CCLS Indonesia Chapter

Throughout 2021 the CCLS Indonesia Chapter successfully managed to organise a number of important events namely:
- Benchmarking the Indonesian Legal and Regulatory Practices in PPP with the International Legal and Regulatory Best Practices
- The readiness of Indonesian stakeholders towards implementation of the upcoming Personal Data Protection Law in Indonesia
- Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on Drafting of Government Regulation on Post, Telco, & Broadcasting
- FGD on Drafting of Government Regulation on Sovereign Wealth Fund
- FGD on Drafting of Government Regulation on Sanction for Breaching Competition Law
In organising these events, the committee successfully invited important figures in their field to be the speaker and attracted a significant number of audiences. Of note, the Public Private Partnerships (PPP) event was the event with the highest number of attendees with 197 members of the community registered for the event, out of which, 118 attended.
Indonesia is currently prioritising infrastructure development, which needs a significant amount of money. According to the latest data from the National Planning Board, Indonesia requires at least IDR 6500 Trillion (GBP 325 Billion) where the government only can afford to fund 40%, 20% will be taken care of by the State-Owned Enterprises and the rest will rely on private investments. Hence, distributing knowledge on PPP will definitely help develop an understanding of how important this scheme is for Indonesia's sustainable development. The event showed not only the success stories but also the challenges that needs to be taken into consideration. The event gave a balanced point of view. The audience learned a lot and showed their enthusiasm as proven by those who attended. It is hoped that this event can contribute positively to Indonesian PPP practices.
The CCLS Indonesia Chapter organised regular meetings with its members and aimed to have regular networking which took place online. It is aimed that the committee will hold regular events offline when it becomes safe to do so. Furthermore, the committee is always keen to attract new alumni to be in the committee to support its programmes as part of the agenda to have an inclusive community.
In 2022, the committee plan to organise at least four webinars and one physical activity (subject to the pandemic situation). One of the aims is to encourage those who wish to study in the UK to study at QMUL, and in particular, CCLS. In doing so, the committee will contact the British Council and other institutions that help students who want to study in the UK.
Further Information
- Watch the webinar on Legal and Regulatory Practices in Public Private Partnership (PPP).
- Watch the Focus Group Discussion on Drafting of Government Regulation on Post, Telco and Broadcasting.
- Join CCLS Indonesia Chapter on LinkedIn.
- Discover more about the CCLS Indonesia Chapter.