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Careers and Enterprise

Jorge del Bosque

Hear Jorge tell his story about becoming an entrepreneur and founding Nanu below...

If you would prefer to read Jorge's story, the transcript of his interview is below...


Can you briefly introduce yourself and describe your current business?

I'm Jorge, the founder of Nanu Cognitive Performance, the AI-powered platform that upskills leaders and teams in the flow of work. I hold a Master's degree in Management & Business Innovation (2017) and a PhD in Computational Linguistics (2022) from Queen Mary University of London. I've been immersed in the corporate Learning and Development sector for over a decade.

What problem does Nanu address?

We're tackling employee turnover, a problem costing the US economy alone over a trillion dollars. When employees leave, it results in overwork, conflicts, knowledge loss to competitors, and missed sales opportunities, all of which harm business performance. Gallup reports that 50% of employees leave due to their managers' lack of essential leadership skills — the ability to listen, support, and effectively lead their teams. Our AI-powered platform addresses this by tracking and evaluating leadership skills and company values in online meetings, providing personalized feedback to leaders and teams.

How did you come up with the business idea?

During my PhD, I studied the philosophy of language and linguistic theories, and it was revealing to realise that when we speak, we're actually doing things; we do "speech acts". We make promises, acknowledge, thank, support, ask and respond to questions and all sorts of stuff. This led me to wonder: if our speech is action, could AI be used to help leaders reflect on and improve the impact of their actions? That was the origin of the idea of the Nanu app.

What inspired your entrepreneurship journey at Queen Mary?

Entrepreneurship has always been a part of who I am, Even before my time at Queen Mary, I had founded four startups, two of them in the B2B software space. My experiences at Queen Mary, including participating in hackathons and courses on intellectual property and entrepreneurship, were crucial. Being part of Cohort IV of Conception X, a deep-tech startup incubator for PhD students, was instrumental in evolving my initial ideas into what Nanu is today. London's role in societal and technological advancements, especially in AI and diversity, equity, and inclusion, further inspired Nanu.

What were your initial goals, and how have they evolved?

Initially, my goal was to transition from a PhD student to a startup founder. A significant challenge was securing a start-up visa as an international student in the UK. Raising funding was another hurdle, as my student visa restricted commercial activities. These challenges, along with typical startup struggles like building a team, releasing a product, and acquiring customers, shaped my journey.

How do you cope with fear and doubt?

I rely on being disciplined with wellbeing practices like mindfulness, positive journaling, and readings in positive psychology. Staying physically active through running, cycling, and swimming and maintaining connections with family and friends are vital for optimal mental health. I firmly believe in nurturing the body to support the mind and, in turn, the spirit.

How has your entrepreneurship contributed to positive social change?

Our mission at Nanu is to cultivate better people and workplaces. I envision a world where leaders harness positive emotions instead of negative leadership traits. This approach fosters creativity, initiative, and improved team and business performance, all while ensuring a happy workplace. Seeing employees eager to return to work, grow, and help others is my inspiration and the essence of Nanu's success. Hearing from customers about Nanu's positive impact is incredibly fulfilling.

What advice would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs?

I advise students and graduates to invest in developing critical thinking skills and find their mission. Prioritize your well-being and consider what makes you truly happy and fulfilled. Be cautious of misinformation and fleeting trends. Always think long-term about the impact of your actions on your family, coworkers, community, and the world. Ask yourself: does humanity need what I'm creating? Is it a force for good? This mindset is crucial for a long-term, fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial journey.


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