms. In R. Roslender (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Critical Accounting - Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting. Routledge.
- Haslam, C. J. (2016). Accountancy, Finance and Banking: The Global Reach of the Professions. In M. Dent, I. Bourgeault, D. Jean-Louis, & E. Kuhlmann (Eds.). Routledge.
- Haslam, C.J., Bowman, A., Froud, J., Williams, K., Leaver, A. (2015). What a waste: Outsourcing and how it goes wrong. K. Williams, S. Johal, & J. Froud (Eds.), Manchester University Press.
- Haslam C. J. (2014). Business Models. Routledge.
- Haslam, C.J Andersson, T., Tsitsianis, N., & Yin, Y. P. (2012). Redefining Business Models. Routledge.
- Haslam C, Biondi Y ( 2020 ) . Rebalancing company law and regulation for capital maintenance. European Company Law. International Collaboration.
- Calafati L, Froud J, Haslam C, Johal S, Williams2 K ( 2020 ). Diversity in leading and laggard regions: living standards, residual income and regional policy . Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. 10.1093/cjres/rsaa027. International Collaboration.
- Haslam C ( 2020 ). Unreliable accounts: How regulators fabricate conceptual narratives to diffuse criticism – A response to Karthik Ramanna. Accounting Economics and Law - A Convivium vol. 0 , ( 0 )
- Haslam C, Johal S, Froud J, Williams K ( 2020 ) . (How) does productivity matter in the foundational economy?. Local Economy 10.1177/0269094220956952.
- Haslam, C and Biondi, Y (2020) Company capital management: Safeguarding financial resilience for sustainability. Journal of European Company Law
- Haslam, C., Johal, S., Froud, J and Williams, K. (2020) [How] does productivity matter in the foundational economy? Local Economy
- Haslam, C., Calafati, L.,, Froud, J., Johal, S., and Williams, K (2020). Diversity in leading and laggard regions: living standards, residual income and regional policy. Cambridge Journal and Regions Economy and Society
- Haslam, C (2020) Unreliable accounts : How regulators fabricate conceptual narratives to diffuse criticism: a response to Karthik Ramanna. Accounting, Economics and Law
- Haslam, C., Calafati, L.,, Froud, J., Johal, S., and Williams, K (2020). Serious About Green? Building a Welsh wood economy through co-ordination, Report.
- HASLAM CJ, Biondi Y, Artenne A(2018). The Current Challenges for EU Company and Financial Law and Regulation. Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium vol. 8, (3) 1-12. doi: 1-12. 1515/ael-2017-0064
- Haslam C.J., (2017). Rethinking Financial Reporting: Reinstating the Social License of Limited Liability. Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium. doi: 10.1515/ael-2017-0046
- Haslam C.J., (2017). International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Stress Testing in Financialized Reporting Entities. Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium vol. 7, (2) 93-109. doi: 10.1515/ael-2017-0016
- Haslam C, TSITSIANIS N, Theodosopoulos G et al. (2017). Accounting for voluntary hospices in England: A business model perspective. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. doi: 1016/
- Maielli, G., & Haslam, C. (2016). General motors: A financialized account of corporate behaviour 1909–1940. Accounting Forum. doi: 10.1016/j.accfor.2016.10.001
- Haslam, C. J., Tsitsianis, N., Hoinaru, R., Katechos, G., & Andersson, T. (2015). Stress Testing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Accounting for Stability and the Public Good in a Financialized World. Accounting, Economics and Law - A Convivium. doi: 10.1515/ael-2015-0006
- Haslam, C. J., Tsitsianis, N., Andersson, T., & Gleadle, P. (2015). Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS): A new business model in the FTSE100. Accounting Forum. doi: 10.1016/j.accfor.2015.10.003
- Haslam, C. J., Tsitsianis, N., Andersson, T., & Gleadle, P. (2015). Accounting for Business Models: Increasing the Visibility of Stakeholders. Journal of Business Models, 3(1), 62-80. doi: 10.5278/ojs.jbm.v3i1.1066
- Haslam, C. J., Andersson, T., Lee, E., Yin, Y. P., & Theodosoplous, G. (2014). Accounting for the financialized UK and US national business models. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Online only, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/
- Haslam, C. J., Butlin, J., Andersson, T., Malamatenios, J., & Lehman, G. (2014). Accounting for carbon and reframing disclosure: A business model approach. Accountng Forum, 38(3), 200-211. doi: 10.1016/j.accfor.2014.04.002
- Haslam, C. J., Gleadle, P., & Yin, Y. P. (2014). Critical Accounts and Perspectives on Financialization. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. doi: 10.1016/
- Haslam, C. J., Andersson, T., Tsitsianis, N., & Yin, Y. P. (2013). Apples Financial Success: The Precariousness of Power Exercised in Global Value Chains. Accounting Forum, 37(4), 268-279. doi: 10.1016/j.accfor.2013.05.001
- Haslam, C. J., Gleadle, P., & Yin, P. (2012). Critical accounts and perspectives on financialization. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 25(1), 1-4. doi: 10.1016/
- Haslam, C. J., & Haslam, C. (2012). The Private Equity Business Model: On terra firma or shifting sands?. Accounting Forum, 36(1), 27-37. doi: 10.1016/j.accfor.2012.01.002
Public Engagement
Media work
- BBC Radio 4. ' Private Equity: Winners and Losers', 5th November 2015
- The Guardian. 'iPhone5s: has Apple given up on innovation?' 16th September 2015
- Welsh Government advisory reports on Foundational Economy (published and accepted as informing policy).
- Small Towns, Big Issues: independent research report.
- What can Welsh Government do to increase the number of grounded SME firms in food processing and distribution? (Awaiting Approval)
- Advisor to Tower Hamlets - Net Zero Carbon Partnership Action Plan
- European Law Institute (ELI) Vienna. Rapporteur for the Special Interest Group (SIG) project.
- Corporate Sustainability, Financial Accounting and Share Capital.