Hyunjung Kim

Email: h.kim@qmul.ac.uk
Project description
My PhD project is to investigate how environmental and labour governance intersect with the global value chain governance in the contexts of Korean and Taiwan distant water fisheries. The research in particular focuses on the political-economic dynamics of multi-scalar engagements by stakeholders including states, corporations, and non-governmental organisations in solving environmental and labour problems in transnational value chain governance.
1st Supervisor: Dr Liam Campling
2nd Supervisor: Dr Elena Baglioni
I am a PhD candidate at the School of Business and Management. I am interested in environmental decline and intense labour exploitation in natural resource industry.
I hold a MAs in gender and development from University of Sussex in the UK, a BAs with honours in international development studies from York University in Canada, and a BAs in Sociology and Philosophy at Yonsei University in South Korea.
Centre and Group Membership
- Member of the Centre on Labour and Global Production (CLGP)