Diary of Events
Writer in Residence | Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations
27 January 2020
Karen Köhler reads from her work. In Miroloi, a village on an island with burdensome traditions and laws is described by a protagonist who is not an accepted member of the small community. This foundling – who is as yet unnamed – is subject to the village’s rules, but does not enjoy any of its privileges. At least not officially – the young woman learns to read and write even though this is strictly forbidden for women.
14 November 2018
Writer-in-Residence Judith Kuckart reads from her works
The Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations welcomed Writer-in-Residence Judith Kuckart to the Centre in the autumn of 2018. Judith Kuckart is a German dancer, choreographer, director and author. Her works range from plays to radio plays and from novels to stories. In the past, the author cooperated with other colleagues like fine artists, so that another layer was added to her keenly observant and precise formulated narrations.
23 October 2017
Writer-in-Residence Daniela Danz reads from her works
Danz has written poetry, prose, essays and children’s literature. Besides that she collaborates with composers; a number of her works have been set to music, as well as translated into other languages. In her work she experiments with classical forms and antique subject-matter, such as the epics of Homer or the Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
19 January 2015
An Evening with our Writer in Residence Thomas Meinecke [PDF 72KB], Discussion on issues of Translation and bilingual Reading, in co-operation with the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus
Frances Bancroft 3.15, 5pm.
Poster here [PDF 131KB].
25 November 2013
CAGCR Writer in Residence Kristof Magnusson, Public Reading and Discussion on issues of Translation, in co-operation with the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus.
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6pm.
Directions here. Poster here [PDF 180KB].
14 October 2013
Gregor Sander and Kristof Magnusson, CAGCR Writers in Residence, Public Reading in co-operation with the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus.
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6pm.
Directions here.
25 February 2013
Sudabeh Mohafez, CAGCR Writer in Residence, Public Reading in co-operation with the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus.
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm.
Directions here.
10 October 2012
CAGCR Writer in Residence 2009 Angela Krauß im Gespräch:
Das im Leben verborgene Gedicht.
Mile End Campus, Francis Bancroft Building, Room 426, 11am - 1pm. No direct access from Mile End Road but via Westfield Way. Number 30 (not 31) on our campus map [PDF 945KB].
12 March 2012
David Wagner, CAGCR Writer in Residence, Public Reading in co-operation with the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus.
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm.
27-29 February 2012
Reading and workshop by the CAGCR Writer in Residence David Wagner at the University of Aberdeen (cooperation with the University of Aberdeen).
8-10 February 2012
Reading and lecture by the CAGCR Writer in Residence David Wagner in Magdalene College, University of Cambridge (cooperation with the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College).
1 December 2010
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Kai Weyand in St. Hilda's College, St. Hilda's College, University of Oxford (cooperation with the University of Oxford, St. Hilda' College).
25 November 2010
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Kai Weyand in Magdalene College, University of Cambridge (cooperation with the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College).
15 November 2010
Kai Weyand, CAGCR Writer in Residence, Public Reading from his novel Schiefer eröffnet spanisch (with Q&A Session).
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm
27 October 2010
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Kai Weyand at the University of Aberdeen (cooperation with the University of Aberdeen)
05 December 2009
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Matthias Politycki at a literary salon organised in conjunction with Peirene Press with translator Anthea Bell and Rosie Goldsmith (BBC)
30 November 2009
Jan Böttcher, CAGCR Writer in Residence, Public Reading from his novel Nachglühen
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm
12 November 2009
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Jan Böttcher in Magdalene College, University of Cambridge (cooperation with the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College).
29 October 2009
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Matthias Politycki in Magdalene College, University of Cambridge (cooperation with the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College).
08 October 2009
Matthias Politycki, CAGCR Writer in Residence, Public Reading from his newly published book Jenseitsnovelle
Arts Lecture Theatre, 6:30pm
25 March 2009
Postgraduate Workshop with CAGCR Writer in Residence Angela Krauß on her newly published collections of poems Ich muss mein Herz üben
Physics Building, Room 602, 4:00-7:00pm
2 March 2009
Public Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Angela Krauß
Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm
2 December 2008
Public Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Björn Kern, chaired by Rebecca Morrison (New Books in German).
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm
27 November 2007
CAGCR Writer in Residence Angelika Overath , Public Reading from her novel Nahe Tage (with Q&A Session).
Arts Lecture Theatre, 6:30pm
22 November 2007
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Angelika Overath in Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, 5pm. (cooperation with the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College).
22 November 2007
CAGCR Writer in Residence Angelika Overath will give a talk entitled "Warum ich Reporterin bin, auch wenn ich Romane schreibe. Kleiner Ausflug durch die Genres Essay, Reportage, fiktionale Prosa" in Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, 10am. (cooperation with the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College).
1 March 2007
CAGCR Writer in Residence Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Public Reading from her novel Consummatus (with Q&A Session).
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm
15 February 2007
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Sibylle Lewitscharoff in Magdalene College, University of Cambridge (cooperation with the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College).
8 February 2007
Reading by the CAGCR Writer in Residence Sibylle Lewitscharoffin Lincoln College, University of Oxford (cooperation with the University of Oxford).
29 March 2006 - 19 April 2006
Creative Writing Workshop with CAGCR Writer in Residence Michael Wildenhain.
9 March 2006
Reading by CAGCR Writer in Residence Michael Wildenhain in Lincoln College, University of Oxford (cooperation with the University of Oxford).
7 March 2006
CAGCR Writer in Residence Michael Wildenhain, Public Reading from his novel Russisch Brot (2005), and a selection from his other works.
13 December 2005
Reading and discussion with CAGCR Writer in Residence Terézia Mora on the topic 'Zeitenwende: Der Einfluss von 1989 auf das ästhetische Verständnis einer ganzen Autorengeneration' at the annual conference of the German DAAD Lektoren in the UK and Ireland.
8 December 2005
Public Reading and discussion with CAGCR Writer in Residence Terézia Mora on the topic 'Die Dichterin in ihrer Zeit – Zeitenwende: 1989 und 9/11 und ihr Einfluss auf das ästhetische Verständnis einer ganzen Autorengeneration'.
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm
6 December 2005
Public reading by CAGCR Writer in Residence Terézia Mora from her novel Alle Tage, 2004.
George Steiner Room, Lockkeeper’s Cottage, 6:30pm