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Careers and Enterprise

The Aspire programme

Aspire is Queen Mary’s career development programme, consisting of work experience opportunities designed for the different stages of your career journey. Have a look at each scheme below and see which one is the best fit for you!


Explore career ideas with a mentor from the Queen Mary alumni community or a UK-based professional.
Students listening to a speaker at an office


Gain insight into different companies and roles to discover what’s out there and what might suit you.
Group of students working on a project

Student Consultancy Project

Work in a team with other Queen Mary students on a real-life consultancy project, gaining skills for future work/study applications.
A group of students sat at a table doing some group work

Micro Internships

Build skills by working on a short internship with a business, charity or social enterprise.


An Enterprise bootcamp designed to develop your entrepreneurial skill and mind set in just 3 days.


A high-impact development programme that provides a testing ground for early-stage projects.
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