Saeide Jamshidpour Poshtahani

Education and Background:
I hold the B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran (Iran) on the undergraduate full scholarship and I graduated as the best student amidst 116 students with a GPA of 18.61/20. In the third and fourth year of my Bachelor education, I did the project which was about modeling and optimizing a bi-level r-interdiction median problem considering the severity of the attack and the possibility of demand share using metaheuristic algorithms. Based on my interest towards Optimization, Operations Research and Sustainability, I spent the third and last year of my BSc (as an apprentice) cooperating in a project managed by municipality to elevate the efficiency of transportation system and infrastructure to surmount the problem of traffic jams especially during the peak hours. I hold the M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering (Systems Optimization) from Kharazmi University of Tehran (Iran) on the postgraduate full scholarship with a GPA of 18.20 out of 20. My thesis was about modeling and optimizing a bi-objective vendor managed inventory in a two-echelon supply chain with EPQ, green condition, stochastic programming approach and discount policy using MODM approaches, MINLP exact algorithms and metaheuristic algorithms. During my education, I was selected to serve as a teacher’s assistant in several fields, including Operations Research, Engineering Economics as well as Statistical Quality Control.
Taking into account the development of human civilization and increased consumption of resources, there has been a phenomenal increase in the waste of different resources around the globe. Moreover, the rapid growth of industry has threatened the natural environment. For these reasons, a
major issue that needs to be heeded is the sustainability concept. Designing sustainable closed-loop supply chain networks would contribute to minimizing the negative environmental impact, maximizing the profits of the network and improving the social impact through recycling, repairing and remanufacturing processes. Sustainable supply chain management has grown rapidly in recent decades and has received much attention from both scholars and practitioners. Although a significant number of studies have been done in the concept of Sustainability in supply chain, the development of quantitative social indicators and methods for social impact assessment integrated with their environmental and economic counterparts is rare. This deficiency is both in strategic and tactical supply chain optimization. Thus, the definition and the implementation of effective measurements are main challenges in Sustainability. Aside from a few marketing initiatives, most companies are reluctant to integrate all three pillars of sustainability towards circular economy since they believe it is costly and risky. As a result, it is important to formulate mathematical models to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and to show the efficiency, productivity and risk-free transformation of it. Therefore, the dissertation aims to model and optimize Sustainable Closed Loop Supply Chain network models by integrating all sustainability dimensions including minimizing total costs, harmful environmental influences and destructive social effects together with reducing waste in order to link among ecosystems, society and economy in order to move towards Circular Economy. Moreover, both strategic and tactical responses are considered for corporate sustainability. Besides, In the recent literature, researchers proposed a different promotional approach to maximize the collection rate of used products by elevating the consumers’ willingness to return their unused products. As opposed to the literature, in my dissertation, discount policy based on the quality of returned products will be investigated.
Professor Brigitte Granville
Dr Eun-Seok Kim
Dr Guven Demirel
Papers in International / National Journals
• Jamshidpour Poahtahani, S. & Pasandideh, S.H.R. (2020). "Optimizing a bi-objective vendor-managed inventory of multiproduct EPQ model for a green supply chain with stochastic constraints", Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, January 2020, pp. 1-34.
• Jamshidpour Poahtahani, S. & Pasandideh, S.H.R, Mahmoodjanloo, M. (2021). "Addressing a multi-product EPQ model in the green vendor-managed inventory problem considering stochastic constraints", Applied Soft Computing, (under review).
• Jamshidpour Poahtahani, S. & Pasandideh, S.H.R. (2021). Optimizing a bi-objective multi-product vendor-managed inventory in a two-echelon supply chain with green condition, discount policies and stochastic constraints using outer approximation algorithm, Computers & Industrial Engineering, (under review).
Presented Papers in International Conferences
• Jamshidpour Poshtahani, S. & Pasandideh, S.H.R, "Modeling and optimizing a bi-objective vendor-managed inventory in a two-echelon supply chain based on economic production quantity model with environmental approach, considering stochastic programming", The 11th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research, Kermanshah, Iran, 2-4 May, 2018.
• Mahmoodjanloo, M., Jamshidpour Poshtahani, S. & Niazipour, S, " A bi-level r-interdiction median model considering the severity of the attack and the possibility of demand share", The 10th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research, Babolsar, Iran, 2-4 May, 2017.
Referee for
Computers & Industrial Engineering - Journal - Elsevier (CAIE)
• Took part in the training workshop of Machine Learning with Python held Online in 2020.
• Took part in Industrial engineering software and Programming Languages training workshops held at the University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran in 2014.
• Participated in the Congress of "Communication with Industry and stabilizing occupations" held by entrepreneurship and communication with Industry Center of University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran in 2014.
• Participated in the ISO 9001 workshop held at the University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran in 2013.
Workshops at QMUL
• Took part in “Research Writing Workshops for Humanities and Social Sciences - Group A” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 4 October - 13 December.
• Participated in “Planning for an academic career (For PhDs and Postdocs)” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 09/11/2021.
• Participated in “Working With Your Supervisor Workshop” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 05/11/2021.
• Participated in “Building confidence as a researcher through embodied practices Workshop” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 01/11/2021.
• Participated in “Professional Writing for Global Workplace” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 5 October- 2 November.
• Participated in “Presenting Your Research to an Audience (Workshop)” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 28/10/2021.
• Participated in “Mindmapping for Researchers” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 21/10/2021.
• Participated in “QM Careers: CVs and Applications for Jobs Outside Academia” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 13/10/2021.
• Participated in “QM Careers: Year 1 PGR Induction - Opportunities for Development” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 28/09/2021.
• Participated in “Year 1 PGR Induction - The PGR Process” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 27/09/2021.
• Participated in “Year 1 PGR Induction - Welcome to Queen Mary” at Queen Mary University of London, Online, 27/09/2021.